Fanning, reaping,....

I'm surprised how many misses they show in this video with it being an advertisement. Seems like it could result in a lot of wounded birds if you let them get really close

On my post and my opinion, I do. I just can't see the old timers and turkey hunting legends approving of this. Why not legalize scoped 22 magnums and pick them off at 200 yards? It's not about the kill for me. It's the game. I believe the internet is ruining hunting as I was raised. People no longer have ethics or respect. They just want to kill by any means possible and put the pictures online to show what a great "hunter" they are.
TO ME its not much skill being used but to each his own...I look at it like doing a deer drive, not much skill or woodsman ship is being used but it is still "hunting" i guess.
REN":2yhusfyl said:
TO ME its not much skill being used but to each his own...I look at it like doing a deer drive, not much skill or woodsman ship is being used but it is still "hunting" i guess.

Or running deer with dogs. If you happen to be the one to get the shot off on a 180 inch buck did you really accomplish anything?
Spurhunter":2qzlbx11 said:
On my post and my opinion, I do. I just can't see the old timers and turkey hunting legends approving of this. Why not legalize scoped 22 magnums and pick them off at 200 yards? It's not about the kill for me. It's the game. I believe the internet is ruining hunting as I was raised. People no longer have ethics or respect. They just want to kill by any means possible and put the pictures online to show what a great "hunter" they are.
I don't really care whether the turkey hunting "legends" approve of it or not.
look I'm not try to put anyone in a box or create labels to separate ourselves as hunters. If you like it then go for it, I don't consider myself above you because i don't care to do it. Certain things about the sport is what got me hooked, sneaking up on one or "fanning" is not one of those things so I just don't care for it as far as killing a bird. As I've stated before, I no longer define myself as a hunter by how many i kill in a season. with a variety of tactics i could kill a truck full of them but really what does that mean?? because i killed 12 this year does that make me a better hunter then a guy that killed 1...heck no. i like it a certain way and so do the guys i surround myself with so thats what we do, but I'm not gonna look down my nose at others like I'm better then you. I do agree with Spur on some points as far as internet and respect but thats just be being old and remembering a different time.
Spurhunter":1kajt1nv said:
On my post and my opinion, I do. I just can't see the old timers and turkey hunting legends approving of this. Why not legalize scoped 22 magnums and pick them off at 200 yards? It's not about the kill for me. It's the game. I believe the internet is ruining hunting as I was raised. People no longer have ethics or respect. They just want to kill by any means possible and put the pictures online to show what a great "hunter" they are.
the thing is, it's not old times so not everybody's going to hunt like old timers. I think the most important thing is that hunting keeps going strong and we get new people into it. Also, as much fun as it is to call in a gobbler the old fashioned way, I don't think that will ever die. Some people will try every new gimmick and fad but that doesn't mean that it's killing the sport. And it also doesn't mean you're a bad hunter for trying it.

Sent from the talk of tap
They should at least try and catch em with their hands if they really want to make it a sport. On a farm I hunt I watched the caretaker pin one against a cattle fence and catch it. It spurred the heck out of him and he let it go. He used to laugh at me when I showed up with a gun and all my toys. To each his own I guess. I still enjoy the adrenaline rush and feel my heart beating out of my chest when you get a bird coming. Wonder if we can get this to 10 pages like the good ole days.
I've belly crawled but never tried fanning. It looks like fun to me. I think it'd be a rush to get that close to one strutting around me...and I'd probably be inclined to try and hand catch him.
After watchng that video my stance is even more against this garbage. This is a tactic imo for a person with zero patience, zero calling skills, and zero desire to learn how to hunt turkeys.

The same folks would grab a rifle if legal in a heartbeat, or roost shoot them at night if it were legal.

Sorry for the harshness but that video is disgusting to anyone who really cares about the sport of turkey hunting.
The thing is most of the guys that bash it have snuck up on plenty of long beards.. Or shot one after just walking up on it. They have aged as turkey hunters and now a kill means nothing to them. It's just about getting the opportunity to call to a bird. And that's fine.. But my guess is there was a time in which u would have done it. And the man that taught you to turkey hunt would've done it. I'm not sayin you would've went turkey hunting to fan or stalk a turkey.. Most ppl don't but you or they would've done it... I turkey hunt to call to turkey's, there is nothing like it. But it doesn't always work and I may try something else. Not because I'm all about the kill, but because I enjoy all things outdoors. To me it's all about experiences, that's with deer or turkey. And it's probably harder than you realise. I've tried it a few times with zero success. I've had them just keep strutting around and pay no attention to me only to wonder off. I've also had them take off running as soon as they saw me.. Only tried it 2 or 3 times.. I wonder if the old timers bashed other hunters for how they hunted, or if that's a new thing hunters are beginning to do so they can believe they are better hunters than everyone else...

Who do you consider a turkey legend? I'm younger than a lot of you probably, but I think of Preston Pittman. That man has killed turkey's in more ways than you can imagine..
Preston Pittman definitely a Legend. I bought 2 box calls from him at the turkey show. Around here though it is Captain Hook. :pop:
Spurhunter":3lla8e0h said:
On my post and my opinion, I do. I just can't see the old timers and turkey hunting legends approving of this. Why not legalize scoped 22 magnums and pick them off at 200 yards? It's not about the kill for me. It's the game. I believe the internet is ruining hunting as I was raised. People no longer have ethics or respect. They just want to kill by any means possible and put the pictures online to show what a great "hunter" they are.

I agree 100%..... But it won't be long and birds will run out the country at the sight if a fan.... Then we'll see what the wanna bes come up with next...
Roost 1":1s9hslbm said:
Spurhunter":1s9hslbm said:
On my post and my opinion, I do. I just can't see the old timers and turkey hunting legends approving of this. Why not legalize scoped 22 magnums and pick them off at 200 yards? It's not about the kill for me. It's the game. I believe the internet is ruining hunting as I was raised. People no longer have ethics or respect. They just want to kill by any means possible and put the pictures online to show what a great "hunter" they are.

I agree 100%..... But it won't be long and birds will run out the country at the sight if a fan.... Then we'll see what the wanna bes come up with next...
Just because I've killed several turkeys using a fan the past few years doesn't mean I'm a wannabe, I've killed my fair share the old fashion way and still prefer to do it that way.
Mike Belt":1x38gta0 said:
Did you skip over "all weapons being equal"? We'll never know for sure but I'm still betting on those that had to develop the skills for success or die trying.

Modern day hunter, you know the flight factor of animals back in those days was around 10 yards.

An Indian could walk to 10 yards of a deer or turkey before it felt threatened enough to run. They didn't have it bred in them to be scared because there wasn't enough humans roaming around to enstill (sp?) That in their dna
ZachMarkus":6x2zijby said:
Roost 1":6x2zijby said:
Spurhunter":6x2zijby said:
On my post and my opinion, I do. I just can't see the old timers and turkey hunting legends approving of this. Why not legalize scoped 22 magnums and pick them off at 200 yards? It's not about the kill for me. It's the game. I believe the internet is ruining hunting as I was raised. People no longer have ethics or respect. They just want to kill by any means possible and put the pictures online to show what a great "hunter" they are.

Just because I've killed several turkeys using a fan the past few years doesn't mean I'm a wannabe, I've killed my fair share the old fashion way and still prefer to do it that way.

Ok boss....I'm just wondering at age 22 what you consider your "fair share"...

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