Andy S.":9i9okteg said:
You are showing yoru ignorance on this subject, just stop while you're ahead. Search the online hunting forums, there are PLENTY of threads that support my statement. Here are a few to get you started: ... hp?t=12536
Another OG thread was deleted in February 2019 because some of the members were blasting Catman for telling it all (
internet forums, YT videos, etc) and inviting half the world to said middle TN WMA. The wording became so bad, the moderators deleted it. Catman commented in that thread, he know's what I speak of.
My ignorance to what? the fact that you guys have given Cat a bunch of crap about his YouTube channel and the fact that he invited friends to hunt with him? Or the fact that I DO NOT CARE to let people know the WMA I am hunting on? Neither is a sign of ignorance. "Stop while I am ahead" or what? Am I gonna make you mad because I disagree with you? BTW those threads look like they are loaded down with a bunch of A holes, JMO. Disclaimer, I didn't read all of the posts
Bone Collector":9i9okteg said:
I have always opted to stay on a closer WMA (don't want to give away my trade secrets so i won't name it, lest someone show up and hunt

Andy S.":9i9okteg said:
Are you sure you have not already named the WMA numerous times in older posts? It doesn't take much researching to put 2 and 2 together. Take my advice, y'all give away much more than you realize, and it is obvious to the numerous others who hunt there, and the increase in out of state tags.
I was being sarcastic thus the 
I tell people the WMA I hunt on all the time. I have also done the RIGHT thing and helped people that asked for it both on the thread, but
mostly PMs. I don't see many out of state hunters out my way. E TN guys sure, but that is about it.
Bone Collector":9i9okteg said:
This site used to be about helping people be successful...
Andy S.":9i9okteg said:
It still is, but you do it via PM, not advertising public land on TnD, OG, Youtube, etc. The sooner the younger generation figures this out, the better we will all be. Like you said, let's help each other out and keep our mouths shut and our fingers off the keyboard, and by withholding pertinent details that do nothing for the story. My .02
That's fine that is your opinion. The issue most on TNdeer have is certain people in this
particular forum think they know everything and think everyone should do what they say and think what they think. Cat has a YouTube channel. He is going to post his videos. If people can figure out where he is hunting from the video so be it, who cares. He has a right to post his videos and take people hunting on public land. Blaming him for people coming to the WMA to hunt because of his videos is asinine.
That was basically the point of my entire post earlier, which as a side note was more directed at Levee Jumper not you. You just quoted his post.
We're not always going to agree with you and when we don't and do it differently than you, you do not have to comment or "educate" anyone with your opinion, which is all most on here are offering up lately. If you want to educate folks tell them tactics that work to kill turkey or deer.
FYI I don't know if you are referring to me as the "younger generation" or not, but If so I am probably older than you or about the same age.