Live from the stand 2023

Got in about 115. About 125 skittish doe looking over her shoulder wandered through. Wind has picked up considerably in last 15 minutes.
I tagged out the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and haven't hunted since Thanksgiving morning. My cousin and I always go hunt together Thanksgiving morning. Not going to lie it didn't bother me not going much with some cold weather that came in.

Ready to get back out there this weekend tho. I have doe tags but not sure I'll kill another one. My dad doesn't like going alone anymore so with us both off next week hopefully he'll want to go a lot.
I tagged out the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and haven't hunted since Thanksgiving morning. My cousin and I always go hunt together Thanksgiving morning. Not going to lie it didn't bother me not going much with some cold weather that came in.

Ready to get back out there this weekend tho. I have doe tags but not sure I'll kill another one. My dad doesn't like going alone anymore so with us both off next week hopefully he'll want to go a lot.
If you or dad just need someone to go with you , im available 😂
Back at it this morning. Watching same 15 acres of cutover as I did 8-10 days ago. Beautiful frosty morning in southern Wayne Co. It's time to be spending as much time possible in woods here right now as the bucks are on their feet. Scrape activity has fallen off past few days, doe groups busted up, fawns by themselves, seems like you can actually feel the excitement in the air! Passed on a good 125-30 four year old twice yesterday that was trailing 5 minutes behind doe. Passed within 20 yards once, so hope one of grandsons get a chance at him this weekend.

Have loggers doing some hardwood select cut about a half mile to my SE and they just fired up at 7:30. Hopefully they'll nudge deer my way as they did the last time I was here, think I saw 7 bucks that morning. Maybe one of the bigguns will slip up today
Back at it this morning. Watching same 15 acres of cutover as I did 8-10 days ago. Beautiful frosty morning in southern Wayne Co. It's time to be spending as much time possible in woods here right now as the bucks are on their feet. Scrape activity has fallen off past few days, doe groups busted up, fawns by themselves, seems like you can actually feel the excitement in the air! Passed on a good 125-30 four year old twice yesterday that was trailing 5 minutes behind doe. Passed within 20 yards once, so hope one of grandsons get a chance at him this weekend.

Have loggers doing some hardwood select cut about a half mile to my SE and they just fired up at 7:30. Hopefully they'll nudge deer my way as they did the last time I was here, think I saw 7 bucks that morning. Maybe one of the bigguns will slip up today
Sounds like a perfect hunt planned. Good luck.

Out for the last hour or so this afternoon. Just watched a 1.5 year old 7 with really nice potential go around the back edge of my field.
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Oldest grandson got to come to camp last night. He took off Monday so he's got 3 days to hunt. Hasn't had but 4-5 opportunities to hunt for few hours past 4 years due to Pharmacy school. Graduated now, started new job July 1, new baby July 9 so still very busy but starting to find his groove. Windy & rain forecast for us but he's headed out to a shooting house that overlooks plot & bunch of 4 year old cutover. He was my main hunting buddy for 18 years before grad school. So glad to have him back! Think I'm going to guard the coffee pot at camp this morning.
Good luck to everyone this stormy morning!