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Food Plots Plant or Wait

Soaking rain in west tn right now
I saw that rain coming and was able to get my backyard plot seeded before that rain, but it wasn't enough. I've been running the sprinkler on it as needed and I'm getting germination.

As for my hunting plot, I seeded them on Saturday. Didn't get rain yesterday but it appears to be raining there this morning (Fayette Co). Probably not enough but better than nothing. No rain in the foreseeable forecast.
I bought enough wheat seed for broadcasting at 150 lbs/acre, but only broadcast 100 lbs/acre. I'm keeping 50 lbs/acre for overseeding my dead plots in late October.
I'm convinced they put precipitation especially snow in the long term to increase traffic then they taketh away closer to....
I agree . Ive had that thought, if food stores have a slow month and need help just slip the weather man a 20. Put a chance a ice in there ! They make a killing from snow storm shoppers
For western Middle TN, a slight chance late Wednesday into Thursday. After that, nothing until the first full weekend of October (7th and 8th). That rain, at this point, looks pretty solid.
After watching this morning's forecast I'm going to risk getting seed down today ahead of the potential rain tomorrow and Thursday. We're out of town next week so this is my only shot until week after next. This is on the Putnam/Overton Co line.
I spread mine Saturday. If we don't get rain soon, I'll have to watch the feathered seed-eating rats (turkey) eat it all.
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I spread mine Saturday. If we don't get rain soon, I'll have to watch the feathered seed-eating rats (turkey) eat it all.

I put down the bulk of what I had. No reason to hold off any longer. I've given up all hope of having full lush plots so if nothing else this drought gave me an excuse to try something I've been wanting to try for a few years now. I'm going buy some extra bags of rye and/or wheat & sprinkle it little by little all fall & winter long so there'll constantly be something young & tender sprouting up. I know it won't grow big & tall but it'll sure germinate anytime there's a little moisture and the temp is above freezing during the day. And when everything else is brown & tough that should be enough to keep deer around and at least partially fed.
The 4 creekside plots I sowed Sunday were cultipacked 3 times trying to mash seed as deep as possible so that turkeys don't eat it all. Mashed the cereal grain twice & clover once. Will see what happens as twice is the most I have ever cultipacked.
The 4 creekside plots I sowed Sunday were cultipacked 3 times trying to mash seed as deep as possible so that turkeys don't eat it all. Mashed the cereal grain twice & clover once. Will see what happens as twice is the most I have ever cultipacked.
Half my plots had only been mowed once several weeks ago, but not sprayed. I sprayed them last Wednesday. End of this week I'll go back and mow them. Hoping the duff I mow down on top the seed not only helps hold what little moisture is in the soil, but also hoping it hides the seed from the big rats.
We are going to plant ours the first of next week and hope some of the cold fronts come with rain. We have a lot of obligations coming up and running out of time ourselves. It'll be what it'll be. Very glad we have a lot of corn that did great this year.
Getting hotter and browner out here by the day. Rain chances have since vanished. I sowed my bottom field because anything will grow there even though I am not sure It will germinate... I am holding off on the rest of the plots until there is a front in the forecast.
It seems after a dry spell, with even just a descent rain, the weather patterns seem to change almost overnight. I'm hoping this wed/thur (hopeful) rain even changes things. IF we get a descent rain at that time, we may try to drill this weekend or next weekend if the forecast changes accordingly. Drilling into wet soil for germination and maybe rain a week later sounds good to me

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