Mossberg 535 Users


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2007
Reaction score
Middle TN
Curious to how other mossberg 535 users have found the patterns to be.

Shot mine today and seems good from 20-30 yards, but not looking very promising at anything over 30.

Shot Remington/Winchester at 20, 25, and 30 and seems the remington shells do best.

Would appreciate any other feedback or what chokes other people are using in this same gun.
if your using the factory choke then you want ever be happy with your pattern. i use a tru-glo strut stopper xtream and get a great pattern at 40 and wouldnt think twice about shootin a bird at 50. i use hevi shot #6 3" 2 oz. I get a good pattern at 40 with the 3.5" #5 2 oz. to.
Thats got to be it. Last year i only had a chance to pattern at about 20 yds, and didn't really think about it since it was my first year going. Here are the pics from today. NOT GOOD! Wont have a chance to pattern again before opening day. Frustrated!




Top two are at about 20-25 yds. Bottom two are at about 30-35.

Think ill go out and by me a New Gun & Choke :)
dude you dont need a new gun. get ya a bigger peice of paper like a 36" by 36" and shoot it. looks like your not hitting center. when i got my 535 it was shootin way high and the factory sights wouldnt adjust enough to center the pattern so i had to put a scope on it( iwould recommend a scope for you as well). im perty shure you are way off center. i have heard alot of people that got their 535 and have the same problem. throw away those targets and get you a big peice of paper and shoot it. draw a 10" circle on the big paper and when you get your gun centered 80-100 hits in the 10 at 40 is good enough to kill a turkey. i dont see a need for you to get a new gun. a scope and a good choke would be all you need. thats all i did to my gun and its a turkey killin machine.
What I was just thinking. Anyone know if a Mossberg 500 choke will interchange with a 535?

Going to find me that big piece of paper :)
Yea looks like your hitting left. Do what Buckdead said get a big piece of paper and see where your pattern is going.
Yeah, ive got a reddot scope on it. When i looked at it after taking it out of the case from last year the dot was to the left of the barrel. I thought it had just got knocked around so moved the dot to line up exactly with the bead on the barrel. Looks like I forgot i moved it last year to get the shots more centered. That should help. Ill see if i can get me a jellyhead this week and shoot some at camp friday night.
I had the same sight problem with my 535. I used the same target you got and it would not even hit on the paper. I put new tri viz sights on and it is great pattern now with winchester supreme 3.5" 2oz. 5 shot in factory choke. I emailed mossberg and complained but didnt get a response.
Try the Blue box federals #6 NOT THE FLIGHT CONTROL. the ports on the barrel screw up the flight control wads.

My brother in law has it the 535 and it shoots great!
Thanks to all that replied. Think I am getting on the right track now. I did put a bird down with the gun last year so know its capable. Just will possibly have a little longer shot this year and want to make sure i know what the gun will do!