Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

Just another fan boy, you can tell by the personal attacks.
You mean one of these fans.
Just another fan boy, you can tell by the personal attacks.
Says the guy non stop calling people Fan boys !.

Yep another guy proving his low IQ as I clearly stated I DO NOT WATCH THEIR VIDEOS. Man youre really not the sharpest tool in the shed are ya kid?
I just find petty jealousy to be quite sad. You obviously are full of it.
The guy shot a deer bigger than you have ever shot IMO and yall are jealous. It is pretty easy to see
It might not be high fence, but I seriously doubt Aldo Leopold would agree it is fair chase.

But, for some, I guess the end justifies the means.
Well it IS Fair there is that.

It is NOT high fenced, it is free range.

Just because the deers range happened to have been near houses does NOT change the matter how hard you try to change it to fit what YOU want it to be.
Sorry..youre wrong and that is the fact .

The group think mob mentality is strong within you guys aint it? Quite sad to see actually.
You guys dont like when people point out when youre wrong here do you? LOL. Hilarious to see . Group think and the Mob mentality hard at work here.
Well it IS Fair there is that.

It is NOT high fenced, it is free range.

Just because the deers range happened to have been near houses does NOT change the matter how hard you try to change it to fit what YOU want it to be.
Sorry..youre wrong and that is the fact .

The group think mob mentality is strong within you guys aint it? Quite sad to see actually.
There is a difference in free range and fair chase. Sorry you don't understand the concept.
Not jealous in the least. I would have zero desire to shoot someone's pet even if it was a world record.
Yep,,,again demonstrating your ignorance. A pet is kept, fed, taken care of. A WILD DEER is not a pet there Junior. Grow misrepresent everything and try to redefine every word..just like a liberal.

Buy a dictionary and look up what a word means before using it OK?
There is a difference in free range and fair chase. Sorry you don't understand the concept.
LOL..No is you that do not understand the concept. Youre lost in your own mind there Junior.

Free range... not fenced on confined.

Fair Chase... ethical and legally hunted and unconfined.

Darn, I am sure glad my kids did not go to school wherever you did!

Once again you try to change the definitions of typically liberal....YAWN!
here is the definition of PET as some here seem very unknowledgable about the definitions of the words they choose to use:

a domestic or tamed animal kept for companionship or pleasure:

A wild deer is NOT a pet...sorry there Champ
Suburban deer that can be hand fed or stand around in back yards while the kids play don't really have the characteristics of a wild deer. Much more like pets.

But, if it excites you to shoot one, have at it. Obviously, for some folks the end justifies the means.
Except that those particular suburban deer are NOT "wild"?

There are many instances where suburban deer need to be killed.
In these instances, many homeowners will beg hunters to come kill them.
And it is mainly female deer needing killed.

Big difference between this vs. purposefully misleading homeowners
about one's true intent.

Killing trophy bucks that are essentially "tame" does essentially nothing
to control a deer population, and nothing about it is "fair chase".
It can be legal, but so is prostitution in many places.

I otherwise have no problem with suburban deer hunting.

Just don't claim it's something it isn't,
or that you're there to control the population
when all you do is "seek" high-end trophy bucks
that are essentially "tame" and therefore easy to kill.

Will we allow dishonest, unethical hunters to ultimately lead
to government sponsored "professional" sharpshooters
replacing the role of hunters in deer management?
That's the direction this is going.
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LOL..No is you that do not understand the concept. Youre lost in your own mind there Junior.

Free range... not fenced on confined.

Fair Chase... ethical and legally hunted and unconfined.

Darn, I am sure glad my kids did not go to school wherever you did!

Once again you try to change the definitions of typically liberal....YAWN!
The ethical part in your definition is a stretch.
Except that those particular suburban deer are NOT "wild"?
Yes...they are WILD. Definiton of WILD:
(of an animal or plant) living or growing in the natural environment; not domesticated or cultivated:

Boy some of you guys time would be much better spent actually learning what the words you use actually MEAN..just saying! ;) 🤣
The ethical part in your definition is a stretch.
Only in your OPINION.

Definition of Opinion:
a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge:

Are we having fun yet? I sure am teaching you the English language as it obviously must not be your primary one!🤣