Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

Here's a pro tip for some of you guys that are strictly against suburban hunting: The rut is approaching (these deer still rut, right?) Get into the habit of carrying some rubber gloves and a bone saw. Maybe you'll get lucky and come across a fresh roadkill while bringing the kids home from band practice. And you can chop his head clean off and remember the buck forever. Bonus tip: a little Vicks vaporub under the nose should help with some stink.
Y'all should form a club or even a band...."The High Horsemen" .

I dont keep a spreadsheet on member's likes and dislikes, but I bet 80% of the high horsemen dont like Luke Bryan and think Johnny Cash is the only real country music.

Caught me. Luke Bryan plays a "meat flute"
And whining and bit#$ing for 45 pages over someone legally shooting a big buck with a bow in Fair Chase conditions : ( some of you might need to look up what that is obviously from your lack of understanding it), and them putting it on youtube bothers some whiney people so much they rant for 45 pages over it.

Like a bunch of Junior High school girls in here sometimes. Yall need to grow up IMO. Youre embarrasing yourselves and other hunters with your whining.

And if it is so easy..why are not more people doing it? Or you? Please....yall need some Peanut Butter to go with your Jelly and some cheese to go with your WHINE
Geez. First thing this morning and you had 3 posts on a 45 pg. (at the time) topic within 15 minutes and they're all complaints about people complaining. I hope your day got better.

Killing suburban deer still isn't a feat however.

Seek1 sucks.
Y'all should form a club or even a band...."The High Horsemen" .

I dont keep a spreadsheet on member's likes and dislikes, but I bet 80% of the high horsemen dont like Luke Bryan and think Johnny Cash is the only real country music.
Heck yeah. We'll be "The Committee". Liz Cheney will be our president, our theme song will be one of Cashs' and we can burn Bryans fanboi flags. That seem to fit the higher horsemen narrative a bit?
Geez. First thing this morning and you had 3 posts on a 45 pg. (at the time) topic within 15 minutes and they're all complaints about people complaining. I hope your day got better.

Killing suburban deer still isn't a feat however.

Seek1 sucks.
Oh I am not complaining, I am LAUGHING! At the pettiness and jealousy here now matter how you try to hide it.

My day was great actually. I formed a new group for a lot of you to join! I call it WKASDH!

"Whiney Karens Against Surburban Deer Hunting". I am trying to make it a PAC so we can rally and get the State or maybe even the whole country to outlaw this nonsense! 🤣

You know we HAVE to outlaw anything we dont like..thats what Whiney Liberal Karens do!

And in the true spirit of Liberal group think and the Mob Mentality I even got more Inclusive and Diverse and added a parenthesis , a plus sign and a few more letters like most liberal groups have!

So now it is WKASH (+AYTHT) "All you tube hunters too!"

Now I feel the majority of Yall are included and I feel a lot better and more inclusive.

I was going to add " And anyone who doesnt hunt the way I do because I am so special" but I thought that was too many letters.:D😆😂🤣

Well I am off...Yall...Have a great night whining and bi*#hing about others....!
Oh I am not complaining, I am LAUGHING! At the pettiness and jealousy here now matter how you try to hide it.

My day was great actually. I formed a new group for a lot of you to join! I call it WKASDH!

"Whiney Karens Against Surburban Deer Hunting". I am trying to make it a PAC so we can rally and get the State or maybe even the whole country to outlaw this nonsense! 🤣

You know we HAVE to outlaw anything we dont like..thats what Whiney Liberal Karens do!

And in the true spirit of Liberal group think and the Mob Mentality I even got more Inclusive and Diverse and added a parenthesis , a plus sign and a few more letters like most liberal groups have!

So now it is WKASH (+AYTHT) "All you tube hunters too!"

Now I feel the majority of Yall are included and I feel a lot better and more inclusive.

I was going to add " And anyone who doesnt hunt the way I do because I am so special" but I thought that was too many letters.:D😆😂🤣

Well I am off...Yall...Have a great night whining and bi*#hing about others....!
Well now, that wasn't very nice.
Oh I am not complaining, I am LAUGHING! At the pettiness and jealousy here now matter how you try to hide it.

My day was great actually. I formed a new group for a lot of you to join! I call it WKASDH!

"Whiney Karens Against Surburban Deer Hunting". I am trying to make it a PAC so we can rally and get the State or maybe even the whole country to outlaw this nonsense! 🤣
Will you be selling Shirts, Hats or Mood Rings ?
Oh I am not complaining, I am LAUGHING! At the pettiness and jealousy here now matter how you try to hide it.

My day was great actually. I formed a new group for a lot of you to join! I call it WKASDH!

"Whiney Karens Against Surburban Deer Hunting". I am trying to make it a PAC so we can rally and get the State or maybe even the whole country to outlaw this nonsense! 🤣

You know we HAVE to outlaw anything we dont like..thats what Whiney Liberal Karens do!

And in the true spirit of Liberal group think and the Mob Mentality I even got more Inclusive and Diverse and added a parenthesis , a plus sign and a few more letters like most liberal groups have!

So now it is WKASH (+AYTHT) "All you tube hunters too!"

Now I feel the majority of Yall are included and I feel a lot better and more inclusive.

I was going to add " And anyone who doesnt hunt the way I do because I am so special" but I thought that was too many letters.:D😆😂🤣

Well I am off...Yall...Have a great night whining and bi*#hing about others....!
Never said I was against it. I said it wasn't for me.
This obviously isn't pointed at me.
Oh I am not complaining, I am LAUGHING! At the pettiness and jealousy here now matter how you try to hide it.

My day was great actually. I formed a new group for a lot of you to join! I call it WKASDH!

"Whiney Karens Against Surburban Deer Hunting". I am trying to make it a PAC so we can rally and get the State or maybe even the whole country to outlaw this nonsense! 🤣

You know we HAVE to outlaw anything we dont like..thats what Whiney Liberal Karens do!

And in the true spirit of Liberal group think and the Mob Mentality I even got more Inclusive and Diverse and added a parenthesis , a plus sign and a few more letters like most liberal groups have!

So now it is WKASH (+AYTHT) "All you tube hunters too!"

Now I feel the majority of Yall are included and I feel a lot better and more inclusive.

I was going to add " And anyone who doesnt hunt the way I do because I am so special" but I thought that was too many letters.:D😆😂🤣

Well I am off...Yall...Have a great night whining and bi*#hing about others....!
Lmao. You're awful long winded.
So now we're Cheneys, Liberals, the Mob, the Committee, Karens, hate Luke, praise only Johnny Cash and never shoot anything above 130? What's next?

Sure wish I had the knowledge to pattern a suburb buck on 3/4 acre.
Lmao. You're awful long winded.
So now we're Cheneys, Liberals, the Mob, the Committee, Karens, hate Luke, praise only Johnny Cash and never shoot anything above 130? What's next?

Sure wish I had the knowledge to pattern a suburb buck on 3/4 acre.
Don't feed it, it will come back.
Will you be selling Shirts, Hats or Mood Rings
Here are some coordinates if you want to get a signature from your hero come next Velvet/Baiting season.

View attachment 152156
Hero? LOL...another one with zero reading comprehension...which is not surprising here. I dont watch their videos..I dont watch any hunting videos. But I also do not whine like little girls like yall do either. But dont worry..youre officially an honorary member of the Whiney Hunters against Suburban deer hunting. And I dont see a high fence anywhere it is fair chase. Im betting you could not find a good buck there with a dang map also..just saying.
Hero? LOL...another one with zero reading comprehension...which is not surprising here. I dont watch their videos..I dont watch any hunting videos. But I also do not whine like little girls like yall do either. But dont worry..youre officially an honorary member of the Whiney Hunters against Suburban deer hunting. And I dont see a high fence anywhere it is fair chase. Im betting you could not find a good buck there with a dang map also..just saying. :D
Lmao. You're awful long winded.
So now we're Cheneys, Liberals, the Mob, the Committee, Karens, hate Luke, praise only Johnny Cash and never shoot anything above 130? What's next?

Sure wish I had the knowledge to pattern a suburb buck on 3/4 acre.
I am sure that you do...but Id bet dollars to couldnt! 🤣

Especially if youre so stupid as to think a mature buck is just on 3/4s of an acre....;)
Hero? LOL...another one with zero reading comprehension...which is not surprising here. I dont watch their videos..I dont watch any hunting videos. But I also do not whine like little girls like yall do either. But dont worry..youre officially an honorary member of the Whiney Hunters against Suburban deer hunting. And I dont see a high fence anywhere it is fair chase. Im betting you could not find a good buck there with a dang map also..just saying. :D
At least you're getting your post count up.
Hero? LOL...another one with zero reading comprehension...which is not surprising here. I dont watch their videos..I dont watch any hunting videos. But I also do not whine like little girls like yall do either. But dont worry..youre officially an honorary member of the Whiney Hunters against Suburban deer hunting. And I dont see a high fence anywhere it is fair chase. Im betting you could not find a good buck there with a dang map also..just saying. :D
It might not be high fence, but I seriously doubt Aldo Leopold would agree it is fair chase.

But, for some, I guess the end justifies the means.