The thing is most of the guys that bash it have snuck up on plenty of long beards.. Or shot one after just walking up on it. They have aged as turkey hunters and now a kill means nothing to them. It's just about getting the opportunity to call to a bird. And that's fine.. But my guess is there was a time in which u would have done it. And the man that taught you to turkey hunt would've done it. I'm not sayin you would've went turkey hunting to fan or stalk a turkey.. Most ppl don't but you or they would've done it... I turkey hunt to call to turkey's, there is nothing like it. But it doesn't always work and I may try something else. Not because I'm all about the kill, but because I enjoy all things outdoors. To me it's all about experiences, that's with deer or turkey. And it's probably harder than you realise. I've tried it a few times with zero success. I've had them just keep strutting around and pay no attention to me only to wonder off. I've also had them take off running as soon as they saw me.. Only tried it 2 or 3 times.. I wonder if the old timers bashed other hunters for how they hunted, or if that's a new thing hunters are beginning to do so they can believe they are better hunters than everyone else...
Who do you consider a turkey legend? I'm younger than a lot of you probably, but I think of Preston Pittman. That man has killed turkey's in more ways than you can imagine..