Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

I've hunted "urban deer" around sub divisions and they were a lot of things but "pets" was not one of'em. Especially if you add in hunting pressure from others.. I'd argue they were as tough to kill as any other deer. Big mule headed does were the worst. Sure, if you live there, they'll let you walk to your car or play in the yard, but they're not stupid either. Sitting in a yard or such may be more successful but I'll tell you right now that sit in a block of woods and they are just as spooky as farm deer.
I don't give a dam about how others hunt but I'm just saying some of y'all have never done it but seem to know all about it. Which seems to be the norm for this site.
I will add, you can tell when hunters make it to the big time because realtree swoops in and sponsors them.
Me to, I have hunted urban deer that were tough to see and smart.

My experience in Belle Meade, limited because of how much the deer (even the large, mature bucks) were nothing more than pets. I did not attempt to shoot one and did not care to. Not much different than shooting someone's pet cow.
Pretty sure he's chilling by the fire in the Instagram post lol
Catman begged me to let him hunt the spot I had access to in Belle Meade. I told him nope, never. He sent me several pm's on here.

The place I had access to was in no way hunting, it would have been shooting pet deer. It is across a street from Percy Warner.
Catman begged me to let him hunt the spot I had access to in Belle Meade. I told him nope, never. He sent me several pm's on here.

The place I had access to was in no way hunting, it would have been shooting pet deer. It is across a street from Percy Warner.
That is an impressive buck for just about anywhere in the country! I have watched several of there videos. The one with the guys mowing and him sitting in a ground blind in the driveway was just not entertaining.
I would much rather watch Catman smoke a doe or kill a 100-120" public land buck! And the THP guys are true hunters! They work harder than anyone to stalk up on a good buck.
I would much rather hunt than watch ANYONE on youtube or any show for that matter. I have basically never watched hunting shows and most likely never will.
I'll tell you what irritates me. It is farmers bush hogging and running machinery when I am trying to hunt. Not to mention, trucks running down the highway and people 4 wheeling. The worst is kids screaming while outside playing, people mowing yards, and the guy that fires off his AR or pistol while I'm hunting.

I wish I had a place to hunt without interruptions.

Add all those things including the farmer bush hogging edge on Nov 9th plus dogs barking nonstop with the 223 rounds hitting the trees around me and you just described where I hunt frequently..
We have a "Neighborhood Website," where locals share information, and about two weeks ago a post came up that caused a firestorm. It was a suburban "Karen" complaining some guy stopped by her house and politely asked to bow hunt. The locals went Ape Sh$t. Apparently, this guy had been politely asking every homeowner in the neighborhood the same thing. The Karens of the neighborhood were horrified. Thankfully, a few - including myself - defended the guy. Not only is suburban hunting good for the deer population (and homeowners through reduced deer/car collisions and ornamental plant damage), but the guy had been very polite.

Now I'm beginning to worry I might have been defending this turd from Seek One.
Very possible you were. I'll share a few screenshots to let others see "some" of that discussion. Some posts have been deleted since the fireworks went off on that discussion. A lot of emphasis on a "white truck".




Lot of glass houses cracking in this thread looks like. Every dang one of you would have shot that deer. Looks like everybody's getting their exercise today jumping to conclusions as well. Hunting urban deer isn't my thing just because of the noise and traffic, but there isn't anything illegal about it, and the videos I've watched on most of his hunts he wasn't shooting anyone's pets. Jealousy is a terrible thing, and big deer bring out the worst in folks.
Catman begged me to let him hunt the spot I had access to in Belle Meade. I told him nope, never. He sent me several pm's on here.
I bet there's a fine line in there from asking to begging. I'm sure because he asked you felt it was begging because you are the greatest hunter in the world.