Would not be much of an argument. TSS popularity rose because of its use in the sub-gauges. To put it simply it's a great alternative to lead in the sub-gauges simply because of small payload. I'll take my old 835 with lead 4s and kill one as far anyone shooting TSS in any gauge.I would argue the "pixie dust" is so superior to lead shot that using lead shot anymore is bordering on unethical.
I'm a big proponent of TSS but some of y'all are going overboard on this crap by saying shooting lead is unethical. What's unethical is shooting birds over 50yds with any shot.
A new TSS ammo manufacturer released a video yesterday shooting a gobbler in full strut at 50yds with 9s…a true sportsman would roast their azzes on social media and never buy their product. I know one guy that did, any the googans flamed him. However I'm sure that unethical video will sell a lot of shells for them in Nashville. Turkey hunting today is the furthest thing from what it used to be…… I'll blame social media and the participation trophy crowd for its downfall.