Fanning, reaping,....

turf08":12fhamhl said:
I love "fanning". This is how I kill most of my turkeys. I done it before they started making gun attachments. I also watched that video someone posted about fanning and killing a person. If you have ever seen a turkey walk through mile high grass before in full strut, then I would say to you sir wake up and stop dreaming. It will NEVER happen. On a second note, if you can not tell the difference between a person crawling with a fake turkey or "fan" then you need to sell your gun, stay out of the woods and on the couch.

After a several decades hunting turkeys I have seen them come through pretty much everything imaginable. From water they waded through up to their wings, grass so thick and tall I could hardly get through it, rock hop up cliffs, push through briars that would turn around even the toughest bunny. My point is that you stating a turkey won't do X is the exact thing that makes this style so freaking dangerous.

Sadly there are hunters that just assume turkeys will only do this, this, and this, and will never do this. It's how mistakes happen and lives are lost or ruined.

The naivety that some people have is simply astonishing. Turkey hunting is dangerous enough as is, why even risk making it more dangerous by literally hiding your face behind one of the key indicators of your prey?
Setterman":14f9up1w said:
After a several decades hunting turkeys I have seen them come through pretty much everything imaginable. From water they waded through up to their wings, grass so thick and tall I could hardly get through it, rock hop up cliffs, push through briars that would turn around even the toughest bunny. My point is that you stating a turkey won't do X is the exact thing that makes this style so freaking dangerous.

You took the words right out of my mouth. EVERY single year I get shocked by a turkey going through something I never, in my wildest dreams, expected a turkey to go through. I've hunted places the turkeys needed web feet too. They aren't quite as predictable as we would like to think.
It's like driving, hunt defensively, never assume there couldn't be an idiot waiting to shoot the next thing that moves.

But also you're probably not going to get into a wreck if you are crawling with a fan across a 200 acre cut ag field out of range of potential intruders.

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Nothing says some jack leg could be riding around dirt roads in his pick up truck with his trusty "ought-six" and shoot some boy fanning from 200 yards away.
That is why I dont like it.
None of you have said anything about people with rifles. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean people dont do it.

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woodsman87":3ujppnqn said:
Nothing says some jack leg could be riding around dirt roads in his pick up truck with his trusty "ought-six" and shoot some boy fanning from 200 yards away.
That is why I dont like it.
None of you have said anything about people with rifles. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean people dont do it.

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I agree and the assumptions people make just baffle me.

It's a world full of lollipops and rainbows for some where unicorns prance through the fields, everyone obeys the law and most certainly would never let their desire to kill affect their judgement.
woodsman87":38gy4at0 said:
Nothing says some jack leg could be riding around dirt roads in his pick up truck with his trusty "ought-six" and shoot some boy fanning from 200 yards away.
That is why I dont like it.
None of you have said anything about people with rifles. Just because it's illegal doesn't mean people dont do it.

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Good Point.
turf08":ighzg056 said:
I love "fanning". This is how I kill most of my turkeys. I done it before they started making gun attachments. I also watched that video someone posted about fanning and killing a person. If you have ever seen a turkey walk through mile high grass before in full strut, then I would say to you sir wake up and stop dreaming. It will NEVER happen. On a second note, if you can not tell the difference between a person crawling with a fake turkey or "fan" then you need to sell your gun, stay out of the woods and on the couch.

I hope you are just trying to stir the pot. :poke: . Like Setterman said common sense goes out the window for some people when they have to make a quick decision. I'm sure I could tell the difference between a person crawling with a fan and a turkey but I ain't assuming everyone else can. Come up to Cheatam WMA sometime and you will find out the different types of turkey hunters that are out there.
I think some public land jack leg coming to my hen calls with his gun shouldered is a more legitimate concern than someone who might be shooting a rifle 300 yards across a huge ag field that might not even be near a road.

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catman529":31bclo2l said:
I think some public land jack leg coming to my hen calls with his gun shouldered is a more legitimate concern than someone who might be shooting a rifle 300 yards across a huge ag field that might not even be near a road.

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I just love when hunting public land moving around to different places and you get near another hunter camped out in the woods by his decoys, instead of saying hey I'm over here or blowing his crow call to alert you the idiot will start hen calling and shaking his gobble call. I've seen this multiple times. It's a good way to get your dumb arse shot!
Public land hunting never ceases to amaze me.

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Needs to be made illegal for safety. As well as regular decoys. Who knows when some dude shoots at a strutter decoy in a field with his rifle 200 yards away, hitting a 17 year old high school senior behind them.

Just because there are laws and safety, doesn't mean all people are safe.

I also understand that there are people that stalk hen sounds in the woods, and "stalk" people and shoot at movement and sounds.

That's why with every new and young hunter, safety should be number one.

Again, just because I hunt safe, and my friend hunts safe doesn't mean that everyone does.

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woodsman87":bsh1s6o9 said:
Needs to be made illegal for safety. As well as regular decoys. Who knows when some dude shoots at a strutter decoy in a field with his rifle 200 yards away, hitting a 17 year old high school senior behind them.

Just because there are laws and safety, doesn't mean all people are safe.

I also understand that there are people that stalk hen sounds in the woods, and "stalk" people and shoot at movement and sounds.

That's why with every new and young hunter, safety should be number one.

Again, just because I hunt safe, and my friend hunts safe doesn't mean that everyone does.

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Even safe hunters have accidents. A guy I used to duck hunt with in Arkansas was found dead in the marsh and one of my wife's friends was found dead in the woods in the 90's while turkey hunting. Nobody knows the full story, they were both hunting alone. I fell one time in Arkansas while we were wading in the timber and my 10 gauge went off underwater. Not sure how it happened probably had my safety off for some stupid reason. I will never forget it though and the guy I was hunting with will never forget it. Once a trigger is pulled you can't take it back so I am not risking anything on public or private land. It's dangerous enough every time we step out of the truck with a gun.
Yep that is right. I put my self as a very safe hunter, but im not perfect and know that accidents can happen to anyone.

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Ol Elmer crawled right up on my buds pretty boy at fort Campbell one year, never even noticed the blind. Luckily ny bud saw him crawling thru the weeds and hollered at him......SMH
This guy claimed to be an experienced turkey hunter and was very embarrassed by it. He was very apologetic and astounded that he could do such a thing without realizing it was a decoy and not ever seeing a blind. It happens and this is how accidents happen. Its very easy to sit back and say, "I'd never do that" until it you do......
Every time I hear a story, or have some moron sneak up on me I always think to myself "this is why ambushing turkeys is idiotic and if folks didn't do it how many accidents could be avoided?"

I feel private land is more dangerous than public ground, on public ground you expect to be around other hunters, while on private ground most times you think you're alone.
I hunt both public and private land. I don't think private land is any safer because there are many hunters that will come to a gobbler no matter who's land he is on. Seems like I call in at least three hunters each year while making hen yelps. Too many Elmers out there that think they have to kill a turkey to impress their buddies. Hiding behind a turkey fan is very similar to wearing brown coveralls and strapping antlers to your head during deer season.
Cowman71":2645v2p0 said:
I am a hardcore turkey hunter of the old school. Sit down against a tree and attempt to call a longbeard to within 40 yards of the gun and kill him type hunter, whether they are gobbling or not ;) No decoys, no blinds, no gimmicks or long range guns and shells. I choose to hunt well educated, highly pressured public land turkeys. I don't hunt landowner or lease "pet" turkeys. I reserve the right to respect fellow turkey hunters of this mold and don't pay much attention to those who don't. Seems there are fewer of my kind every year. I figure it's only a matter of time before I stumble across one of these idiots, laying dead, with their faces blown off, still clutching their turkey fan. When I do, I will take every thing of value they have on them and leave them for the buzzards and worms. In my opinion, anyone this stupid didn't deserve to have these things anyway. To each their own though. Leaving hear in the morning and heading North to hunt Tuskegee National Forest in Alabama for a week, and then on to Georgia. Started off strong here in Florida. Hopefully I come across one of those fanning idiots along the way with a fat wallet. Could use the extra cash to help pay for this trip :D

Preach brother breach.

Having spent the better part of 5 years at Auburn, I got to know Tuskegee really well and cut my teeth chasing those Bama birds for all I had in me. Don't tell REN you're headed there, he's sort of possessive of those turkeys :D
hahaha im not as possessive about those areas anymore as I don't get down there like i use to. I have some very very fond memories of the Tuskegee/Fort Davis area and have covered most of the land ranging up Hwy29 back in the day. Still own property down in Fort Davis but never really get to make it down to hunt much anymore.

i will say Alabama birds i have found to be the hardest birds to kill i have ever hunted.