A good conversation in the making mega
- Im not trying to project myself as holier just simply opening and eye at how ridiculous the idea of banning decoys and blinds are. For those that are just starting out, kids and ones with physical limitations either or both are useful. Blinds allow for movement and comfort, both are very important with kids. Decoys help bring birds in yes but are a great learning tool also. One can study what went wrong or right and what a bird's body posture and certain movements mean. Using either doesnt make one less of a hunter just as not using either makes one a better hunter. What makes you less of a hunter is hating and degrading a fellow hunter who is legally hunting the way they want to not like you want to. Its these type of hunters that are hurting hunting and hunting's future more than any anti hunting group can. Kids and new hunters read these types of post and just what does one think they take away from it? I'll bet it aint positive. I would be curious at how many "avid accomplished" turkey hunters got to be "avid accomplished" turkey hunters without decoys and such. I find it mind blowing how someone with a modern firearm and ammo, newest camo clothing, and calls can degrade another hunter for using a decoy.
- Can't tell you if there is a decline for a fact. I do not travel all over the state spending time in the same locations year after year. I do not have access to at least 20 years of population data and harvest numbers nor if I did, have the time nor education to put a scientific and accurate population model together. Also there are several factors to consider when looking at that data. Population - hard winter or mild, dry or wet summer, late frost kill new growth vegetation, habitat increase/decrease, etc. Harvest - license sales up, hunter numbers up, time in field, etc. Depending on how these numbers are presented, a false ideology can be formed. I can say I'm seeing turkeys. Some in new spots, some in same spots, as well as not seeing them where i once did. As far as how many I dont keep track. As far as habitat is concerned, yes turkeys are like lot of other animals. They are adaptive and move around, but will not establish a home territory in a subdivision where houses are built the minimum distance apart. Each new subdivision, factory, or mall is loss of habitat and the result is lost animals. Yes more are managing their land but not on a grand scale. Big difference in habitat improvement on 10 acres compared to 500 acres. It takes acreage, and alot of it to to be able to effectively make a positive difference. Dont get me wrong every little bit helps but planting 4 or 5 1 acre food plots on a 1000 acre lease full of pines is not habitat improvement.
- What can hunters do on a state wide scale? Nothing " State wide" management cant be the same. As diverse as our state is it will have happen according to what region/section one wants to address. That is how alot of seasons and bag limits were set and it worked back then and I see no reason why it could not work again. Just because the last couple of years one got used to seeing 30 birds a day and now only see 27 does not mean there is a decline enough to start panicking. I think to many have become spoiled to the peak in the population and the numbers to go along with that peak and any thing outside the "norm" then its panic time.
- Want more eggs to hatch and young birds to make it? Well pony up and do something. Let the coon hunters in, cause to let you in on a little secret coon dogs running coons at night hurting hunting is the biggest bunch of BS in the hunting world. Get of the internet and try trapping some skunks or predators, heck you may even like it. Get a call and go after some yotes. A $10 mouth call and the deer rifle will kill em just as good as anything. Get off the couch and do some predator control. Or even better yet, how about 1/2 the time spent degrading other hunters be put into vocalizing night hunting of predators. All kinds of ways to help, the question is are people going to pony up and get it done.
- Out of state hunters killing all our birds. I guess thats saying if I live Rhea county and hunt a lease in Miegs county I'm killing all of Miegs county's bird even though ive paid to do it and can legally do it so I shouldn't be allowed to cause I dont live there. Come own really
- If there is legitimate biological and scientific supported facts to justify a reduction in bag limit and season dates then I'm 100% for it. But if its merely just so a certain small percentage can say i saw 40 birds today or to decorate the living room then I'm 100% against it. I believe in wildlife management not interior decorating and chest puffing. More and more are getting management and interior decorating confused.
As for my frustration, yes I am frustrated. It is sickening at how more and more common its getting to see hunters degrading others hunters while talking about how they care about hunting's future in the same sentence.