Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!


Fanboy clearly triggers you. You prefer Admirer, Groupie, Megafan, or Fangirl?
ahh..nice..the mob mentality is strong within you Luke.....

I do not watch their videos or any hunting videos so How in the heck can I be a fan boy? I clearly pointed that out so again..your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking.

But since you like name calling... Lets try illiterate , uneducated and nonsensical to describe you now OK?
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No jealousy here.

Seek1 sits in the backyard and kills pet deer

I sit on public, hit the primos can, and kill the first young spike that comes in to investigate

5E28C07B-0607-4832-8307-B6C216242661.pngWelcome to the club brother
Only in your OPINION.

Definition of Opinion:
a view or judgment formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge:

Are we having fun yet? I sure am teaching you the English language as it obviously must not be your primary one!🤣
That is what fifty pages of this discussion has been about. OPINIONS!!

If it meets your standards, great.

It obviously doesn't meet the standards of a lot of folks that have joined in the conversation.

Really nothing to get mad about.
ahh..nice..the mob mentality is strong within you Luke.....

I do not watch their videos or any hunting videos so How in the heck can I be a fan boy.

But since you like name calling... Lets try Moron, uneducated and nonsensical to describe you now OK?
I would classify someone like you as a statistical anomaly. You have less than 50 posts and over half of which are defending a group that you do not watch and do not care for. If not a fangirl, you definitely would be a good case study for insanity.
I would classify someone like you as a statistical anomaly. You have less than 50 posts and over half of which are defending a group that you do not watch and do not care for. If not a fangirl, you definitely would be a good case study for insanity.
Ah..the uneducated name caller again..figures.

First off Junior I am a there is that. Not everyone is as gender confused as you sorry. There is a simple way to check if you need to figure it out for yourself...just go look and see if you got balls OK Junior?

Secondly I do not post in these threads..I only read them until I saw the juvenile petty jealousy and negativity you guys demonstrate on here over someone shooting a very big buck under LEGAL, FAIR CHASE conditions.

It is something I have seen time and time again on these boards. I have seen people shoot a big buck only to be accused of hunting in a pen, at night, over bait..anything you could say to DIMINISH someones elses accomplishment.

Who does that by the way? Petty, insecure, jealous people who have never shot a deer as big and to make up for their lack of doing it..they feel inclined to cut on others that do.

It is a regular thing on boards like these but something that I find to be both disgusting and not helpful to the sport of hunting. So I commented kn owing full well that as soon as I did the Mob Mentality of strap hangers on the board would kick in and I would get the responses I did. Glad to see you guys did not disappoint and showed just how malcontented and petty that you are.

Thanks for that at least!
I see you checked right Levee Jumper? I guess no Balls huh? ..Well.....I kinda figured. 🤣

I could tell by your Junior High school girl posts that would be the case.
Several pages ago you were complaining about how ridiculous it was to have this many pages. You have been a part, a major part, in every page since.
Come on in. The water's fine. I hope your heart is right. You seem awful worked up.

Did THEY send you?

For my sake, what do you think was the most difficult part in killing that deer?