Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

How many people see this pic and say dang we got to get down to TN and flood the wmas look what kind of deer they got there. When I saw the pic I said wow what an accomplishment. Having no Idea it had been killed in a trapped city environment. Very nice buck indeed I will give him that. My point being like others. How and why would you be impressed with a big buck being killed in this environment. Would I kill him absolutely like most. But I would not be impressed with myself at all. To hunt these bucks in large continuous tracks of land and killing them. Shouldn't even be a debate really as to which kill is more impressive in my mind. And I also don't think these big name hunting shows. Where high fences are used and the camera man and guy are put in a tree stand. That someone else put all the work in. Only to get a video of them killing the buck. If you are then I'm fine with that I could care less. I'm more impressed with the hike in. The scouting and the tracking and all the looking for mast and browse. Finding travel routes and bedding and putting the puzzle together in big tracks of land. Where deer can roam for miles unseen and undetected. Until your plan hopefully comes together.
This is really neither here nor there, but Lee really strikes me as a chode. I don't doubt that he's nice in person, but I've only watched a couple of his videos and it became very obvious to me that there was almost nothing he wouldn't do to sit behind a deer with large antlers. I have ZERO doubts that he does some really slimy, greasy things to "get permission".
Do you think it's genetics more so than age, nutrition, and environmental conditions?
Yup, 100% genetics

I used to think age was the most important part of the 3 legged stool (age, genetics, nutrition) growing trophy class deer.... but I now know better...

If you are talking 120 to 130 class deer.... age absolutely is the most important. But once you start talking true trophy class deer (160in or better), it's all about genetics.

A good example... ive identified 8 mature bucks 4.5 or older on my farms so far this year. The highest scoring buck is only 130in... and he is 5.5. 4 of the mature bucks won't even break 120in. And they have been fed beans every summer since birth, tons of browse and plots all winter, and will average 200 to 225lbs live wt each. And I would guess that my farms are in the top quartile antler genetic wise for the entire state.
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At what distance do these genetics begin to change? And why would the genetics be confined to just a few pockets of TN?
Bsk can answer this better than me... but from what I've seen... these 'pockets' of superior genetics are extremely variable in size, probably due to local herd size and natural ability or restriction to travel... anywhere from 50 Square miles up to 500 square miles.
Bsk can answer this better than me... but from what I've seen... these 'pockets' of superior genetics are extremely variable in size, probably due to local herd size and natural ability or restriction to travel... anywhere from 50 Square miles up to 500 square miles.

I'm 50mi south of Nashville and don't even hear anything about folks killing 140"+ bucks in this immediate area, except a few now and then on AEDC. Just 50mi further south and deer get big again. It baffles me.
If you are talking 120 to 130 class deer.... age absolutely is the most important. But once you start talking true trophy class deer (160in or better), it's all about genetics.
Agree completely. I have trail-camera pictures of several hundred mature bucks from the western highland rim, some on the most intensively managed land imaginable, and the average mature buck in that region is exactly the same as the average mature buck on the King Ranch in TX; mid 120s. But the "bell curve" distribution of produced scores is very wide for mature bucks. There's always going to be those at the top end and the bottom end. And both of those are going to be genetics. All given the same resources, most bucks in our region are going to grow racks in the 120-130 range at maturity. But for those under 100 or over 150 at maturity, it's in the genes.
I dont watch their stuff. But they were on an episode of the hunting public and i saw them. I really appreciate what the THP represents- hunting public land that anyone can hunt and killing mature deer with a bow. Hunting tame deer in town just dont tickle my fancy. Towns are for buying groceries, not hunting deer.
Awesome buck for sure. Although I can't stand to watch their content. I'm sure they put in alot of time and effort. Its all about the money. If they are doing what they are passionate about and making a living doing it, good for them. Doesn't mean I have to watch their content and be impressed. If they want me to be impressed leave the city limits and come on down to the mountains of southern middle TN and kill a 150" buck.
No keep them away!! Lol no deer in them mnt
How do we know this was a city deer? I know last 2 season he hunted a big bean field on the outskirts on the city with no luck during velvet season. He did shoot that one in a back yard after the land crew left few years back. Lee did shoot a buck on/near a golf course last year in TN using a kayak to get to his stand. I give the Seek One guys some credit, they have to knock on a lot of doors to find these bucks and have to deal with non hunting people. Lee had a lady threaten to kill him when he walked up to ask her and her husband permission to hunt. She said she would kill him if he killed any I'm sure most would take a chance at a buck like this if they could hunt like Seek One does.
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That is an impressive buck for just about anywhere in the country! I have watched several of there videos. The one with the guys mowing and him sitting in a ground blind in the driveway was just not entertaining.
I would much rather watch Catman smoke a doe or kill a 100-120" public land buck! And the THP guys are true hunters! They work harder than anyone to stalk up on a good buck.
Man a lot of hate/jealousy on here. I would shoot that deer anywhere I could and have an ear to ear smile about it. Not everybody walks miles into the mountains to kill an "old" buck and that's ok. Hunting a wary buck from your shooting house over a food plot more "sporting". Lol this is like the gun rights argument where does it stop. Just because I don't want or need a fully automatic rifle doesn't mean somebody else doesn't want one and like we're seeing if we divide and get down on each others means and methods it gives the "other side" more ammo against us all. Nice buck man! 👍
That's a bruiser.
I have 2 or 3 monsters like that in my neighborhood. They live in Percy Warner park and literally sleep in our yards at night. I drove to within 20 feet of one that would punch 180". It was standing by the road. If you get your rocks off killing a tame deer then you ain't no true conservationist. You a dbag that's desperate for attention and acceptance.
Soooo are all the haters saying they WOULD NOT shoot that deer if given the opprtunity in the same place ??

I will answer that.... If any one of you say you would'nt shoot him....YOU'RE a liar!! :) : ) :)
I wouldn't be hunting pet deer in suburbia, so I wouldn't have a chance to kill that buck. Go ahead, call me a liar.

Are you saying the size of the buck is all that matters, not how you kill it? If that's the case, in my personal opinion you need to reevaluate why you hunt.