Well-Known Member
I picked this up at the nwtf convention last year from Preston Pittman. Scratching in the leaves is a deadly call for turkey hunting as we all know. He keeps a little plastic sack in his vest. You know one like at walmart. Only it needs to be a color like brown so it doesnt stand out. Take one move it around in your hand, sounds just like a turkey scratching in the leaves. His thought on this was that he could get more volume with less movement. He had just a little bit of the bag sticking out of his vest, he could make alot of sound and you could not see any movement hardley. This made alot of sense to me because I have had my hand on the ground scratching before, and a big red head pop up. now I have to move my hand back to my gun.I think this season im going to have a piggly wiggly bag in front of my vest tucked in. Cant hurt to try.