Well-Known Member
turf08":12fhamhl said:I love "fanning". This is how I kill most of my turkeys. I done it before they started making gun attachments. I also watched that video someone posted about fanning and killing a person. If you have ever seen a turkey walk through mile high grass before in full strut, then I would say to you sir wake up and stop dreaming. It will NEVER happen. On a second note, if you can not tell the difference between a person crawling with a fake turkey or "fan" then you need to sell your gun, stay out of the woods and on the couch.
After a several decades hunting turkeys I have seen them come through pretty much everything imaginable. From water they waded through up to their wings, grass so thick and tall I could hardly get through it, rock hop up cliffs, push through briars that would turn around even the toughest bunny. My point is that you stating a turkey won't do X is the exact thing that makes this style so freaking dangerous.
Sadly there are hunters that just assume turkeys will only do this, this, and this, and will never do this. It's how mistakes happen and lives are lost or ruined.
The naivety that some people have is simply astonishing. Turkey hunting is dangerous enough as is, why even risk making it more dangerous by literally hiding your face behind one of the key indicators of your prey?