Food Plots Rain chance

I've answered math questions like this before...

Here goes. 1 inch of rain is 27,000 gallons of water per acre.

Quarter acre plot would be 6700 gallons to equal 1 inch of rain

So if you made 5 trips of 40 gallons each (200 gallons), that would be the same as 0.03in rain.

I guess it's better than nothing... but not much better... and a lot more expensive 🙃

If there isn't any water around, you would be better served lining a hole in the ground, hauling the 200g to fill it up, and keeping it full to hunt as a water source than spreading it on your plots.... SERIOUSLY
My that math, 5 trips would equal about a tenth. Water comes from the well, so a little electric. Diesel to drive back there and run the tank out shouldn't cost much.

I am not very good at rain dances so... There is a chance of thunderstorms this evening here now, so if I water, wash the truck, and water the garden, maybe it will rain here.
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Went to KY today and gly"d plots. 6 of them and about the time I load the bike what does it do but start raining. Ugh! I think 5 of the 6 will be OK but that last one is of course the biggest one but we shall see. Didn't rain a lot but got a pretty good shower. Got a lot to do there in a short period of time. Go figure!
Radar looks like we should have gotten a good rain and should be getting more now but it's not getting to the ground. Satellite even switched over to the Internet, thought for sure when it did that the rain was coming. We haven't gotten a drop.
Not sure exact amount, but we got a good ground soaker last night in northern middle TN...probably rained on and off for 30 mins. Heavy at times. Very thankful.
Planted this one Aug 24, hopefully we get enough rain to keep it going.


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It all missed my farm last night. Don't know how, radar had rain all over us twice. It rained heavy less than 2 miles south of us. Oh well, next chance is a little over a week away.
It all missed my farm last night. Don't know how, radar had rain all over us twice. It rained heavy less than 2 miles south of us. Oh well, next chance is a little over a week away.
Wait until you see the forecasts for October. Way below average rainfall forecast for all of October, and considering it's already one of our driest months...
Wait until you see the forecasts for October. Way below average rainfall forecast for all of October, and considering it's already one of our driest months...
I have about 500 ft of water hose, I may invest in 4 more 100 ft water hoses.🤔🙄 That would reach the plot from my well, I don't know if there would ever be enough pressure to run a sprinkler though pushing water that far.
Had no idea it was even suppose to rain last night. GFS showing rain Thurs-Sunday for us right now
Yeah, but it all depends on what that tropical system in the Bay of Campeche does. I hate relying on tropical system forecasts. They're so iffy.
Yeah, but it all depends on what that tropical system in the Bay of Campeche does. I hate relying on tropical system forecasts. They're so iffy.
Going to watch it daily, if it comes to pass I'll postpone leaving for WY a day or two. With as much rain we've had I'll try to finish