Harvest numbers info...

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TheLBLman":2alpyllb said:
AT Hiker":2alpyllb said:
I invite all YouTubers to LBL.
That is a ticketable offense.

Lol, no worries as the hunting is no cake walk there. Besides, the ticks would carry them away.

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TheLBLman":3y9z2m7l said:
AT Hiker":3y9z2m7l said:
I invite all YouTubers to LBL.
That is a ticketable offense.
That's the thing about LBL that these YouTubers probably don't know. It really is a ticketable offense without a permit. If they receive any sort of compensation, even something as simple as a product discount for being a prostaffer, they are breaking the law filming there without a permit.

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TheLBLman":3gu3n4g7 said:
AT Hiker":3gu3n4g7 said:
Besides, the ticks would carry them away.
The ticks are so bad here,
you need to spray Permethrin on your Protruder! :tu:

See other thread for consequences of not spraying your bad boy. It just falls off and turns to plastic, ticks are evil[emoji33]

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I was just out mowing the grass and had a huge realization. "The Hunting Public" was recently hanging out in Nashville. I'm willing to bet about anything that the said WMA shows up on one of their hunting videos. With 100,000 subscribers and TN having an early season with a 4 bird limit, that WMA is screwed. Let's hope they had a miserable hunt and didn't kill anything.

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Buzzard Breath":2klt0jzh said:
I was just out mowing the grass and had a huge realization. "The Hunting Public" was recently hanging out in Nashville. I'm willing to bet about anything that the said WMA shows up on one of their hunting videos. With 100,000 subscribers and TN having an early season with a 4 bird limit, that WMA is screwed. Let's hope they had a miserable hunt and didn't kill anything.

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lol.... Good thing Aaron was saddled with that dude that doesn't have a clue about turkey hunting. Hard to know for sure but I'm 95% sure that I killed the turkey Friday that ole boy screwed up on Wednesday. Killed him about 50 yards from where they buggered him up.
Buzzard Breath":1f4foohf said:
I was just out mowing the grass and had a huge realization. "The Hunting Public" was recently hanging out in Nashville. I'm willing to bet about anything that the said WMA shows up on one of their hunting videos. With 100,000 subscribers and TN having an early season with a 4 bird limit, that WMA is screwed. Let's hope they had a miserable hunt and didn't kill anything.

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Too late. Already uploaded and I paraphrase the opening scene "we were told this would be a pretty easy hunt".
They even used decoys[emoji1787]

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Buzzard Breath":1bweb37p said:
With 100,000 subscribers and TN having an early season with a 4 bird limit, that WMA is screwed. Let's hope they had a miserable hunt and didn't kill anything.
Tennessee has become a significant destination state for early turkey hunting
by those who live farther north.

The TN turkey season opens a full two weeks earlier than our neighboring KY.
We draw a lot of non-resident turkey hunters from KY.
But then KY draws a lot of non-resident deer hunters from TN for similar reasons.

Almost seems much about our hunting regs is designed more to attract non-resident hunters than to protect the wildlife resources?

What do you think TN's "velvet" buck hunt was mostly about?
AT Hiker":26kfgr8s said:
Buzzard Breath":26kfgr8s said:
I was just out mowing the grass and had a huge realization. "The Hunting Public" was recently hanging out in Nashville. I'm willing to bet about anything that the said WMA shows up on one of their hunting videos. With 100,000 subscribers and TN having an early season with a 4 bird limit, that WMA is screwed. Let's hope they had a miserable hunt and didn't kill anything.

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Too late. Already uploaded and I paraphrase the opening scene "we were told this would be a pretty easy hunt".
They even used decoys[emoji1787]

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That tells you how "in the loop" I am when it comes to hunting shows.

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TheLBLman":1g3474qx said:
Buzzard Breath":1g3474qx said:
With 100,000 subscribers and TN having an early season with a 4 bird limit, that WMA is screwed. Let's hope they had a miserable hunt and didn't kill anything.
Tennessee has become a significant destination state for early turkey hunting
by those who live farther north.

The TN turkey season opens a full two weeks earlier than our neighboring KY.
We draw a lot of non-resident turkey hunters from KY.
But then KY draws a lot of non-resident deer hunters from TN for similar reasons.

Almost seems much about our hunting regs is designed more to attract non-resident hunters than to protect the wildlife resources?

What do you think TN's "velvet" buck hunt was mostly about?
The only bright side is that these really popular hunting shows will concentrate a large percentage of hunters in 1 area, hopefully relieving the pressure elsewhere.

Opening day I hunted one of the more remote areas of the state and saw more out-of-state tags than local tags. Turkey hunting is rapidly becoming too popular.

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Buzzard Breath":2gc9vixc said:
I was just out mowing the grass and had a huge realization. "The Hunting Public" was recently hanging out in Nashville. I'm willing to bet about anything that the said WMA shows up on one of their hunting videos.
I'm willing to bet "the planning phase" went something like this:

THP: Hey man, join us on bullchit WMA in Alabama for a January deer hunt. Hang out with us, have a few drinks around the campfire, and tell us where we can film an easy turkey hunt in your state.

The other party: Sounds good, I'll be there.

The rest is history.

Several of us predicted this back in January. ;)
catman529":3jthv97j said:
Rockhound":3jthv97j said:
Cat, you know me and you hunt the same area, and it's pretty obvious that there's several birds there, but I'd be willing to bet its 50% less than what it was 5 or 6 years ago, its painfully obvious riding around the area that it has changed. Dont kid yourself, even the local game wardens will tell you that area is disaster bound.
I beg to differ, I spend a lot of time out there and this year the numbers are higher than the past 2 or 3, it's a really good year actually. I've been hunting it since 2011 and yes the numbers were a lot better before the pressure got bad but there are still a ton of birds there and they have had good hatches every year

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The area game wardens will tell you the hatches have been less than stellar for the last 2 years, Lawrence county had a better pph average and that's pathetic. There's still birds bit nothing like it was I've been hunting there since 2010 and I spend quite a bit of time out there as well
I'm in northeast tn and figured out what wma and the exact field that jake from THP killed his turkey in just from the aerial pic they used to show how they set up.
Andy S.":2n2m7ikt said:
You are showing yoru ignorance on this subject, just stop while you're ahead. Search the online hunting forums, there are PLENTY of threads that support my statement. Here are a few to get you started:

http://www.gobblernation.com/phpBB3/vie ... hp?t=12536


Another OG thread was deleted in February 2019 because some of the members were blasting Catman for telling it all (internet forums, YT videos, etc) and inviting half the world to said middle TN WMA. The wording became so bad, the moderators deleted it. Catman commented in that thread, he know's what I speak of.

My ignorance to what? the fact that you guys have given Cat a bunch of crap about his YouTube channel and the fact that he invited friends to hunt with him? Or the fact that I DO NOT CARE to let people know the WMA I am hunting on? Neither is a sign of ignorance. "Stop while I am ahead" or what? Am I gonna make you mad because I disagree with you? BTW those threads look like they are loaded down with a bunch of A holes, JMO. Disclaimer, I didn't read all of the posts

Bone Collector":2n2m7ikt said:
I have always opted to stay on a closer WMA (don't want to give away my trade secrets so i won't name it, lest someone show up and hunt ;) ),
Andy S.":2n2m7ikt said:
Are you sure you have not already named the WMA numerous times in older posts? It doesn't take much researching to put 2 and 2 together. Take my advice, y'all give away much more than you realize, and it is obvious to the numerous others who hunt there, and the increase in out of state tags.
I was being sarcastic thus the ;) I tell people the WMA I hunt on all the time. I have also done the RIGHT thing and helped people that asked for it both on the thread, but mostly PMs. I don't see many out of state hunters out my way. E TN guys sure, but that is about it.

Bone Collector":2n2m7ikt said:
This site used to be about helping people be successful...
Andy S.":2n2m7ikt said:
It still is, but you do it via PM, not advertising public land on TnD, OG, Youtube, etc. The sooner the younger generation figures this out, the better we will all be. Like you said, let's help each other out and keep our mouths shut and our fingers off the keyboard, and by withholding pertinent details that do nothing for the story. My .02

That's fine that is your opinion. The issue most on TNdeer have is certain people in this particular forum think they know everything and think everyone should do what they say and think what they think. Cat has a YouTube channel. He is going to post his videos. If people can figure out where he is hunting from the video so be it, who cares. He has a right to post his videos and take people hunting on public land. Blaming him for people coming to the WMA to hunt because of his videos is asinine. That was basically the point of my entire post earlier, which as a side note was more directed at Levee Jumper not you. You just quoted his post.

We're not always going to agree with you and when we don't and do it differently than you, you do not have to comment or "educate" anyone with your opinion, which is all most on here are offering up lately. If you want to educate folks tell them tactics that work to kill turkey or deer.

FYI I don't know if you are referring to me as the "younger generation" or not, but If so I am probably older than you or about the same age.
Bone Collector":o7mb43rh said:
If you want to educate folks tell them tactics that work to kill turkey or deer.
Believe me, we are trying, but some cannot see the forest for the trees. You want my opinion on how to kill more turkeys: get in the woods, leave the crutches and cameras at home, and stay off the internet and Youtube. You want to know why out of staters limb lift one out in front of you on your favorite godforsaken WMA, look in the mirror. We have been TRYING to educate several of you for years about blabbing on hunting forums, but we are OBVIOUSLY wasting OUR time, and it is mind blowing to us. It is far bigger than me, it is several of the most respected traditional turkey hunters on this site, as well as on OG and GN. Go about your business, maybe you can meat up with Pro Staffer Shane Simpson out there and ask him who personally invited him to TN. Or better yet, message him on one of the forums, I am sure you will be shocked by who he reveals invited him to a middle TN WMA. Again, kill more turkeys by keeping your mouth shut and fingers off the keyboard. Everyone you invite, invites 10 more, and it just keeps growing. I thought this was common sense, but it appears it isn't anymore. My .02
WORM82":9opwx166 said:
I'm in northeast tn and figured out what wma and the exact field that jake from THP killed his turkey in just from the aerial pic they used to show how they set up.
No way.......you have to be kidding me. :tu:
Bone Collector":9i9okteg said:
Andy S.":9i9okteg said:
You are showing yoru ignorance on this subject, just stop while you're ahead. Search the online hunting forums, there are PLENTY of threads that support my statement. Here are a few to get you started:

http://www.gobblernation.com/phpBB3/vie ... hp?t=12536


Another OG thread was deleted in February 2019 because some of the members were blasting Catman for telling it all (internet forums, YT videos, etc) and inviting half the world to said middle TN WMA. The wording became so bad, the moderators deleted it. Catman commented in that thread, he know's what I speak of.

My ignorance to what? the fact that you guys have given Cat a bunch of crap about his YouTube channel and the fact that he invited friends to hunt with him? Or the fact that I DO NOT CARE to let people know the WMA I am hunting on? Neither is a sign of ignorance. "Stop while I am ahead" or what? Am I gonna make you mad because I disagree with you? BTW those threads look like they are loaded down with a bunch of A holes, JMO. Disclaimer, I didn't read all of the posts

Bone Collector":9i9okteg said:
I have always opted to stay on a closer WMA (don't want to give away my trade secrets so i won't name it, lest someone show up and hunt ;) ),
Andy S.":9i9okteg said:
Are you sure you have not already named the WMA numerous times in older posts? It doesn't take much researching to put 2 and 2 together. Take my advice, y'all give away much more than you realize, and it is obvious to the numerous others who hunt there, and the increase in out of state tags.
I was being sarcastic thus the ;) I tell people the WMA I hunt on all the time. I have also done the RIGHT thing and helped people that asked for it both on the thread, but mostly PMs. I don't see many out of state hunters out my way. E TN guys sure, but that is about it.

Bone Collector":9i9okteg said:
This site used to be about helping people be successful...
Andy S.":9i9okteg said:
It still is, but you do it via PM, not advertising public land on TnD, OG, Youtube, etc. The sooner the younger generation figures this out, the better we will all be. Like you said, let's help each other out and keep our mouths shut and our fingers off the keyboard, and by withholding pertinent details that do nothing for the story. My .02

That's fine that is your opinion. The issue most on TNdeer have is certain people in this particular forum think they know everything and think everyone should do what they say and think what they think. Cat has a YouTube channel. He is going to post his videos. If people can figure out where he is hunting from the video so be it, who cares. He has a right to post his videos and take people hunting on public land. Blaming him for people coming to the WMA to hunt because of his videos is asinine. That was basically the point of my entire post earlier, which as a side note was more directed at Levee Jumper not you. You just quoted his post.

We're not always going to agree with you and when we don't and do it differently than you, you do not have to comment or "educate" anyone with your opinion, which is all most on here are offering up lately. If you want to educate folks tell them tactics that work to kill turkey or deer.

FYI I don't know if you are referring to me as the "younger generation" or not, but If so I am probably older than you or about the same age.

Lol, I was just trying to help the guy out explaining my personal misfortunes of giving too much info out. He just seems to continue to be a bit loose lipped IMO. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. Don't really know why you decided to get all butt hurt about it either. :poke:
Andy S.":co76wu0j said:
Levee Jumper":co76wu0j said:
I just can't seem to wrap my head around it.
You and about 500 other local TN hunters.

I don't even tell my family where I'm hunting. Damn near treasonous to give out that kind of info in my household lol.
It's like this. When many, many people claim the population is declining. Then the state recognizes and begins a study, then local biologist and officers acknowledge it. Something is clearly happening.
Then someone comes out and says "things are good here, heck come on out and hunt" Blast it all over the internet, then it compounds. Purely exploiting a vulnerable resource for some weird personal gain. How would you not expect people to become frustrated?

I watch catman, THP and a few others but I'm starting to see a pattern and I'm not sure I like it. I actually have a sense that catman is being taken advantage of, which is not cool.

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