Looky what I found...

I also think there was quite a bit of early breeding but the last three mornings I have seen 2 longbeards strutting for 4 hens in a field near the office so its not completely done. Its been an odd spring for sure but hopefully a good one for nesting/brood rearing with the dry and warm weather. We need some good hatch years here in West Tn to recover from several bad ones over the last few years.
I can Post Pics of Gobblers with hens right now...and they are still gobbling.
But those of you who were seeing poults Back in March ,(just because the weather was warm)..I want what you are smoking.
They were not even nesting at that point,I think some of you auger heads need to give setterman an apology
Good time Charlie said:
I can Post Pics of Gobblers with hens right now...and they are still gobbling.
Post them up, let's see them. I have been getting a few reports of gobblers strutting with hens up around Nashville area.

Good time Charlie said:
They were not even nesting at that point
Just because hens in your area weren't nesting (to your knowledge) does not mean every hen in the state wasn't. The turkeys in your neck of the woods, or any other area for that matter, are not an indicator of what EVERY other turkey in the state (27 million acres) is doing at that instant. I can promise you that, ESPECIALLY this spring.