Hunting technique poll results

I'm just arguing that just because it feels good doesn't mean it's right. I believe it was Debbie Boone in the 70's that asked the question "how can it be wrong if it feels so right?". She denied right and wrong based on emotions.
I really have a hard time understanding where you are coming from, please tell me what is wrong about anything I've said. If I hunt by the Twra guidelines what is wrong with that?
I really have a hard time understanding where you are coming from, please tell me what is wrong about anything I've said. If I hunt by the Twra guidelines what is wrong with that?
IF the use of decoys is detrimental to the turkey population (no matter what the TWRA says about decoy use) then using decoys is wrong for the resource. You said using decoys is right because it's legal. Debbie Boone's song exemplified a change in the thinking of people that has had profound saying if it makes you happy then do it. My argument against using decoys comes from the angle that it is not sporting or challenging or character building no matter what the success rate is or whether it hurts the turkey population to a degree that there aren't enough turkeys to hunt anymore.
IF the use of decoys is detrimental to the turkey population (no matter what the TWRA says about decoy use) then using decoys is wrong for the resource. You said using decoys is right because it's legal. Debbie Boone's song exemplified a change in the thinking of people that has had profound saying if it makes you happy then do it. My argument against using decoys comes from the angle that it is not sporting or challenging or character building no matter what the success rate is or whether it hurts the turkey population to a degree that there aren't enough turkeys to hunt anymore.
I would add that there is a more recent song that exemplifies the spirit of Debbie Boone well..."no right, no wrong, no rules for me. I'm free!" These are cultural shifts that need to be resisted in our own lives all the way down to how we turkey hunt.
shooting one off roost at first light is also within TWRA guidelines. Doesn't make it right or sporting. Using a rifle in some states is legal, again doesnt make it right or sporting.

I really wish one day we could get away from "if its legal then do what makes you feel good". Legal doesnt always mean ethical or good for the sport or resource.
IF the use of decoys is detrimental to the turkey population (no matter what the TWRA says about decoy use) then using decoys is wrong for the resource. You said using decoys is right because it's legal. Debbie Boone's song exemplified a change in the thinking of people that has had profound saying if it makes you happy then do it. My argument against using decoys comes from the angle that it is not sporting or challenging or character building no matter what the success rate is or whether it hurts the turkey population to a degree that there aren't enough turkeys to hunt anymore.
So in other words you think your evaluation of the resource is more qualified than that of the Twra? Btw I almost never use decoys, not because I feel they are not sporting or because I would be low character but because they simply don't work. I've ruined more hunts with decoys than I care to mention.
IF the use of decoys is detrimental to the turkey population (no matter what the TWRA says about decoy use) then using decoys is wrong for the resource. You said using decoys is right because it's legal. Debbie Boone's song exemplified a change in the thinking of people that has had profound saying if it makes you happy then do it. My argument against using decoys comes from the angle that it is not sporting or challenging or character building no matter what the success rate is or whether it hurts the turkey population to a degree that there aren't enough turkeys to hunt anymore.
Which do you think would save more turkey lives banning decoys or banning turkey calls?
So in other words you think your evaluation of the resource is more qualified than that of the Twra? Btw I almost never use decoys, not because I feel they are not sporting or because I would be low character but because they simply don't work. I've ruined more hunts with decoys than I care to mention.
I think my evaluation of ethics is far better than TWRA's, yes.
Which do you think would save more turkey lives banning decoys or banning turkey calls?
Banning calls without question in my mind, although I think the trend would be towards banning decoys would save more because I think fewer hunters need calls if they use decoys. But again, my argument against using decoys doesn't hinge NECESSARILY of the protection of the resource. I would also say that if the success rate of using calls was anywhere near the success rate of decoys then they would have been made illegal decades ago.
I'm not recommending banning anything. My point is legal doesn't mean it's ethical or right to do. At some point hunters have to take responsibility for the resources and stop depending on a state run organization that has other things besides the resources in mind to tell them what's good and what's not.

having said that I'm still waiting on someone to give a good point as to why decoys especially strutting ones are good for the sport and future of the resource.
At some point hunters have to take responsibility for the resources and stop depending on a state run organization that has other things besides the resources in mind to tell them what's good and what's not.
Agree 100% with this. I'm sure there are hunters in now turkeyless areas across the south and beyond that thought the legal birds they killed over the last several years was perfectly fine for the flock.

I'm still waiting on someone to give a good point as to why decoys especially strutting ones are good for the sport and future of the resource.
Better pack a lunch REN...could be a while.
I don't understand the issue some of you have with a person that just goes hunting and uses whatever legal technique he chooses to kill a turkey. If it's legal, he enjoys it, and doesn't exceed the bag limit what is the issue? Hunting is about enjoyment, always has been for me.
If you would take an hour and listen to Michael Chamberlain's interview on the Meateater podcast you would understand. I'm no biologist, but I'm smart enough to know what I don't know and learn from the experts. He clearly explains the dangers of techniques that remove the dominant bird from the flock before or during peak breeding such as fanning and strutting tom decoys. Your argument that legal equals good is flawed. TWRA has been mismanaging the wild turkey for decades, and up until recently the population has thrived in spite of their mismanagement. Not because of good management. No offense to you intended, but to continue to argue adamantly that just because it's legal it must be swell is foolish. I challenge you to listen to that podcast and read all you can find by Michael Chamberlain and see if your views on turkey management don"t change.
I'm not recommending banning anything. My point is legal doesn't mean it's ethical or right to do. At some point hunters have to take responsibility for the resources and stop depending on a state run organization that has other things besides the resources in mind to tell them what's good and what's not.

having said that I'm still waiting on someone to give a good point as to why decoys especially strutting ones are good for the sport and future of the resource.
Hell, killing turkeys is bad for the resource but nobody is advocating stopping that are they?
If you would take an hour and listen to Michael Chamberlain's interview on the Meateater podcast you would understand. I'm no biologist, but I'm smart enough to know what I don't know and learn from the experts. He clearly explains the dangers of techniques that remove the dominant bird from the flock before or during peak breeding such as fanning and strutting tom decoys. Your argument that legal equals good is flawed. TWRA has been mismanaging the wild turkey for decades, and up until recently the population has thrived in spite of their mismanagement. Not because of good management. No offense to you intended, but to continue to argue adamantly that just because it's legal it must be swell is foolish. I challenge you to listen to that podcast and read all you can find by Michael Chamberlain and see if your views on turkey management don"t change.
I never said legal equals good, you put those words in my mouth. I am simply saying anything that Twra says is legal is legal, if someone wants to sit in a blind with a strutter decoy out in order to kill a turkey that is fine with me. Get this, please listen, I am 95% just like setterman and the rest of the "traditionalists" on here, however I am not above using a decoy or any other legal means. Nor am I going to look down my nose at someone who hunts differently than me, I AM NOT TURKEY GOD.
If you would take an hour and listen to Michael Chamberlain's interview on the Meateater podcast you would understand. I'm no biologist, but I'm smart enough to know what I don't know and learn from the experts. He clearly explains the dangers of techniques that remove the dominant bird from the flock before or during peak breeding such as fanning and strutting tom decoys. Your argument that legal equals good is flawed. TWRA has been mismanaging the wild turkey for decades, and up until recently the population has thrived in spite of their mismanagement. Not because of good management. No offense to you intended, but to continue to argue adamantly that just because it's legal it must be swell is foolish. I challenge you to listen to that podcast and read all you can find by Michael Chamberlain and see if your views on turkey management don"t change.
If you want to protect turkey populations why not argue to start season later and reduce bag limits? Why attack the use of decoys?
If you would take an hour and listen to Michael Chamberlain's interview on the Meateater podcast you would understand. I'm no biologist, but I'm smart enough to know what I don't know and learn from the experts. He clearly explains the dangers of techniques that remove the dominant bird from the flock before or during peak breeding such as fanning and strutting tom decoys. Your argument that legal equals good is flawed. TWRA has been mismanaging the wild turkey for decades, and up until recently the population has thrived in spite of their mismanagement. Not because of good management. No offense to you intended, but to continue to argue adamantly that just because it's legal it must be swell is foolish. I challenge you to listen to that podcast and read all you can find by Michael Chamberlain and see if your views on turkey management don"t change.
Have you or any of the Godly traditionalists ever killed a dominate gobbler the first two weeks of season? I'd be willing to bet the farm I know the answer to that question. Regardless of how he was killed he is still dead.