old 2 prong rests


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2004
Reaction score
Tn,sevier Co.
anyone still use them?my drop away broke after 4 years and dont have the money for a new rest.i have the old rest and was thinking about trying it.
i set a drop away up on my wifes bow and couldn't get it to tune for nothing. the bow shoots bullet hole with the ole two pronger. May want to adjust your nocking point accordingly. most drop away rests the nock point is set a little higher than on the shoot through style rests.
A lot of deer been killed with those kind of rests. Just because most people are getting away from them now doesn't mean they don't work well.
I prefer a whisker biscuit over the old two prong rest . Easier to setup and tune than a two prong launcher rest .
i still have the tm hunter type rest on my hunting rig. got the trophy taker drop away on my other bow. i will probably eventually go to the dropaway on my hunter too.
I set many a TM Hunter up in my day. also inverted Pacesetters. those were hot rests in their days.
I hated it when a customer needed to adjust the prongs and took a pair of pliers to them instead of using the allen set screw. and heavy shooters would wear the heat shrink tubing down to the metal and couldnt figure out they could slip it up and take a lighter to re-shrink it.