Fanning, reaping,....

I unintentionally did this a few years ago. I was on top of a ridge trying to work a gobbler that was in a bottom. After several failed attempts to lure him to me, I decided I was going to crawl to the edge of the ridge and pop up a jake decoy (private property) within view of the gobbler. So, I grabbed my decoy and began crawling on my hands and knees to the edge of the ridge. As I'm prostrating myself, I catch movement to my right. Sure enough, the two gobblers I was working decided to join me on the ridge top. I figured I was toast since I was on all fours in the open timber. I was wrong. The gobbler came screaming at me and went into full strut about 3 feet from me. I was literally staring at his spurs wondering if this was about to be the greatest Karma story of all time.

Although I could have killed the gobbler, I was too overcome with adrenaline and just didn't feel like killing him after that. That was by far one of the biggest adrenaline rushes I've ever had while turkey hunting. I wish I had the whole experience on film but naturally I was hunting solo.

This type of hunting doesn't appeal to me and I don't foresee ever trying this, but man what an experience!
Glad to see the Real Setterman is back!!!

I think they are silly, I guess if killing a turkey is priority then so be it. My problem with it is is when someone talks about how good a turkey hunter they are then you find out later all they did was set up a strutter or use the fan/reap method. After a couple killings like that I just think the fun would be over, I love the challenge of talking turkey. Killing one is no fun if he doesnt talk back.

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AT Hiker":locez41i said:
Glad to see the Real Setterman is back!!!

I think they are silly, I guess if killing a turkey is priority then so be it. My problem with it is is when someone talks about how good a turkey hunter they are then you find out later all they did was set up a strutter or use the fan/reap method. After a couple killings like that I just think the fun would be over, I love the challenge of talking turkey. Killing one is no fun if he doesnt talk back.

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i could be wrong, but I think most people who are into reaping do it for the adrenaline rush, not to say what a great hunter they are.

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AT Hiker":1a6zs0bn said:
Glad to see the Real Setterman is back!!!

I think they are silly, I guess if killing a turkey is priority then so be it. My problem with it is is when someone talks about how good a turkey hunter they are then you find out later all they did was set up a strutter or use the fan/reap method. After a couple killings like that I just think the fun would be over, I love the challenge of talking turkey. Killing one is no fun if he doesnt talk back.

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Don't get me wrong I would rather call one up any day and I don't sit in a blind and I don't use decoys or none of that other stuff that everyone on here thinks is sinful. But a couple of the places I turkey hunt there are very little woods, just mostly big fields and creek bottoms, the gobblers will fly down in the morning with hens and strut in those big fields all day until they get ready to go back to roost so I'm not gonna sit there and waste my time trying to call to one in that situation, I'm getting my fan out and I'm crawling to him. Now if I'm hunting my main farm in lawrence county or one I have in chapel hill I won't use the fan because there are just as much timber as there are fields and I can actually set up on a gobbler and try to work him.
catman529":338g8tmc said:
AT Hiker":338g8tmc said:
Glad to see the Real Setterman is back!!!

I think they are silly, I guess if killing a turkey is priority then so be it. My problem with it is is when someone talks about how good a turkey hunter they are then you find out later all they did was set up a strutter or use the fan/reap method. After a couple killings like that I just think the fun would be over, I love the challenge of talking turkey. Killing one is no fun if he doesnt talk back.

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i could be wrong, but I think most people who are into reaping do it for the adrenaline rush, not to say what a great hunter they are.

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Maybe my inference is to the people I know of that use these tactics on a more regular basis, Im sure they get a rush out of it but they also comment on if you wanna kill a turkey you gotta do this and this, etc. Instead of admitting defeat that you didnt win against mother nature.

I wouldnt mind trying to reap up on one just to see how close I could get. But Im not that desperate to shoot one that way....yet!

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No matter what yall think I'm planning on trying it so I guess I'll be one of the idiots you are calling them, I wouldn't do it on public land but I know the private pieces I hunt and I'll take the chance considering I've never seen a trespasser or seen proof of one on the places I currently hunt

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AT Hiker":2jri2xlw said:
catman529":2jri2xlw said:
AT Hiker":2jri2xlw said:
Glad to see the Real Setterman is back!!!

I think they are silly, I guess if killing a turkey is priority then so be it. My problem with it is is when someone talks about how good a turkey hunter they are then you find out later all they did was set up a strutter or use the fan/reap method. After a couple killings like that I just think the fun would be over, I love the challenge of talking turkey. Killing one is no fun if he doesnt talk back.

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i could be wrong, but I think most people who are into reaping do it for the adrenaline rush, not to say what a great hunter they are.

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Maybe my inference is to the people I know of that use these tactics on a more regular basis, Im sure they get a rush out of it but they also comment on if you wanna kill a turkey you gotta do this and this, etc. Instead of admitting defeat that you didnt win against mother nature.
that mindset you describe is how people sell products in hunting shows. They have sponsors, they need to advertise their products, and saying something to the effect of "you should really learn woodsmanship, but here try this fan decoy you dont really need" isn't very good advertising.

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Hate to say as a hunting guide I have used this method if the client measured success by taking home a bird AND this was the only option. Faning is just a tool. I have much more enjoyment calling one in. I also have much more enjoyment stalking a deer or calling in a bull elk. I will use any safe and ethical method to bag an animal or catch a fish… We all make our own choices. Many bow hunters believe gun hunters are "cheating" We need to stick together as sportsman and not be critical of "the other guy" I personally don't jump shoot waterfowl or crawl up on a field full of snow geese but there are those who do. Fanning is not traditional in any way….or did maybe the hunters before "discover" this method?? Sorry but everyone does indeed have an opinion. Personal choice keeps me from shooting one this way when I want a bird but…….
AT Hiker":3eu1d6h2 said:
Glad to see the Real Setterman is back!!!

I think they are silly, I guess if killing a turkey is priority then so be it. My problem with it is is when someone talks about how good a turkey hunter they are then you find out later all they did was set up a strutter or use the fan/reap method. After a couple killings like that I just think the fun would be over, I love the challenge of talking turkey. Killing one is no fun if he doesnt talk back.

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If top priority wasn't killing any animal we hunt than why are we packing guns. If I was just after the experience I'd use a video camera instead.

Big or small, kill em all
Jcalder":321wa1l5 said:
AT Hiker":321wa1l5 said:
Glad to see the Real Setterman is back!!!

I think they are silly, I guess if killing a turkey is priority then so be it. My problem with it is is when someone talks about how good a turkey hunter they are then you find out later all they did was set up a strutter or use the fan/reap method. After a couple killings like that I just think the fun would be over, I love the challenge of talking turkey. Killing one is no fun if he doesnt talk back.

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If top priority wasn't killing any animal we hunt than why are we packing guns. If I was just after the experience I'd use a video camera instead.

Big or small, kill em all

I dont know how to respond to this, Im just glad I dont feel this way. I will say I kill something only a fraction of the time I go hunting. If killing was a priority then I would have given up a long time ago, after all meat at the grocery store is cheap compared to what I got invested in hunting.

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AT Hiker":1dpfy1is said:
Jcalder":1dpfy1is said:
AT Hiker":1dpfy1is said:
Glad to see the Real Setterman is back!!!

I think they are silly, I guess if killing a turkey is priority then so be it. My problem with it is is when someone talks about how good a turkey hunter they are then you find out later all they did was set up a strutter or use the fan/reap method. After a couple killings like that I just think the fun would be over, I love the challenge of talking turkey. Killing one is no fun if he doesnt talk back.

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If top priority wasn't killing any animal we hunt than why are we packing guns. If I was just after the experience I'd use a video camera instead.

Big or small, kill em all

I dont know how to respond to this, Im just glad I dont feel this way. I will say I kill something only a fraction of the time I go hunting. If killing was a priority then I would have given up a long time ago, after all meat at the grocery store is cheap compared to what I got invested in hunting.

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I don't kill every time either. But I'm not into bird watching

Big or small, kill em all
Jcalder":3pcwqja2 said:
AT Hiker":3pcwqja2 said:
Glad to see the Real Setterman is back!!!

I think they are silly, I guess if killing a turkey is priority then so be it. My problem with it is is when someone talks about how good a turkey hunter they are then you find out later all they did was set up a strutter or use the fan/reap method. After a couple killings like that I just think the fun would be over, I love the challenge of talking turkey. Killing one is no fun if he doesnt talk back.

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If top priority wasn't killing any animal we hunt than why are we packing guns. If I was just after the experience I'd use a video camera instead.

Big or small, kill em all

I enjoy killing critters but I've been fortunate over my life and have killed lots of stuff. Therefore the game matters more than the kill to me. The journey to the kill is of upmost importance and not just the kill. Back before I killed a bunch of stuff I'd kill however I could. I think years of success breeds a mentality like mine as most I know feel the same as I do
I'll agree that the game or the hunt should matter. I'm far from good when it comes to turkeys but to say that killing is not top priority. Why are we buying tags? Why do we pattern our guns every year? I've went home empty handed far more times than I have with dinner in the truck but conquering (killing) is what we are after

Big or small, kill em all
Jcalder":29bxilm8 said:
I'll agree that the game or the hunt should matter. I'm far from good when it comes to turkeys but to say that killing is not top priority. Why are we buying tags? Why do we pattern our guns every year? I've went home empty handed far more times than I have with dinner in the truck but conquering (killing) is what we are after

Big or small, kill em all

I don't disagree that killing is the goal when I leave the truck, but the way I get to that point matters a lot to me.
Jcalder":2aw8pszf said:
I'll agree that the game or the hunt should matter. I'm far from good when it comes to turkeys but to say that killing is not top priority. Why are we buying tags? Why do we pattern our guns every year? I've went home empty handed far more times than I have with dinner in the truck but conquering (killing) is what we are after

Big or small, kill em all

Its what you are after, not me. I drove all the way to Southern Alabama last year to hunt. Had a shot opportunity at 2 young toms and passed, came home with no turkey. Drove all the way to Nebraska a month later, had the option to put a stalk on some hard headed Merriams that wouldnt commit to a call. Started the stalk and realized that wasnt how I wanted to kill them. Came home with no birds. But man did I have a blast, seen beautiful country and seen a lot of birds (bird watching).

I buy tags because we have to and the proceeds go to a wonderful cause.

I pattern my gun and tune my bow to make a ethical kill if and when I decide to do so.

One of my best friends and deer hunting buddy goes on a lot of turkey hunts with me. He doesnt carry a gun nor does he want to, he is there for the experience 100%.

This may sound crazy to you but Im not in the minority.

Now, switch out deer,pronghorn, or elk for turkey and killing moves waaaay up the priority list but its still not #1.

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Setterman":2wg60if9 said:
Jcalder":2wg60if9 said:
I'll agree that the game or the hunt should matter. I'm far from good when it comes to turkeys but to say that killing is not top priority. Why are we buying tags? Why do we pattern our guns every year? I've went home empty handed far more times than I have with dinner in the truck but conquering (killing) is what we are after

Big or small, kill em all

I don't disagree that killing is the goal when I leave the truck, but the way I get to that point matters a lot to me.
I know we don't agree with the different techniques everyone uses. I'm not gonna get into that. But tag soup isn't very nourishing

Big or small, kill em all
AT Hiker":19kl01ir said:
Jcalder":19kl01ir said:
I'll agree that the game or the hunt should matter. I'm far from good when it comes to turkeys but to say that killing is not top priority. Why are we buying tags? Why do we pattern our guns every year? I've went home empty handed far more times than I have with dinner in the truck but conquering (killing) is what we are after

Big or small, kill em all

Its what you are after, not me. I drove all the way to Southern Alabama last year to hunt. Had a shot opportunity at 2 young toms and passed, came home with no turkey. Drove all the way to Nebraska a month later, had the option to put a stalk on some hard headed Merriams that wouldnt commit to a call. Started the stalk and realized that wasnt how I wanted to kill them. Came home with no birds. But man did I have a blast, seen beautiful country and seen a lot of birds (bird watching).

I buy tags because we have to and the proceeds go to a wonderful cause.

I pattern my gun and tune my bow to make a ethical kill if and when I decide to do so.

One of my best friends and deer hunting buddy goes on a lot of turkey hunts with me. He doesnt carry a gun nor does he want to, he is there for the experience 100%.

This may sound crazy to you but Im not in the minority.

Now, switch out deer,pronghorn, or elk for turkey and killing moves waaaay up the priority list but its still not #1.

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Maybe I look at it differently. I don't have a lot of time to devote hunting. I don't have the money for it either. I enjoy eating what I kill. I'm far from a trophy hunter. I enjoy the experience but when I look at the time and money going back and forth and the license cost I prefer to eat something other than my tag.

As far as your friend. There are people out there that enjoy getting close without killing. Maybe they don't eat them. Maybe they don't like the aspect of taking a life. I don't know the reasons. Some just like taking pictures.

Big or small, kill em all
I think I get what your saying Jcalder and nothing wrong with it just like nothing wrong with my philosophy. My original comment was referring to the hunters that measure success purely on killing with little, if any regard, to the experience.

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AT Hiker":3g9tuaq6 said:
Jcalder":3g9tuaq6 said:
I'll agree that the game or the hunt should matter. I'm far from good when it comes to turkeys but to say that killing is not top priority. Why are we buying tags? Why do we pattern our guns every year? I've went home empty handed far more times than I have with dinner in the truck but conquering (killing) is what we are after

Big or small, kill em all

Its what you are after, not me. I drove all the way to Southern Alabama last year to hunt. Had a shot opportunity at 2 young toms and passed, came home with no turkey. Drove all the way to Nebraska a month later, had the option to put a stalk on some hard headed Merriams that wouldnt commit to a call. Started the stalk and realized that wasnt how I wanted to kill them. Came home with no birds. But man did I have a blast, seen beautiful country and seen a lot of birds (bird watching).

I buy tags because we have to and the proceeds go to a wonderful cause.

I pattern my gun and tune my bow to make a ethical kill if and when I decide to do so.

One of my best friends and deer hunting buddy goes on a lot of turkey hunts with me. He doesnt carry a gun nor does he want to, he is there for the experience 100%.

This may sound crazy to you but Im not in the minority.

Now, switch out deer,pronghorn, or elk for turkey and killing moves waaaay up the priority list but its still not #1.

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dang, you passed opportunities in 2 other states. I don't know your situation but if I'm lucky to hunt another state, especially for another subspecies, killing ones gonna be very high on the priority list. Stalking turkeys ain't easy, often it's much more difficult and rewarding than simply calling in a hot 2 year old.

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