Harvest numbers info...

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Why the denial from some people? We have absolutely nothing to gain from expressing our concerns about "a declining population", if anything we have something to loose (season restructuring, lower limits, etc). The deniers have more to gain, like protecting the viable resource.

I've been at this for 25 years, I highly doubt all of a sudden I forgot how to turkey hunt. Yes, my hearing is terminal but I can still here them gobble...when they are there. I can travel to out of state public lands and have success, in terrain I've never been to. However, more than a few local properties I've had access to for 20+ years are going down the tank. For the most part, nothing on the surface has changed.

If your not worried about what many of us are seeing and saying, then your an absolute detriment to your own demise. This is not some localized disaster, it's a plague and seems to be spreading and compounding. When, not if, your plagued with this crap then it's to late.

Its borderline sickening to see a modern hunter think more about themselves vs the very resource that gets your rocks off.

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I wonder if a correlation exist between CWD deniers and turkey population decline nay sayers?

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I was thinking today when I was hunting on the same property I've hunted since 1990. How sad. Go from hearing 10 to 15 birds gobble all morning to hearing two gobble a few times a piece. Depressing. 2 other members were there and they weren't too excited either.
Sent from my SM-G892A using Tapatalk[/quote] we had those floods here too and the birds are still here. They don't all nest on flood plains.

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Cat, you know me and you hunt the same area, and it's pretty obvious that there's several birds there, but I'd be willing to bet its 50% less than what it was 5 or 6 years ago, its painfully obvious riding around the area that it has changed. Dont kid yourself, even the local game wardens will tell you that area is disaster bound.
I'm on my fifth day of not hearing a peep. I went almost 15 seasons hunting these mountains with hearing at least one gobble every single hunt.

I don't know what's happened, I don't know how to fix it, and I'm not sure what the end results will be.

I've tried to stay positive but the situation around here seems really really bad as of today.

It's pathetic some are letting selfishness cloud their view or empathy for so many who are watching what they love evaporate. I find it ironic these same people have only been at this a relatively short while and also the "if it's legal it's cool" crowd.

I haven't forgotten what a gobble sounds like or how to make one talk. I just don't know that they're here to talk.

It may be great in your world but there's a bunch of us out here where it is a long way from oaky. Your selfishness and stubbornness for change for the betterment of the entire state is pitiful. Honestly y'all should be ashamed
AT Hiker":2kict0bz said:
I wonder if a correlation exist between CWD deniers and turkey population decline nay sayers?

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Don't forget climate deniers... Just kidding

Seriously though there is an issue. In some instances it is habitat change, which is what i think is plaguing me. I have been out on PP and where flocks of 50+ birds used to be, they are gone. I see very little sign and seen a couple of hens. I have seen 0 male birds and heard 0 gobbles.

Catman told me his friend has killed 2 out there and called 2 in he let walk, but he must have found a pocket, because it is bad. Honestly i think it is mainly the fact they have let all the fields grow up and that was a big draw for them. Now that the fields are waist high weeds or higher, most of the turkeys have moved on. Even if they were there you couldn't see them. They listened to us about the fall shooting and cut that off on PP, but it may have been too late.

I've got a couple more spots to check, but if they turn up empty, i'm striking out to new territories.
AT Hiker":2j4o0fj2 said:
Why the denial from some people?

My guess: they still have a good population in their little microcosm and they are absolutely terrified that they might not get to kill their 4 birds. The rest of the state be damned.

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catman529":aeozs9kv said:
AllOutdoors":aeozs9kv said:
catman529":aeozs9kv said:
AllOutdoors said:
Birds are definitely not here in numbers as years past. Before 2010 I could hear 10 or 12 birds gobble from the farm in Perry county. Now nothing.
I 840 from I 40 to 100hwy there were always birds. Heck several killed on the road and now not a bird in site. Used to a drive down hwy 13 from Lobelville to Linden you could see 100 birds easy. Now nothing. Numbers are way down and I can't imagine anyone denying it. We will see how the harvest numbers turn out but those with turkeys should be happy to have them. They simply aren't around my hunting grounds. I got a pic of turkeys on a trailcam this year. First one in 8 years.

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there are certain areas like that where birds have declined for no apparent reason and that's why UT is doing a study on it. So they can see where the birds go if/when they disappear.

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Yeah and I'm looking forward to the conclusion of their study cause I will say, there is no "if or when" they disappear...They done gone.2009 and 2010 we had major floods in Perry county that flooded lots of nesting areas. Any of the creeks running to the Tn River in my area were devastated with water. I'm sure that wiped out lots of nests. And along the Duck as well. Hwy 50 from I 40 to 100 in Centerville was always thick with turkeys. Now not a bird to be seen. That area along with Cane creek was ravaged with the floods as well those years, wiping out lots of nesting grounds. Where my frustration starts is that was 2009, and 2010 and they just don't seem to be making a comeback.
So of course I'm asking myself did we as hunters mis manage our resource after the floods or did twra miss the boat on limits for hunters after the floods? I realize it would be hard to survey the damage to a populace post flood, but a couple years in? And bag limits to certain areas set by twra would just make enforcement of regulations more difficult and expensive.
And for the record..... I'm not blaming twra for a shortage of birds and not blaming hunters legally hunting within the limit.
I'm just wandering where the birds are and why they are not making a comeback 10 years in.

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we had those floods here too and the birds are still here. They don't all nest on flood plains.

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They don't all nest in flood plains. But you didn't have the floods we had here.

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Spurhunter":3tw4437i said:
AT Hiker":3tw4437i said:
Why the denial from some people?

My guess: they still have a good population in their little microcosm and they are absolutely terrified that they might not get to kill their 4 birds. The rest of the state be damned.

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Bone Collector":27wgwd9c said:
AT Hiker":27wgwd9c said:
I wonder if a correlation exist between CWD deniers and turkey population decline nay sayers?

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Don't forget climate deniers... Just kidding....

....I've got a couple more spots to check, but if they turn up empty, i'm striking out to new territories.

Ever since I made the climate statement I've actually ran across a couple articles from biologist stating climate change is an issue. Since my TNdeer brethren would tar and feather me, I will leave that topic alone for now[emoji14]

Like you I'm about to expand my horizons into these "microcosms" that seem to be immune to the problems the rest of us are having. Once everyone else figures this out you can kiss the glory spots good bye.

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I'm not near as "die hard" turkey hunter as a lot of you guys but I do hunt every year. It don't take a rocket scientist to see the decline around Carroll County over the last 10 plus years. Probably the same reason I don't hunt them as hard as I used to.

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Rockhound":3spzbw98 said:
Cat, you know me and you hunt the same area, and it's pretty obvious that there's several birds there, but I'd be willing to bet its 50% less than what it was 5 or 6 years ago, its painfully obvious riding around the area that it has changed. Dont kid yourself, even the local game wardens will tell you that area is disaster bound.
I beg to differ, I spend a lot of time out there and this year the numbers are higher than the past 2 or 3, it's a really good year actually. I've been hunting it since 2011 and yes the numbers were a lot better before the pressure got bad but there are still a ton of birds there and they have had good hatches every year

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Setterman":3h893zfe said:
Keep in mind what you see in your own microcosm may not reflect the bigger picture

That is just it. You guys are giving him crap, but I drive through his "Microcosm" daily and just like today I saw no less than 20 toms strutting with hens all around them. If you lived and hunted where he does, you would think there is nothing wrong at all. In fact this year is indeed better than the last couple, so I get where he is coming from.

I believe there is something wrong, because I do not hunt in that bubble, but I hold on to hope that the areas that I do hunt that used to have birds will either have the habitat changed back to how it was, or the birds will get used to the habitat changes and move back in to the area. I know for a fact the 40 or so bird flock that was using my land is still mostly in the area, but they have been pushed out by all the new construction. My hope is once the dust settles and they realize that the new construction and human traffic posses no threat, then they will come back. Time will tell.
Bone Collector":2fpso6qc said:
Setterman":2fpso6qc said:
Keep in mind what you see in your own microcosm may not reflect the bigger picture

That is just it. You guys are giving him crap, but I drive through his "Microcosm" daily and just like today I saw no less than 20 toms strutting with hens all around them. If you lived and hunted where he does, you would think there is nothing wrong at all. In fact this year is indeed better than the last couple, so I get where he is coming from.

I believe there is something wrong, because I do not hunt in that bubble, but I hold on to hope that the areas that I do hunt that used to have birds will either have the habitat changed back to how it was, or the birds will get used to the habitat changes and move back in to the area. I know for a fact the 40 or so bird flock that was using my land is still mostly in the area, but they have been pushed out by all the new construction. My hope is once the dust settles and they realize that the new construction and human traffic posses no threat, then they will come back. Time will tell.
This is just it, TWRA does NOT manage for anyone's microcosm, they manage for STATEWIDE, thus the sweeping 4 bird limit, which is asinine for A LOT of areas. I am fine with his or her microcosm supporting a 6 bird limit, but that should not be the baseline for STATEWIDE regulations.
Andy S.":31xantzm said:
Bone Collector":31xantzm said:
Setterman":31xantzm said:
Keep in mind what you see in your own microcosm may not reflect the bigger picture

That is just it. You guys are giving him crap, but I drive through his "Microcosm" daily and just like today I saw no less than 20 toms strutting with hens all around them. If you lived and hunted where he does, you would think there is nothing wrong at all. In fact this year is indeed better than the last couple, so I get where he is coming from.

I believe there is something wrong, because I do not hunt in that bubble, but I hold on to hope that the areas that I do hunt that used to have birds will either have the habitat changed back to how it was, or the birds will get used to the habitat changes and move back in to the area. I know for a fact the 40 or so bird flock that was using my land is still mostly in the area, but they have been pushed out by all the new construction. My hope is once the dust settles and they realize that the new construction and human traffic posses no threat, then they will come back. Time will tell.
This is just it, TWRA does NOT manage for anyone's microcosm, they manage for STATEWIDE, thus the sweeping 4 bird limit, which is asinine for A LOT of areas. I am fine with his or her microcosm supporting a 6 bird limit, but that should not be the baseline for STATEWIDE regulations.

I agree with you 100% too, just trying to point out he's not "sticking his head in the sand" as others have suggested.

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Bone Collector":3nerhflh said:
I agree with you 100% too, just trying to point out he's not "sticking his head in the sand" as others have suggested.

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I'm not sure exactly where he hunts but if it's where I think it is I will leave this quote here from one of the researchers "the harvest is down 50% and the population is probably down more than that" -David Buehler

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AT Hiker":32ybd33l said:
Bone Collector":32ybd33l said:
I agree with you 100% too, just trying to point out he's not "sticking his head in the sand" as others have suggested.

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I'm not sure exactly where he hunts but if it's where I think it is I will leave this quote here from one of the researchers "the harvest is down 50% and the population is probably down more than that" -David Buehler

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50% there at the WMA, or statewide? Pretty sure someone confirmed with TWRA the statewide # is just north of 14k that can't be down 50% vs last year this time.

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catman529":2yfz2ho2 said:
Rockhound":2yfz2ho2 said:
Cat, you know me and you hunt the same area, and it's pretty obvious that there's several birds there, but I'd be willing to bet its 50% less than what it was 5 or 6 years ago, its painfully obvious riding around the area that it has changed. Dont kid yourself, even the local game wardens will tell you that area is disaster bound.
I beg to differ, I spend a lot of time out there and this year the numbers are higher than the past 2 or 3, it's a really good year actually. I've been hunting it since 2011 and yes the numbers were a lot better before the pressure got bad but there are still a ton of birds there and they have had good hatches every year

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I've always given you the benefit of doubt since you are new to the game and still green but dang it man. You know you have single handedly doubled the pressure on that place but still cant hold your tongue. Now this week you got 4 or 5 cameras running around there.

I guess I'm going to have to start driving further and hunting out of a boat like you have resorted to the last couple years. Whether you know it or not, you have already started to let that cat out of the bag too. SMH
Levee Jumper":m6j01jxl said:
catman529":m6j01jxl said:
Rockhound":m6j01jxl said:
Cat, you know me and you hunt the same area, and it's pretty obvious that there's several birds there, but I'd be willing to bet its 50% less than what it was 5 or 6 years ago, its painfully obvious riding around the area that it has changed. Dont kid yourself, even the local game wardens will tell you that area is disaster bound.
I beg to differ, I spend a lot of time out there and this year the numbers are higher than the past 2 or 3, it's a really good year actually. I've been hunting it since 2011 and yes the numbers were a lot better before the pressure got bad but there are still a ton of birds there and they have had good hatches every year

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I've always given you the benefit of doubt since you are new to the game and still green but dang it man. You know you have single handedly doubled the pressure on that place but still cant hold your tongue. Now this week you got 4 or 5 cameras running around there.

I guess I'm going to have to start driving further and hunting out of a boat like you have resorted to the last couple years. Whether you know it or not, you have already started to let that cat out of the bag too. SMH
I may not have been hunting for 30+ years like some people here, but after 8 years hunting the same area hard, I am not "new to the game" and I am well aware that the turkey population is not what it was 10 or 15 years ago, the pressure is way higher, the birds are fewer than they were before, but I do know that we have a good hatch just about every year and the turkeys are holding a steady population and not declining any further as of right now.

Also. I haven't resorted to anything. After hunting the same place so much I like a change of scenery. The area I've boat hunted has fewer turkeys than where I usually hunt. I just like it out there and seem to find a few birds that will gobble.

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Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]

I've always given you the benefit of doubt since you are new to the game and still green but dang it man. You know you have single handedly doubled the pressure on that place but still cant hold your tongue. Now this week you got 4 or 5 cameras running around there.

I guess I'm going to have to start driving further and hunting out of a boat like you have resorted to the last couple years. Whether you know it or not, you have already started to let that cat out of the bag too. SMH[/quote] I may not have been hunting for 30+ years like some people here, but after 8 years hunting the same area hard, I am not "new to the game" and I am well aware that the turkey population is not what it was 10 or 15 years ago, the pressure is way higher, the birds are fewer than they were before, but I do know that we have a good hatch just about every year and the turkeys are holding a steady population and not declining any further as of right now.

Also. I haven't resorted to anything. After hunting the same place so much I like a change of scenery. The area I've boat hunted has fewer turkeys than where I usually hunt. I just like it out there and seem to find a few birds that will gobble.

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I once told a guy a about a riverbed I used wade around in chestwaders and smash crappie. It now gets pounded daily in April.

I once took someone to a point on a fence row where you could swat mallards with a tennis racket when the river got to the right level. You gotta spend the night in a boat to hunt it now.

I had some ground that was prime for deer hunting. I was young and dumb and told someone where I killed a 130" deer there. They leased it out from under me the next year.

I really appreciate your insane persistence and your videos. I'm not trying to get on you but if you really enjoy doing something somewhere in particular you've got to learn to try and keep it to yourself. I've learned the hard way over the years.
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