Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

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I would shoot that buck in a heartbeat. I would shoot a doe out of someone's yard too without skipping a beat. I'd shoot one out of my yard from the porch as well and be glad for it. I would NOT however video it and post it on the internet bragging about it. Kill the stupid deer and butcher it and eat it, but good gravy stop thinking you accomplished something great and think you're something special. He probably sings Shania Twain songs out loud too.

I have lots I disagree with @BSK about, but I could sit and drink a beer with him any ole day and not get into a pissing match. Unless he makes drink another Dunkle! I may punch him in the face for something like THAT 🤣
Lot of glass houses cracking in this thread looks like. Every dang one of you would have shot that deer. Looks like everybody's getting their exercise today jumping to conclusions as well. Hunting urban deer isn't my thing just because of the noise and traffic, but there isn't anything illegal about it, and the videos I've watched on most of his hunts he wasn't shooting anyone's pets. Jealousy is a terrible thing, and big deer bring out the worst in folks.
I don't have a dog in this hunt but this is such a terrible argument. A) The vast majority of hunters on this HARDCORE hunting website didn't even participate in the velvet hunt, myself included, even though it was 100% the best chance for any of us who have access to bean fields to kill a high scoring buck this year. B) I see plenty of people on this site post pictures of some dang nice bucks on this site every year taken out of their yards and/or neighborhoods that only shoot them with a camera when they clearly could have killed the deer if they chose to. I will give you one got the very last part right. Watch enough videos of theirs and you'll see it bring out the worst in Lee any time he realizes someone else is trying to kill the same pet he is.
Lot of glass houses cracking in this thread looks like. Every dang one of you would have shot that deer. Looks like everybody's getting their exercise today jumping to conclusions as well. Hunting urban deer isn't my thing just because of the noise and traffic, but there isn't anything illegal about it, and the videos I've watched on most of his hunts he wasn't shooting anyone's pets. Jealousy is a terrible thing, and big deer bring out the worst in folks.
Speak for yourself.

I wouldn't have shot the deer because I wouldn't put myself in a situation where I more than likely couldn't LEGALLY retrieve the deer. I suspect there is a reason you don't see the tracking and retrieval of deer on their videos.

And, I'll quit deer hunting before I go after back yard pets.
Try and have any kind of garden or trees where deer are and you will learn to appreciate anyone that is taking them legal. A food plot in the suburbs is just the same as one 5 miles from the city limits. I was working in Ohio for a few weeks 10 years ago and met a professional deerkiller, he hunted everyday of the week in the neighborhoods around the city with a bow. They issued him legal permits.
So what? Which is more impressive, sitting 50 times to kill a big pet or sitting 50 times in the mountains of East TN to kill a 110-inch 3 1/2 year-old buck? The mountain buck (and the hunter who killed it) impresses me. The one shooting a suburban monster doesn't.

But hey, to each their own. I don't begrudge those guys one bit for killing what they can kill. Or even for making a living at it. But don't expect me to be impressed. In fact, I'll show my old butt-hole self by going out on limb and saying I think this is an embarrassment to hunting. But that's just my very unpopular opinion.
You don't have to sugar coat it tell it like it is brother!
IMO not any different than me killing this buck at Cades Cove. No glory what so ever.

I wouldn't have shot the deer because I wouldn't put myself in a situation where I more than likely couldn't LEGALLY retrieve the deer. I suspect there is a reason you don't see the tracking and retrieval of deer on their videos.

And, I'll quit deer hunting before I go after back yard pets.
This is essentially it for me. Obviously I'd never pass up that deer. He'd be the biggest deer I've ever shot by at least 40 inches. BUT I'd never be in that situation where he hunts. Where I hunt, if a deer reaches 130", that's about the best you're going to get. Few outliers of course every several years exceeding that 130"
Soooo are all the haters saying they WOULD NOT shoot that deer if given the opprtunity in the same place ??

I will answer that.... If any one of you say you would'nt shoot him....YOU'RE a liar!! :) : ) :)
I wouldn't because I wouldn't be hunting in the places they hunt. Yea I like killing big bucks but its more about the experience of the hunt more than the kill anymore. I wouldn't stay in the Nashville area long enough to kill a deer. I hate just driving thru the armpit of TN.
This is a doe that hangs around my subdivision. She will walk through my yard and I talk to her and she will just stop and look at me. The funny thing is she has a fawn now and it will run away when I try to talk to it.View attachment 147345
Dang that's a nice ground blind behind that doe. I need to up my street cred and youtube,tiktok, insta-something game and get me a brick shooting house.
I think what we all are really trying to say is. Most of us when we hunt. It's not just about the kill. We take in our surroundings. And it adds to the experience we call hunting. And the kill is just icing on the cake. That makes it all the better. To be in nature and to kill deer in there home. Especially the wisest of them all the mature buck. We love to hunt them because of how smart and hard to kill they are in they're domain. A subdivision is not where deer should be. It is where they are now forced to be. We can confirm that at least 98 percent of people on here would have killed a buck that big in the same way he did given the opportunity. But what 98 percent are also saying is. It's not something we would feel accomplished about. Because of the lack of skill it would take to do so. Most people are impressed with skill no matter football or any sport. But this pic by itself will be paraded all over the internet with no story to follow. I think we all are misunderstanding one another. I say beautiful buck no doubt. And congrats to him. All will not see eye to honest the only hunting show I watch is Catman. And a little THP from time to time.
Speak for yourself.

I wouldn't have shot the deer because I wouldn't put myself in a situation where I more than likely couldn't LEGALLY retrieve the deer. I suspect there is a reason you don't see the tracking and retrieval of deer on their videos.

And, I'll quit deer hunting before I go after back yard pets.
They show tracking and recovering deer all the time. I seen one where they had a deer cross over the line 10 yards. they could have just got it and pulled it back and no one would have known, but instead they tried for 2 hours to call permission to retrieve it.
So I do live in a subdivision which is in the city limits and behind my house I own 20 acres literally behind my backyard gate. The land I own behind my house is zoned in the county. My property backs up to quite a bit of land and I have permission to hunt 120 acres that borders mine. I don't hunt it a ton but I do hunt it and my experience is that the deer back there are much more skittish than deer I hunt on large tracts of land. Now to my knowledge nobody is feeding these deer. But when I first bought my land and started hunting back there I assumed they would be more relaxed. Don't know if this is common since this is my only experience with hunting near homes.
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So I do live in a subdivision which is in the city limits and behind my house I own 20 acres which is zoned in the county not the city and it backs up to another 100 acres
So you better not post any big deer you kill there, everyone here will burn you for killing your pet

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