Harvest numbers info...

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AT Hiker":3piccfyo said:
It's like this. When many, many people claim the population is declining. Then the state recognizes and begins a study, then local biologist and officers acknowledge it. Something is clearly happening.
Then someone comes out and says "things are good here, heck come on out and hunt" Blast it all over the internet, then it compounds. Purely exploiting a vulnerable resource for some weird personal gain. How would you not expect people to become frustrated?

I watch catman, THP and a few others but I'm starting to see a pattern and I'm not sure I like it. I actually have a sense that catman is being taken advantage of, which is not cool.
This man gets it!
Andy S.":1aj0qu6w said:
Ding ding ding we have a winner!!! Catman and Catman Outdoors are known on several hunting forums and Youtube for scouting for others, and doing a good job at it too, as well as pissing off a lot of public land hunters who know how to keep their mouths shut and enjoy the hunting that they have, while they have the opportunity. I've got friends who are not members here, but lurk here, who read Catman's, and others posts, and can tell you just about every WMA they are referring to, both in state, and out of state. It is amazing how hunters can study the details of posts/photos/videos/comments/replies/etc, and narrow down hunting areas to 1-2 WMAs. If you had been hunting 30+ years, things like this would be obvious to you. Keep on and keeping on, but hopefully you'll eventually slow down and smell the roses, and be grateful for the opportunities you are afforded. My .02.
I have never said the name of a county, WMA, lake, river or road in any of my hunting videos. Anyone who figures out where I hunt is either familiar with the area or found out from someone else who didn't keep their mouth shut. When I first joined this forum, I would say where I hunted in all my posts, I didn't know any better. Thanks to some advice from fellow members and a few people finding where I was hunting, I kept my mouth shut. The spot where I killed my first turkey was already getting hammered when I first started hunting it, so word was already getting out before I said anything. People need to keep quiet about their good spots. I learned that here 6 or 7 years ago. If you find out where I hunt by watching a video (and I hunt several places in multiple counties) then good for you, you're welcome to come hunt it, just do us all a favor and don't tell all your buddies where it is.

That's all I have to say

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Levee Jumper":2iib38n8 said:
Bone Collector":2iib38n8 said:
Andy S.":2iib38n8 said:
You are showing yoru ignorance on this subject, just stop while you're ahead. Search the online hunting forums, there are PLENTY of threads that support my statement. Here are a few to get you started:

http://www.gobblernation.com/phpBB3/vie ... hp?t=12536


Another OG thread was deleted in February 2019 because some of the members were blasting Catman for telling it all (internet forums, YT videos, etc) and inviting half the world to said middle TN WMA. The wording became so bad, the moderators deleted it. Catman commented in that thread, he know's what I speak of.

My ignorance to what? the fact that you guys have given Cat a bunch of crap about his YouTube channel and the fact that he invited friends to hunt with him? Or the fact that I DO NOT CARE to let people know the WMA I am hunting on? Neither is a sign of ignorance. "Stop while I am ahead" or what? Am I gonna make you mad because I disagree with you? BTW those threads look like they are loaded down with a bunch of A holes, JMO. Disclaimer, I didn't read all of the posts

Bone Collector":2iib38n8 said:
I have always opted to stay on a closer WMA (don't want to give away my trade secrets so i won't name it, lest someone show up and hunt ;) ),
Andy S.":2iib38n8 said:
Are you sure you have not already named the WMA numerous times in older posts? It doesn't take much researching to put 2 and 2 together. Take my advice, y'all give away much more than you realize, and it is obvious to the numerous others who hunt there, and the increase in out of state tags.
I was being sarcastic thus the ;) I tell people the WMA I hunt on all the time. I have also done the RIGHT thing and helped people that asked for it both on the thread, but mostly PMs. I don't see many out of state hunters out my way. E TN guys sure, but that is about it.

Bone Collector":2iib38n8 said:
This site used to be about helping people be successful...
Andy S.":2iib38n8 said:
It still is, but you do it via PM, not advertising public land on TnD, OG, Youtube, etc. The sooner the younger generation figures this out, the better we will all be. Like you said, let's help each other out and keep our mouths shut and our fingers off the keyboard, and by withholding pertinent details that do nothing for the story. My .02

That's fine that is your opinion. The issue most on TNdeer have is certain people in this particular forum think they know everything and think everyone should do what they say and think what they think. Cat has a YouTube channel. He is going to post his videos. If people can figure out where he is hunting from the video so be it, who cares. He has a right to post his videos and take people hunting on public land. Blaming him for people coming to the WMA to hunt because of his videos is asinine. That was basically the point of my entire post earlier, which as a side note was more directed at Levee Jumper not you. You just quoted his post.

We're not always going to agree with you and when we don't and do it differently than you, you do not have to comment or "educate" anyone with your opinion, which is all most on here are offering up lately. If you want to educate folks tell them tactics that work to kill turkey or deer.

FYI I don't know if you are referring to me as the "younger generation" or not, but If so I am probably older than you or about the same age.

Lol, I was just trying to help the guy out explaining my personal misfortunes of giving too much info out. He just seems to continue to be a bit loose lipped IMO. I just can't seem to wrap my head around it. Don't really know why you decided to get all butt hurt about it either. :poke:

I didn't get butt hurt, just felt it was pointless. No value added to the conversation. JMO. Thought it was a bit of a stretch too, to put the blame on him for the influx of hunters. I don't personally see any harm in saying I was on WMA X. That is also JMO, not saying I am right or wrong. I just feel like you guys are being a little too over protective. People will figure out where the birds are one way or the other.
catman529":2qqmiru2 said:
Andy S.":2qqmiru2 said:
Ding ding ding we have a winner!!! Catman and Catman Outdoors are known on several hunting forums and Youtube for scouting for others, and doing a good job at it too, as well as pissing off a lot of public land hunters who know how to keep their mouths shut and enjoy the hunting that they have, while they have the opportunity. I've got friends who are not members here, but lurk here, who read Catman's, and others posts, and can tell you just about every WMA they are referring to, both in state, and out of state. It is amazing how hunters can study the details of posts/photos/videos/comments/replies/etc, and narrow down hunting areas to 1-2 WMAs. If you had been hunting 30+ years, things like this would be obvious to you. Keep on and keeping on, but hopefully you'll eventually slow down and smell the roses, and be grateful for the opportunities you are afforded. My .02.
I have never said the name of a county, WMA, lake, river or road in any of my hunting videos. Anyone who figures out where I hunt is either familiar with the area or found out from someone else who didn't keep their mouth shut. When I first joined this forum, I would say where I hunted in all my posts, I didn't know any better. Thanks to some advice from fellow members and a few people finding where I was hunting, I kept my mouth shut. The spot where I killed my first turkey was already getting hammered when I first started hunting it, so word was already getting out before I said anything. People need to keep quiet about their good spots. I learned that here 6 or 7 years ago. If you find out where I hunt by watching a video (and I hunt several places in multiple counties) then good for you, you're welcome to come hunt it, just do us all a favor and don't tell all your buddies where it is.

That's all I have to say
You need to do EVERYTHING in your power to protect the hard earned spots you have learned; not for me and others, but for YOU!
Andy S.":2ueei652 said:
catman529":2ueei652 said:
Andy S.":2ueei652 said:
Ding ding ding we have a winner!!! Catman and Catman Outdoors are known on several hunting forums and Youtube for scouting for others, and doing a good job at it too, as well as pissing off a lot of public land hunters who know how to keep their mouths shut and enjoy the hunting that they have, while they have the opportunity. I've got friends who are not members here, but lurk here, who read Catman's, and others posts, and can tell you just about every WMA they are referring to, both in state, and out of state. It is amazing how hunters can study the details of posts/photos/videos/comments/replies/etc, and narrow down hunting areas to 1-2 WMAs. If you had been hunting 30+ years, things like this would be obvious to you. Keep on and keeping on, but hopefully you'll eventually slow down and smell the roses, and be grateful for the opportunities you are afforded. My .02.
I have never said the name of a county, WMA, lake, river or road in any of my hunting videos. Anyone who figures out where I hunt is either familiar with the area or found out from someone else who didn't keep their mouth shut. When I first joined this forum, I would say where I hunted in all my posts, I didn't know any better. Thanks to some advice from fellow members and a few people finding where I was hunting, I kept my mouth shut. The spot where I killed my first turkey was already getting hammered when I first started hunting it, so word was already getting out before I said anything. People need to keep quiet about their good spots. I learned that here 6 or 7 years ago. If you find out where I hunt by watching a video (and I hunt several places in multiple counties) then good for you, you're welcome to come hunt it, just do us all a favor and don't tell all your buddies where it is.

That's all I have to say
You need to do EVERYTHING in your power to protect the hard earned spots you have learned; not for me and others, but for YOU!
most of my good early season spots have been hunted hard as long as I've hunted them. They are well known areas that are no big secret. I will not publicly say names or locations because people can google search that stuff. I might make it look like I have the woods to myself, but that's because I don't sit there and film every hunter and every parked truck I see. I'm there to film the woods and the turkeys because that's what I love to do. I often find birds later in the season in more obscure places that aren't gonna be obvious on a video. Most of the birds I hunt dance with property lines and can be tough to hunt for that reason. Just one hunter walking into a field can send a flock of birds right over to a property that rarely gets hunted, or an impenetrable privet thicket where they hunker down. It helps a good portion of them survive the pressure, that's for sure.

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Andy S.":3fq7o4fs said:
Buzzard Breath":3fq7o4fs said:
I was just out mowing the grass and had a huge realization. "The Hunting Public" was recently hanging out in Nashville. I'm willing to bet about anything that the said WMA shows up on one of their hunting videos.
I'm willing to bet "the planning phase" went something like this:

THP: Hey man, join us on bullchit WMA in Alabama for a January deer hunt. Hang out with us, have a few drinks around the campfire, and tell us where we can film an easy turkey hunt in your state.

The other party: Sounds good, I'll be there.

The rest is history.

Several of us predicted this back in January. ;)

No chit... we sure did!! Don't forget the hog hunt.. one helluva trade.
AT hit the nail on the head, Catman has been taken advantage of but he's got to be the one to see the writing on the wall.
I've watched a few of THP's videos and one of the first things I noticed was that they had a knack for finding a "local" to help them out. I hope no one , Catman included, believes that THP reaching out to him was just a coincidence.
I'll bet the WMA and the private land in the vicinity will be hit harder than ever next year....Y'all remember this next year when the crying starts and it won't just be here it'll be on OG and GN as well. If I were you Catman I'd make dang well sure I had some good spare tires with me. Some of the good ol local boys prolly gonna take issue with this....I've seen it happen in KY over duck holes.
I grew up not having many turkeys to hunt. Never told a soul where I hunted, and if they asked I lied about where I went and lied again and said I heard nothing.
I don't even tell people if I go hunting. And I wouldn't tell anyone other than my brother what continent I'm hunting on.

Some of you guys didn't know the hard times. Population is declining, but it ain't near as bad as it used to be.

I'm all about sharing the sport with others, but a draw a heavy bold line on who I let know about it. Say one word to a so called close friend and before you know it there's ten boats at your shellcracker hole or three trucks at the gate you park.

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Roost 1":27e9mi5u said:
AT hit the nail on the head, Catman has been taken advantage of but he's got to be the one to see the writing on the wall.
I've watched a few of THP's videos and one of the first things I noticed was that they had a knack for finding a "local" to help them out. I hope no one , Catman included, believes that THP reaching out to him was just a coincidence.
I'll bet the WMA and the private land in the vicinity will be hit harder than ever next year....Y'all remember this next year when the crying starts and it won't just be here it'll be on OG and GN as well. If I were you Catman I'd make dang well sure I had some good spare tires with me. Some of the good ol local boys prolly gonna take issue with this....I've seen it happen in KY over duck holes.
I was not taken advantage of, I recommended two different places, they were gonna go somewhere entirely different till the last minute and then decided to hunt a place where one of the guys has already hunted multiple times for Spring Thunder. They are good dudes, I was gonna invite them before they even asked. It's pretty common for youtubers to collaborate. It's not talking advantage of anyone, it benefits both parties. The spots we hunted last week were already hammered by hunters long before THP was around, and even when I started hunting there in 2011 I saw a lot of hunting pressure. Word started getting out about that area before I got into filming my hunts. So if someone recognizes a certain field in a video, then so be it. When they go to hunt there they'll realize it's not as good as it looks in the video when people walk in on them. Remember the Arkansas dudes who shot my bird off the roost... that didn't even surprise me. It's public land. The hunting pressure comes and goes in waves. This year is a bad year for pressure but a good year for bird numbers. Most the birds already been pushed to private now. I've seen both pressure and flock sizes fluctuate in the 8-9 years I've hunted it.

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Spurhunter":1u2whyjg said:
Pardon my ignorance, as I don't watch hunting shows, but what is a "THP"???

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YouTube hunting videos "The Hunting Public"

Im about as old school as the come. But I think they do good videos. Just don't do good for public land folks because now their videos are all
Over the internet for the public to see.

I've hardly even stepped foot on the places, but I knew exactly what WMA they hunted in TN, as well as Alabama in early spring and deer hunting Alabama late January last year just by the way the roads looked and the timber looked and by some of the guest that they had with them.

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I just read back through the thread and guess THP is for The Hunting Public. They have some good videos as well as Catman.

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Roost 1":2ingp1sz said:
AT hit the nail on the head, Catman has been taken advantage of but he's got to be the one to see the writing on the wall.
I've watched a few of THP's videos and one of the first things I noticed was that they had a knack for finding a "local" to help them out. I hope no one , Catman included, believes that THP reaching out to him was just a coincidence.
I'll bet the WMA and the private land in the vicinity will be hit harder than ever next year....Y'all remember this next year when the crying starts and it won't just be here it'll be on OG and GN as well. If I were you Catman I'd make dang well sure I had some good spare tires with me. Some of the good ol local boys prolly gonna take issue with this....I've seen it happen in KY over duck holes.

Haha good lord what a pathetic post. He's been told 6 different times in this thread. I think he gets it. Then you come in for the 7th time and tell him he needs to basically watch his back. Get out of here with this mess. If they are really "good ole boys" they aren't watching youtube videos. If they do watch his videos, they would more than likely be glad to talk to him if they saw him.

Some dudes in here are taking this way too serious. I wouldn't post about my spots but if he wants to then so be it. We got grown men ganging up because of jealousy.
NumberOne":3ugp2jxf said:
We got grown men ganging up because of jealousy.
Just to be clear, there is ZERO jealousy here, not sure what there is to be jealous about???? I would never want to hunt for 12-14 days, around that many gobbling birds, tote a camera, and still be chasing them, if you get my drift. My .02
catman529":3gvnmn6v said:
Roost 1":3gvnmn6v said:
AT hit the nail on the head, Catman has been taken advantage of but he's got to be the one to see the writing on the wall.
I've watched a few of THP's videos and one of the first things I noticed was that they had a knack for finding a "local" to help them out. I hope no one , Catman included, believes that THP reaching out to him was just a coincidence.
I'll bet the WMA and the private land in the vicinity will be hit harder than ever next year....Y'all remember this next year when the crying starts and it won't just be here it'll be on OG and GN as well. If I were you Catman I'd make dang well sure I had some good spare tires with me. Some of the good ol local boys prolly gonna take issue with this....I've seen it happen in KY over duck holes.
I was not taken advantage of, I recommended two different places, they were gonna go somewhere entirely different till the last minute and then decided to hunt a place where one of the guys has already hunted multiple times for Spring Thunder. They are good dudes, I was gonna invite them before they even asked. It's pretty common for youtubers to collaborate. It's not talking advantage of anyone, it benefits both parties. The spots we hunted last week were already hammered by hunters long before THP was around, and even when I started hunting there in 2011 I saw a lot of hunting pressure. Word started getting out about that area before I got into filming my hunts. So if someone recognizes a certain field in a video, then so be it. When they go to hunt there they'll realize it's not as good as it looks in the video when people walk in on them. Remember the Arkansas dudes who shot my bird off the roost... that didn't even surprise me. It's public land. The hunting pressure comes and goes in waves. This year is a bad year for pressure but a good year for bird numbers. Most the birds already been pushed to private now. I've seen both pressure and flock sizes fluctuate in the 8-9 years I've hunted it.

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Catman you just keep doing you. It's hilarious how butthurt and selfish some guys are in this thread. It's PUBLIC land. If you want a property that YOU can have all to yourself than buy some. It's that simple. Otherwise, be prepared to see "your honey holes" no longer be honey holes because that's the nature of public and it's not because of any one person. It doesn't matter how good of a spot it is, someone else always knows about it too. Spots that are good this year may suck next year and vice versa...That's what scouting is for. Maybe that's what some of you are mad about...Lord forbid, you might actually have to get off your couch and do some scouting next year!

Like I said Jonathan, you just keep doing what your doing and don't worry about all the haters.

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2,700 views on this thread....Six pages. All the ones complaining about his videos have given him free advertising. Good job there guys. That's why this isn't about his videos giving away "secret spots". This has become a personal thing either because of jealousy or you don't agree with some of his opinions. That's all this is. Yall don't give two yugos about that public land. If you did, you wouldn't bring it up in a PUBLIC FORUM.
NumberOne":2dj1o2vk said:
2,700 views on this thread....Six pages. All the ones complaining about his videos have given him free advertising. Good job there guys. That's why this isn't about his videos giving away "secret spots". This has become a personal thing either because of jealousy or you don't agree with some of his opinions. That's all this is. Yall don't give two yugos about that public land. If you did, you wouldn't bring it up in a PUBLIC FORUM.

What we care about are turkeys and their population decline.
poorhunter":3upndml6 said:
NumberOne":3upndml6 said:
2,700 views on this thread....Six pages. All the ones complaining about his videos have given him free advertising. Good job there guys. That's why this isn't about his videos giving away "secret spots". This has become a personal thing either because of jealousy or you don't agree with some of his opinions. That's all this is. Yall don't give two yugos about that public land. If you did, you wouldn't bring it up in a PUBLIC FORUM.

What we care about are turkeys and their population decline.

I am included in that "we". But I don't think smearing a kids name in 4 pages of threads and telling him he needs to "check his tires" is accomplishing anything related to turkey conservation. That's just me though. All it has done has given more attention to this unknown WMA haha Hell I hadn't even watched one his videos but I have now trying to figure this thing out.
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