Final Spring Kill Numbers

Rockhound":34jc6ty3 said:
He always proclaims, "all of his biologist friends"

Haha, even when I provide a direct source to counter his "facts" he ignores them. He has never once provided a source, only his "biologist friends" word.

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I can get pretty sarcastic at times!

My favorite so far- when explaining rationale for delaying season to open 2 weeks later to allow the majority of hens to initiate fertile nests, one poster claimed all hens were bred in March and started laying end of March, 1st of April. I countered by explaining to him if that were the case, there would be poults running around and visible by hunters the end of the first week of May.

He said there were no poults seen the first week of May because the momma hen kept them in the nest for the first 8 days after hatch. And yes, he was serious. That's the kind of misinformation we have to deal with over there.

On a sad note however, I lost my first hen overnight. She escaped the enclosure yesterday afternoon and I couldn't catch her. I went back out after dark to find her (she has gotten out once before and roosted on top of the coop and I was able to catch her easily that time) but she was nowhere to be found. I assumed she was high up in the trees, but when I went out early this morning to find her, there were turkey feathers scattered everywhere in the yard :( She was 4 years old and full of personality, although she wasn't the boss. Not quite as bad as losing a pet dog, but still stings pretty bad. At least I just had 6 of her poults hatch last night in the incubator. More due next week, and I think I may invest the time to get one to imprint on me and raise it as a true pet.
Parahunter":2znvt83o said:
I recently started 2 posts on Tennessee Turkey Hunters on FB about the season change for or against not great on the comments like you say. I just sent my comments to Commisioners Cox, King, and Swan.
We'll see what happens . I commented that I support a change to the season. Start date of 2 weeks later and adding the rest of May on the end and lowering limit to 2 birds. I also attached my supporting documentation for the Mean Initiation Nest Incubation date. I also stated this would be a proactive response to the overall decline in turkey populations. Also pointed out that lowering the limit will only effect 12% of the successful hunters.
I like where your head's at :) I'd give almost anything to have another full week to hunt here in May. I still would require a full 6 week season. I'd be willing to start one week later in April, in order to hunt one week later in May. I could keep myself busy hunting down South a little longer. Also, while we are all dreaming, I'd like to have a legal Fall 10 day shotgun season in mid October here in South Cherokee for us "real turkey hunters" ;) Longbeards only, of course :)
megalomaniac":2ercl6z0 said:
I can get pretty sarcastic at times!

My favorite so far- when explaining rationale for delaying season to open 2 weeks later to allow the majority of hens to initiate fertile nests, one poster claimed all hens were bred in March and started laying end of March, 1st of April. I countered by explaining to him if that were the case, there would be poults running around and visible by hunters the end of the first week of May.

He said there were no poults seen the first week of May because the momma hen kept them in the nest for the first 8 days after hatch. And yes, he was serious. That's the kind of misinformation we have to deal with over there.

On a sad note however, I lost my first hen overnight. She escaped the enclosure yesterday afternoon and I couldn't catch her. I went back out after dark to find her (she has gotten out once before and roosted on top of the coop and I was able to catch her easily that time) but she was nowhere to be found. I assumed she was high up in the trees, but when I went out early this morning to find her, there were turkey feathers scattered everywhere in the yard :( She was 4 years old and full of personality, although she wasn't the boss. Not quite as bad as losing a pet dog, but still stings pretty bad. At least I just had 6 of her poults hatch last night in the incubator. More due next week, and I think I may invest the time to get one to imprint on me and raise it as a true pet.

Was that you? That was pretty funny when he said the stayed in the nest 6-8 days. He did retract his comment after you told him you'd never heard something like that.

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megalomaniac":2vbw9gx5 said:
My favorite so far- when explaining rationale for delaying season to open 2 weeks later to allow the majority of hens to initiate fertile nests, one poster claimed all hens were bred in March and started laying end of March, 1st of April. I countered by explaining to him if that were the case, there would be poults running around and visible by hunters the end of the first week of May.

He said there were no poults seen the first week of May because the momma hen kept them in the nest for the first 8 days after hatch. And yes, he was serious. That's the kind of misinformation we have to deal with over there.

I don't know how in the hell yall stand it. I deleted FB years ago and I'm so glad I did. Arguing with morons is time intensive and futile.
cowhunter71":3aoxuvk8 said:
Parahunter":3aoxuvk8 said:
I recently started 2 posts on Tennessee Turkey Hunters on FB about the season change for or against not great on the comments like you say. I just sent my comments to Commisioners Cox, King, and Swan.
We'll see what happens . I commented that I support a change to the season. Start date of 2 weeks later and adding the rest of May on the end and lowering limit to 2 birds. I also attached my supporting documentation for the Mean Initiation Nest Incubation date. I also stated this would be a proactive response to the overall decline in turkey populations. Also pointed out that lowering the limit will only effect 12% of the successful hunters.
I like where your head's at :) I'd give almost anything to have another full week to hunt here in May. I still would require a full 6 week season. I'd be willing to start one week later in April, in order to hunt one week later in May. I could keep myself busy hunting down South a little longer. Also, while we are all dreaming, I'd like to have a legal Fall 10 day shotgun season in mid October here in South Cherokee for us "real turkey hunters" ;) Longbeards only, of course :)

1 week Fall Season 2nd Saturday in October start

2-Day Youth Hunt 1 Male limit 1st Weekend in April

State wide Spring Season 2nd Saturday in April till Last Sunday in May

3 Bird Annual Limit Male Only

1 bonus bird quota hunt

My final answer. It's so simple a great compromise on start date still 4 bird limit, no hens killed, same amount of time afield, and standardized season dates.

Seems like a no brainer to me what would we be losing and we'd get all that protection of hens and dominant toms passing on their genetics before they get shot.
Parahunter":3017i0xn said:
I wouldn't call 4 days difference a HUGE variation remember the May 2 date is the MEAN of initiation of incubation of the entire state.
For what it is worth, it is hard for me to believe there is ONLY 4 days variation of the "mean day" between the southwest corner of the state where I live (much like north MS, lots of river bottoms and floodplain, 350' elevation), and the northeast corner of the state (much like VA, mountains, 1500' - 6000' elevation).

Parahunter":3017i0xn said:
I did not post the entire paper.
Please post a link to PDF if you have it, I would love to read it.
AT Hiker":1e9xhncz said:
I'm out of the loop, seriously. I had to google OFC...I've been trying to figure out what meg was meaning until the all knowing google told me; "Used as an abbreviation in messaging of "Of Course".

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I've been wondering the same thing lol, haven't taken the time to google it though.

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AT Hiker":1wxeddtw said:
I'm out of the loop, seriously. I had to google OFC...I've been trying to figure out what meg was meaning until the all knowing google told me; "Used as an abbreviation in messaging of "Of Course".

Mega is very millenialistic in his use of internet shorthand. 8-) I finally had to google what "Gz!" means when I kept seeing him post it in kill threads. (it means "Congratulations," btw.)
Andy S.":2nlpvni2 said:
Parahunter":2nlpvni2 said:
I wouldn't call 4 days difference a HUGE variation remember the May 2 date is the MEAN of initiation of incubation of the entire state.
For what it is worth, it is hard for me to believe there is ONLY 4 days variation of the "mean day" between the southwest corner of the state where I live (much like north MS, lots of river bottoms and floodplain, 350' elevation), and the northeast corner of the state (much like VA, mountains, 1500' - 6000' elevation).

I have a hard time buying that short of a difference too. We had 2 snows in the area in April that the ground was white. We just had the trees fully bloom in the past week & 1/2 here. I have a buddy that lives in VA on it's 2nd highest peak (near the VA/TN/NC border). He's called me a couple of times over the past 15 years in mid & late June to tell me it's
What's really sad is you young hunters who think it's bad. If you were hunting 20 years ago when it was really awesome it is really really sad. I remember mornings where honestly I could here turkeys gobbling every direction all morning long.
Andy S.":3ttssb23 said:
Parahunter":3ttssb23 said:
I wouldn't call 4 days difference a HUGE variation remember the May 2 date is the MEAN of initiation of incubation of the entire state.
For what it is worth, it is hard for me to believe there is ONLY 4 days variation of the "mean day" between the southwest corner of the state where I live (much like north MS, lots of river bottoms and floodplain, 350' elevation), and the northeast corner of the state (much like VA, mountains, 1500' - 6000' elevation).

Parahunter":3ttssb23 said:
I did not post the entire paper.
Please post a link to PDF if you have it, I would love to read it.

No your obserbation in yout area is 4 days off the Mean date for the entire state. In the paper there is a formula you can put your latitude and longitude as well as elevation to get your specific location. It looked rather complicated to me. I dont know if there is a way to prove what you are observing in your area represents the mean for your area, keep that in mind. Many factors including vegetation and developement of plant and bug food can make your specicic observation much different from another property not that far away. That is why you have to look at the mean values over a long period . The mean of the means from 10 years for example. And that information us just not available. Here is the link for the paper. ... _Committee
Shooter77":1ouoko0k said:
Andy S.":1ouoko0k said:
Parahunter":1ouoko0k said:
I wouldn't call 4 days difference a HUGE variation remember the May 2 date is the MEAN of initiation of incubation of the entire state.
For what it is worth, it is hard for me to believe there is ONLY 4 days variation of the "mean day" between the southwest corner of the state where I live (much like north MS, lots of river bottoms and floodplain, 350' elevation), and the northeast corner of the state (much like VA, mountains, 1500' - 6000' elevation).

Weather does also effect mean dates between years, sometimes drastically and variations can be very wide over the state.

This leads to another issue, it seems to me it is very difficult to blanket manage the entire state or even from year to year when it comes to season dates. However it just isn't feasible in the real world to micro manage like that. So you need to use something that will work in general for the entire state and monitor it and adjust accordingly every so often.

Here is another good link I got from the NWTF Biologist for Tennessee
Google search

considerations for timing of spring wild turkey hunting season in the southeastern united states
Andy S.":29czhlup said:
Parahunter":29czhlup said:
I wouldn't call 4 days difference a HUGE variation remember the May 2 date is the MEAN of initiation of incubation of the entire state.
For what it is worth, it is hard for me to believe there is ONLY 4 days variation of the "mean day" between the southwest corner of the state where I live (much like north MS, lots of river bottoms and floodplain, 350' elevation), and the northeast corner of the state (much like VA, mountains, 1500' - 6000' elevation).

Parahunter":29czhlup said:
I did not post the entire paper.
Please post a link to PDF if you have it, I would love to read it.

There's more like a 2-3 week difference in the areas i hunt. We didn't even green out until 10 days ago and had 3 snowfalls during the season.

I never find nests, eggs, etc during the season and each season ends with birds basically silent as they're henned up.

There's zero chance of a 4 day difference
I took SCN's advise and shot out an e-mail to a few on the commission asking for consideration on a few things.

Will it do anything? Maybe, maybe not.

But at least I feel like I had the opportunity to voice my concern and also ask for an addition to the legal means of harvest.
Mid-Tenn":8dj2llo9 said:
Approve the use of handguns chambered in .410 shotshell.
Interesting. You done much testing/patterning with a .410 pistol and turkey loads? Would your primary use be for fanning/reaping?