I've come to the sad reality that social media isn't going to disappear anytime soon and have given up on complaining about this stuff. I went to their YouTube channel just to see how many followers they have; 697,000. That's sad. As long as people keep "crushing that like and subscribe button" things like this will continue.
I personally think these suburban deer do need to be hunted to control their populations and know there are several members on tndeer that hunt these places. But, they live in these neighborhoods and these are the places that they have to hunt. They don't seek out certain deer and come in from out-of-state to hunt them. They also don't blast pics and videos all over the internet about it. The residents of these developments consider these deer their pets. It's wrong of them to think that way, but that's what they consider them.
A lot of these residents don't have any contact with hunters and are pretty neutral about the whole thought of hunting. When they find out the reason "Old Henry" quit visiting their bird feeders was because he was shot and videos of it are on YouTube, their feelings towards hunters instantly become negative. These neutral people are far more important to the future of hunting than a bunch of yahoos shooting big deer for YouTube. I hope those of you supporting Seek One remember this the next time they start limiting access to places like JPP.