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Confession is good for the soul…….

Nov 27, 2021
Lebanon, TN
……. or so they say. 😂😂😂😂😂

I didn't want to bog down the kill thread, but I had a very interesting morning.

Got up at 3:30 so I could get in early enough as I was going in blind. Had studied the map and thought I found a good elevation line to check. Got a mile and a quarter in and ran across a hot oak tree. Decided to set up there. I was originally wanting to go a mile and a half.

Beautiful morning in His creation. Got set up and waited for daylight. Had thermal bottoms on but just a t-shirt on top. Nothing but squirrels, and there were a ton of them. Acorns were dropping like crazy.

About 7:30 the wind shifted just like I needed it to. I was finally starting to get cold, but I didn't want to take my jacket out.

About 8 I was getting antsy and started the 'ol "Wait 5 more minutes." game my daddy taught me years ago. When you're ready to get down, "Wait 5 more minutes."

I had been "waiting 5 more minutes" for about a half hour. I wasn't paying too much attention and was about to lose the 5 minute game.

I looked up and she caught me by surprise. I reached up and grabbed my bow. She was in the exact spot I needed her. She went behind a tree and I was able to move my bow over to the off side. She went behind another tree and I was able to draw. She was at 25 yards. I put my pin on her and squeezed my release.

WHAP! I don't know how to describe the sound she made. It was like a bellow, and she fell straight down. It all happened so fast. I knew what had happened, but I've never had it happen to me before.

I guess my arrow hit a twig, or a sapling, or, most probably, I pulled the shot and hit her in the spine right above the back of her ribs.


I grabbed another arrow and hit her again, shooting through scrubs this time and hitting her about where my thumb is in this picture. I grabbed a third arrow, and by now I'm just trying to get a good shot on her to dispatch her.

I guess I skipped the third arrow off of the dirt. I found it after field dressing her about 50 yards behind her.


I only had 1 arrow left. She had finally dropped her head. She was bleeding pretty good from the first and second shot. Those Tooth of the Arrow broad heads don't play! I decided to get down, I was only 2 sticks up, and walk up to her and dispatch her. That's the "good shot" in the picture.


It's times like this that I remember the reason I never wanted to bow hunt over the years. I don't mean to cause suffering when taking game that God blesses me to take. That being said, I really enjoy bow hunting. Getting in there where it gives them a fighting chance!

All in all I am thankful for the hunt and harvest! God blessed our family with provision and we won't have to go to the store to buy meat as much.


On a side note, I was able to enjoy another memory of my daddy. I miss him in these times. When he passed back in 2000 mama and my sister gave me his 22 revolver.


He's not here, but his memory was tangible this morning. I miss him.

Thanks for letting me share and "confess". 😂

Thank y'all for being here to listen and just be here. This place really is a special place!

Hope everyone has a great season! I hope to shoot truer next time, should He tarry and give me another opportunity!
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Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on the doe. Don't beat yourself up, it can happen to anyone of us. Reminds me of the time my brother-in-law took five shots to finish off a spike. Thing was, he only went to the woods with three arrows.... We still kid him about that.

And I miss my Dad too buddy. All the time, but especially in the fall. If he wasn't with me hunting, he was always the first call I made after killing one. He wanted to know every detail. And he was always so proud.
Thanks for sharing. Congratulations on the doe. Don't beat yourself up, it can happen to anyone of us. Reminds me of the time my brother-in-law took five shots to finish off a spike. Thing was, he only went to the woods with three arrows.... We still kid him about that.

And I miss my Dad too buddy. All the time, but especially in the fall. If he wasn't with me hunting, he was always the first call I made after killing one. He wanted to know every detail. And he was always so proud.
I want to hear the story. Did he pull 2 arrows back out of that sucker and shoot again?

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