Fanning, reaping,....

WORM82":34ya60or said:
So sounding like a hen calling to them isn't taking advantage of their natural weakness to reproduce?

I have never tried fanning/reaping but it seems to me that it would be easier to call to the hens to get them in range than to try crawling with just a fan with all those eyes looking at you in my 18 years of hunting them. Not trying to stir the pot but it's no different than the bow hunters vs gun hunters or the 1 buck limit guys bashing the 3 buck limit guys. If the way someone hunts makes them happy and successful and it has no effect on me or my success then why would I care how they hunt? I have called in every turkey I have killed and usually kill my limit without decoys/blinds/fanning. But if someone else wants to hunt by fanning them and feels safe doing it then more power to them for doing it the way they want.
WORM82":x9ys3k5v said:
I have never tried fanning/reaping but it seems to me that it would be easier to call to the hens to get them in range than to try crawling with just a fan with all those eyes looking at you in my 18 years of hunting them. Not trying to stir the pot but it's no different than the bow hunters vs gun hunters or the 1 buck limit guys bashing the 3 buck limit guys. If the way someone hunts makes them happy and successful and it has no effect on me or my success then why would I care how they hunt? I have called in every turkey I have killed and usually kill my limit without decoys/blinds/fanning. But if someone else wants to hunt by fanning them and feels safe doing it then more power to them for doing it the way they want.

REN":1dn5f45u said:
WORM82":1dn5f45u said:
I have never tried fanning/reaping but it seems to me that it would be easier to call to the hens to get them in range than to try crawling with just a fan with all those eyes looking at you in my 18 years of hunting them. Not trying to stir the pot but it's no different than the bow hunters vs gun hunters or the 1 buck limit guys bashing the 3 buck limit guys. If the way someone hunts makes them happy and successful and it has no effect on me or my success then why would I care how they hunt? I have called in every turkey I have killed and usually kill my limit without decoys/blinds/fanning. But if someone else wants to hunt by fanning them and feels safe doing it then more power to them for doing it the way they want.


Ren and setterman I hunt the same way you do and have a lot of respect for you both! But I just just don't see why fanning is such a big issue? Again I have never tried it but tricking a turkeys eyes is just as hard as tricking their ears IMO.
I'm just poking the bear man. It's the off season and makes it more fun around here. I've stated my stance on it a few times and I'll leave it at that

Proverbs 3:5
"Trust in the lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding"

Sent from my phone because I'm that cool
TNTomtaker01":3vjl4ulx said:
WORM82":3vjl4ulx said:
So sounding like a hen calling to them isn't taking advantage of their natural weakness to reproduce?
Technically the gobbler gobbles to draw the hens to by calling like hens is going against the natural progression of things.

Thank you! Good grief! :bash:
Anyone ever gobble ;) :D :poke: ?

I don't care how anyone else hunts, as long as it's legal and they stay away from my spots.

I usually hunt specific gobblers and will stay with him for most of a season if necessary. I may take a break and look elsewhere, but that season wrecker is always on my mind. With that said, after trying him the "old timers" way, I will get creative, whether by patterning movements, etc. Now, I will throw out a call even when I know one isn't necessary from patterning him just to feel like I didn't "cheat" :D !

I will also add that several years ago, I was hunting a bird and heard him gobble on the edge of a field. I was coming from directly behind him in the woods on a logging road. The ground was damp, and I was silent. I could tell that he had flown down, but was in the field. When I got to the field edge, he was about 40 yds out with a few hens. Easy shot. But, I passed! I didn't feel like I had done anything, so I waited for him to drift off a little, and then tried to call him back. Didn't work!

I regretted it for a few days, but as time wore on, I was satisfied with my decision. And, no, I never got another opportunity at him.
Roost 1":2act8xfe said:
WORM82":2act8xfe said:
Calling is fooling their hearing! Fanning/reaping is fooling their eyes! IMO they are equal!!

Fanning is not fooling their eyes... It's taking advantage of their naturally aggressive nature that gobblers have towards each other...if anything you are taking advantage of a weakness.... Normally you cant call them from hens but thro up a fan and add movement to it and they can't stand the ideal of another gobbler being on their turf......
Tell me what the sport is in it!!! Hell you don't even have to wear camo to do it!

I can tell you that's not true.. Not quite that easy.. I also can tell you tapping into the territorial instinct is not quite that effective.. I use a haint gobble call semi often. I can run the thing as good as any of the guys that make it, and I'll tell ya they don't just come runnin...
I've had some interesting convos w gobblers and I've even called em in but I was using it in conjunction w a mouth call. Calling and then answering myself..

I guess it's cheating to revert to getting that lead hen fired up and her drag that long beard to you...
But there's a difference in sounding like a gobbler answering a hen and using a full strut decoy to crawl into the middle of his harem.
Calling, fanning, decoying; all are trying to fool a bird's senses. Any of them will work and any of them may not work. How can fooling any one of them rank higher than another? That being said, I do think their eyesight is their top defense and I don't see how anyone can fault another hunter for defeating that feature.
Maybe I've only ever been able to achieve the way u consider harder.. Fanning has never worked for me...

I enjoy this site to much.. It's funny how much one can debate such meaningless issue.. I don't think one person in this thread really fans turkey's very much...

I'm a turkey hunter, not a turkey caller, and still not just a turkey killer. I do call and I do kill, but my pleasure comes from the pursuit itself..