Shooter77":31tgpthx said:
Setterman":31tgpthx said:
Sad to see so many of the states I hunt in a noticeable decline, yet very few hunters are willing to sacrifice and the game agencies are burying their head in the sand. I've grown accustomed to the game agencies and the old breed of turkey hunters would do what's right, but this new generation could care less.
So your not just blaming TWRA for turkey decline? it's also happening in other states too. I've heard so many praise KY and now MO, but both experienced the same decline in kill numbers. Who do you think we should model our state after?
I'm up for any sacrifice that's needed to take care of the problem. what should we do.
I've stated for years it's not just TN. Alabama has been in a steady decline, and it started for them once decoys became legal. Georgia faltered after legalizing baiting for deer. Ky saw a big drop this year.
I think all states in other words are boobing this up. It's not just one thing that's occurring imo. It's a combination of lower poult production and turkey hunters being far more effective killers.
What's hidden is that with the highly effective killing tools now it masks how bad it really is. That's the scariest part.
With decoys, reaping, blinds, tss, etc we as hunters are much deadlier than we were 10 years ago. However, none of the states have adjusted for our effectiveness. There's so many birds being taken that in years gone by would've survived. Therefore we are leaving less breeders and less seed stock.
There's no question something bad is happening, yet TWRA KYDNR GADNR etc aren't changing jack poop, and just keeping the status quo.
You want change? Sacrifice is in order. Start with corn for deer, trail cams etc. Next move the season back 2 weeks and drop the limit to 2, no jakes, no hens ever, no decoys, and open the slaughter on nest raiders. Do something rather than just shrug your shoulders or deny there's an issue.