Like I said... Fayette, Hardeman, and McNairy should be added to the list for west TN. I had the pleasure of hunting a new farm in Fayette county this year that should be LOADED with birds. Its the right area, right habitat, everything... One turkey was heard the whole season and I killed him the first week of the season. Kind of regret it now. I had told myself I would take 1 bird of this farm and be done. That is what I did. I did go several other times, just to listen. Silence. Hardeman County is the same way. A dear friend of mine has a place not too farm Ames Plantation. Five or Six years ago, it was nothing to hear 5- 8 birds on daylight. He has heard 1 bird on it this year... No sign, no scratching, nothing. He has not killed a bird on this place in 3 years. McNairy is in extremely bad shape. I hunt a very large tract in Western McNairy close to Big Hill Pond. The place has gone down hill major. Years ago, it was nothing to hear 10+ birds at daylight. Again, we have done everything we could think of to better the property for turkeys. Planting of Milo, Corn, Chuffa, and clover. Again, a bird has not been killed off of it in a few years now.
I have heard more hunters this year very concerned about it. West TN should be BOOMING with birds. The lay of the land, habitat, and food sources are perfect for the wild turkey. In my observations, I know without a doubt we had 3 years of bad hatches. Extremely wet springs and very abnormally cold springs have hurt the nesting hens. Also, you got to remember... For the hens to nest, they have to be bred! If the gobblers/young gobblers are not there, guess what... no breeding.
I believe West TN, as well as a lot of parts of Middle TN are in trouble. I also have friends who hunt North AL and are seeing the same thing.
Guys we have got to do something... I am not saying there will be a complete die off... No. But our flocks are not doing well. Can you imagine? Telling your kids and grand kids about how we "used" to be able to turkey hunt and how many turkey we used to hear? Its not just about us guys, its about our future generations.