Fanning, reaping,....

Roost 1":13brw2vh said:
ZachMarkus":13brw2vh said:
Roost 1":13brw2vh said:
Spurhunter said:
On my post and my opinion, I do. I just can't see the old timers and turkey hunting legends approving of this. Why not legalize scoped 22 magnums and pick them off at 200 yards? It's not about the kill for me. It's the game. I believe the internet is ruining hunting as I was raised. People no longer have ethics or respect. They just want to kill by any means possible and put the pictures online to show what a great "hunter" they are.

Just because I've killed several turkeys using a fan the past few years doesn't mean I'm a wannabe, I've killed my fair share the old fashion way and still prefer to do it that way.

Ok boss....I'm just wondering at age 22 what you consider your "fair share"...
Well I've been turkey hunting since I was 6 years old, both my grandfathers and my dad taught me how to turkey hunt. I called my first one up by myself when I was 13 years old and I've killed at least 2 a year since then and limited out several times, and I call a few birds up for friends every year.
To each his own!!! Who cares what someone else does to kill a turkey? Why bash or belittle one of our own members for hunting how he wants? If you think it's unsafe or untraditional then don't try it!!
Setterman":3og821qk said:
After watchng that video my stance is even more against this garbage. This is a tactic imo for a person with zero patience, zero calling skills, and zero desire to learn how to hunt turkeys.

The same folks would grab a rifle if legal in a heartbeat, or roost shoot them at night if it were legal.

Sorry for the harshness but that video is disgusting to anyone who really cares about the sport of turkey hunting.

I agree. It's embarrassing for turkey hunting as a sport. I can just see people watching this crap thinking "why don't turkey hunters kill one every time they go? You can crawl right to them." Like clueless people that watch Bill Dance catch one 5 pounder after another in a stock pond and think that's fishing. I think the great wild turkey deserves more respect than to be killed this way.
Spurhunter":1ccxkc1z said:
Watching that video makes me sad at the direction of turkey "hunting". This is not what turkey hunting is supposed to be.

Who are you to decide what turkey hunting should be, let people hunt the way they enjoy hunting, I personally think it would be exciting to have a bird literally charge you

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easy45":qaazwwxl said:
Spurhunter":qaazwwxl said:
Watching that video makes me sad at the direction of turkey "hunting". This is not what turkey hunting is supposed to be.

Who are you to decide what turkey hunting should be, let people hunt the way they enjoy hunting, I personally think it would be exciting to have a bird literally charge you

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As previously stated: on my post and in my mind I get to decide what turkey hunting should be. Just as you get to decide in your mind what it should be. Looks like we are going to break out the old tndeer hurt feelings report.
easy45":1whtsez5 said:
I personally think it would be exciting to have a bird literally charge you

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It's the biggest adrenaline rush ever, every turkey I've killed doing this were within 10 yards, I've had them run over 300 yards as hard as they could to me. Me and my buddy has doubled up several times doing it.

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I guess at age 30 crawling behinds decoy sounds like a good way to get shot. With a wife and two kids I like to keep my odds of going home as high as possible. Now yall can hunt how ever you feel you need to but it's not for me.
If you don't like it or think it's "untraditional" then don't try it but don't put down a fellow tndeer member for trying something new!! I feel completely safe trying it where I hunt but if I didn't feel safe I wouldn't try it. When you start another bashing thread try to remember that not everyone has the same mentality about hunting as you do! Some people miss turkeys at 10 yards when just calling to them.
WORM82":2hvmv04x said:
Calling is fooling their hearing! Fanning/reaping is fooling their eyes! IMO they are equal!!

Fanning is not fooling their eyes... It's taking advantage of their naturally aggressive nature that gobblers have towards each other...if anything you are taking advantage of a weakness.... Normally you cant call them from hens but thro up a fan and add movement to it and they can't stand the ideal of another gobbler being on their turf......
Tell me what the sport is in it!!! Hell you don't even have to wear camo to do it!
BHC":1ce89v75 said:
The thing is most of the guys that bash it have snuck up on plenty of long beards.. Or shot one after just walking up on it. They have aged as turkey hunters and now a kill means nothing to them. It's just about getting the opportunity to call to a bird. And that's fine.. But my guess is there was a time in which u would have done it. And the man that taught you to turkey hunt would've done it. I'm not sayin you would've went turkey hunting to fan or stalk a turkey.. Most ppl don't but you or they would've done it... I turkey hunt to call to turkey's, there is nothing like it. But it doesn't always work and I may try something else. Not because I'm all about the kill, but because I enjoy all things outdoors. To me it's all about experiences, that's with deer or turkey. And it's probably harder than you realise. I've tried it a few times with zero success. I've had them just keep strutting around and pay no attention to me only to wonder off. I've also had them take off running as soon as they saw me.. Only tried it 2 or 3 times.. I wonder if the old timers bashed other hunters for how they hunted, or if that's a new thing hunters are beginning to do so they can believe they are better hunters than everyone else...

Who do you consider a turkey legend? I'm younger than a lot of you probably, but I think of Preston Pittman. That man has killed turkey's in more ways than you can imagine..
good post BHC.

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WORM82":708bm9j0 said:
Calling is fooling their hearing! Fanning/reaping is fooling their eyes! IMO they are equal!!

There is nothing equal about it, period. It takes very little skill to crawl behind a fan where it takes years to learn how to call well, as well as when in order to kill field turkeys. Not to mention the knowledge it takes to learn how to set up.

Babies can crawl, it's not a reach to say if you put a fan in an infants hand they could do it if they had the strength to hold up a fan
WORM82":21hc6fjw said:
Calling is fooling their hearing! Fanning/reaping is fooling their eyes! IMO they are equal!!

Hahah come on now your just grasping at staws and trying to stir the pot

Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding"

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WORM82":2rrnj2mg said:
So sounding like a hen calling to them isn't taking advantage of their natural weakness to reproduce?
Technically the gobbler gobbles to draw the hens to by calling like hens is going against the natural progression of things.
WORM82":1zlqnuv1 said:
So sounding like a hen calling to them isn't taking advantage of their natural weakness to reproduce?

I want you to in detail convince us that calling a gobbler away from his hens, or calling an entire flock of birds in is easy especially when their in a field and can see everything.

Then explain how it's just as easy as crawling up on a bird?

I'll be waiting
TNTomtaker01":199kirfe said:
WORM82":199kirfe said:
So sounding like a hen calling to them isn't taking advantage of their natural weakness to reproduce?
Technically the gobbler gobbles to draw the hens to by calling like hens is going against the natural progression of things.

And that's game lol

Also calling actually requires some skill. Ask anyone who has tried to learn to use a diaphragm

I get your playing devils advocate but your choosing an odd angle to try and support your stance

Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding"

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