Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

I'm sad because of what's happening to deer hunting. Maybe I'm showing my age. My name speaks for itself. This is no chase and this isn't fair. I certainly don't care if these bucks are killed but I'm against calling it anything but what it is. Next thing you know there will be a show about running over deer with a truck.
I agree with fairchaser's sentiment. It gives me no heartburn that the deer was killed. But it's also not what I would call an accomplishment.

It would be like me taking a fly rod to any marina in Key West and then bragging about how many tarpon I caught under the fillet table.
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Seek one has found a niche and they stay there as a way to make a living, provide does to charity or Hunters for the Hungry, and to entertain. Just like a lot of the entertainers who pose as newscasters. I'm not sure what it means to use "greasy" or "slimy" means to get permission to hunt someone's land. If you pay to lease a parcel, is that wrong? If you hunt over a food plot or use trail cams, is that cheating? Seek One may not impress you, but they do a nice job of production and sharing info and entertaining. If it's not your thing, tune in to THP or MeatEater. Thanks for the opinions and thoughts (it's still a hell of a deer)!
Man a lot of hate/jealousy on here.
No jealousy here. Why would I be jealous of a turd who shoots pet deer and then has the audacity to show off as if he's done something great and impressive? He's an embarrassment to hunting.

Hunting a wary buck from your shooting house over a food plot more "sporting". Lol
I find it interesting - and I saw it in a post earlier - that whenever a hunter has no moral ground to stand on, they always go back to the "food plot" thing. YES, killing a WILD wary old buck out of a food plot is far, FAR more of an accomplishment that shooting a pet suburban deer. Deer in the wild see Man as their greatest threat. Man is the #1 predator of deer, and deer avoid Man at all costs. In suburbia, Man is seen as a protector and provider. Man is no threat. Shooting a suburban deer is as difficult as me shooting my cat while it lays in my lap.

this is like the gun rights argument where does it stop. Just because I don't want or need a fully automatic rifle doesn't mean somebody else doesn't want one and like we're seeing if we divide and get down on each others means and methods it gives the "other side" more ammo against us all. Nice buck man! 👍
The other old argument when one has no ground to stand on, "Don't attack one of our own. We need to stick together." Sorry, we need to police ourselves and call out bad behavior when we see it. Taking the opportunity to hunt suburbia is one thing. Championing yourself as if you've done something worthy of praise is another.
Soooo are all the haters saying they WOULD NOT shoot that deer if given the opprtunity in the same place ??

I will answer that.... If any one of you say you would'nt shoot him....YOU'RE a liar!! :) : ) :)

The ONLY way I'd hunt urban deer is if I had 100% permission from every property in the area. Not because I'd hunt every property but because an arrowed buck could potentially die in any of them, as well as run across several others while bleeding out.

As much as I love bow hunting and a big dead buck, there are other people who equally hate hunting and love a big living buck. Many or most of those people live in town. It would be a nightmare for me if that buck died in one of their yards and I had to inform them I have just killed their beloved neighborhood Bullwinkle. I'd feel utterly disrespectful, like I was forcing myself, my beliefs, and a bad situation onto innocent, unsuspecting folks. No deer no matter how big is worth sacrificing my own humanity to kill. Just because I don't agree with somebody on certain subjects doesn't justify me forcing my beliefs on them or forcing them to endure the aftermath of me exercising my own beliefs. A giant buck simply isn't worth that much to me. And that is not a lie.
I've heard of these guys but have never watched one of their videos. Heck I haven't seen a complete deer hunting video on TV or YT in probably 15 years. Just from reading on here and the stuff I see on FB they seem to go the easiest route they can to kill the biggest bucks and keep promoting their business they are in. Do I blame them? No.. But that definitely wouldn't be for me. Heck on my little 25 acres behind my house I have watched a doe and fawn daily for several months now. I know they travel around and don't stay on my place but I already can't bring myself to kill one of them. I could probably do it easily this coming weekend with the bow opener but it would honestly make me a little sad lol. These neighborhood deer are like clock work. In Arkansas I lived out in the country but on a dead end road with 14 houses and each of us had 3+ acres. I seen deer almost daily and even with lots of woods and grass fields around us they still felt like pets from seeing them daily.

So just to clarify because I haven't watched their shows and don't plan to, they go to the Godforsaken place of Nashville and surrounding areas in these subdivisions with a million dollar house and .2 acres and set up in people's yards and hunt?
As far as I know, there is not any record book that differentiates between a deer killed on a 500 acre 30 year intensively managed property vs. a buck killed in Leiper's Fork, unincorporated Leoma, or on the Laurel Hill WMA which is surrounded by lots of small properties.

The non-typical Tucker buck fed from suburban back yards before being killed out of a blind in a field just a short distance away. Less than 5 years later, that buck's home no longer exists because homes are there.

I mean no disrespect and owe a lot of my knowledge to learning from you over the years. But.... I am surprised that a deer/land manager would not support killing these deer for population control no matter where they live by any legal means. The alternative is they just eat everything, cause more vehicle accidents, and the guberment will hire sharp shooters or whatever without any person having the ability to hunt/shoot them.

Location, location, cant kill big deer where they are no big deer. A guy living in the suburbs cant walk out of his door onto the back 20/40 or always drive an hour or more to hunt. A guy living in the suburbs sometimes cant earn a living and afford a secluded piece of dirt the middle of nowhere where all of these wild wary animals live.

Hunters have been killing suburban and city bucks for years. These guys figured out how to get it on film, make it entertaining, and turn a passion into a career.
Nope, wrong, been there and I DID NOT do that. Had access (could probably still go) in Belle Meade to shoot deer (it is NOT hunting in any way at all) on a property in the middle of Belle Meade. There are for sure some really good bucks there. IMO, nothing to do with hunting and even if I had decided to kill a deer there, (the landowner asked me if I could bring machine gun, she hated the deer), I went there one time, saw how the tame the deer and said nope. Didn't interest me. And even a giant had walked by, there are some there, I would not have cared, and if I decide to kill it, I would not have bragged about it. Well if it was a deer you could make a pile of money because of the size of the antlers, then I would have done that, but I still would have told anyone that wanted to know that is NOT hunting. NOT AT ALL!
That's it right there, and the fact so many are defending it is disturbing.

It's not only social media to blame. I've seen a cultural shift over the last couple decades. Common courtesy and mutual respect are gone. You can't even disagree without becoming enemy #1. Forget about respecting someone else's opinion or them respecting yours. Civility is no more.
Sorry, but that's not hunting.

Before my current neighbors moved here from West Meade in Nashville, we stayed at their house after going to a concert. Next morning, drinking coffee, two bucks walk into the backyard. Both were in the 140-150 class. Really nice bucks. My friend says to his wife, "The bucks are back this morning."

She got two apples, walked out back and hand fed both of them.

So yea...not hunting and certainly not anything to brag about.
I've come to the sad reality that social media isn't going to disappear anytime soon and have given up on complaining about this stuff. I went to their YouTube channel just to see how many followers they have; 697,000. That's sad. As long as people keep "crushing that like and subscribe button" things like this will continue.

I personally think these suburban deer do need to be hunted to control their populations and know there are several members on tndeer that hunt these places. But, they live in these neighborhoods and these are the places that they have to hunt. They don't seek out certain deer and come in from out-of-state to hunt them. They also don't blast pics and videos all over the internet about it. The residents of these developments consider these deer their pets. It's wrong of them to think that way, but that's what they consider them.

A lot of these residents don't have any contact with hunters and are pretty neutral about the whole thought of hunting. When they find out the reason "Old Henry" quit visiting their bird feeders was because he was shot and videos of it are on YouTube, their feelings towards hunters instantly become negative. These neutral people are far more important to the future of hunting than a bunch of yahoos shooting big deer for YouTube. I hope those of you supporting Seek One remember this the next time they start limiting access to places like JPP.
Sad that City Deer and Backyard pets are being Shot down by Snipers on the ground and in Helicopters then end up burnt in a land fill. At the least they should go to feed those in need. Urban deer are a increasing problem everywhere with Urban sprawl.
No jealousy here. Why would I be jealous of a turd who shoots pet deer and then has the audacity to show off as if he's done something great and impressive? He's an embarrassment to hunting.

I find it interesting - and I saw it in a post earlier - that whenever a hunter has no moral ground to stand on, they always go back to the "food plot" thing. YES, killing a WILD wary old buck out of a food plot is far, FAR more of an accomplishment that shooting a pet suburban deer. Deer in the wild see Man as their greatest threat. Man is the #1 predator of deer, and deer avoid Man at all costs. In suburbia, Man is seen as a protector and provider. Man is no threat. Shooting a suburban deer is as difficult as me shooting my cat while it lays in my lap.

The other old argument when one has no ground to stand on, "Don't attack one of our own. We need to stick together." Sorry, we need to police ourselves and call out bad behavior when we see it. Taking the opportunity to hunt suburbia is one thing. Championing yourself as if you've done something worthy of praise is another.
Summed up perfectly. This post is what they call game, set, match.
Great deer, no doubt. I couldn't hunt that way. I like to be out in the middle of nowhere, where you might hear a distant truck in the cool morning air. Wonder how successful this guy would fair in the rolling hills of hardwoods? I'll save my thoughts.

On the comparison of this style hunting to hunting over a food plot - I have to chuckle. In 23 years on our property, I can count on one hand how many mature bucks we've seen or pictured in our plots in daylight during hunting season
Nice Buck not my style of hunting but who really cares what i think. What i can't believe is that deer hunters are still watching deer hunting videos or on Youtube .Watching a deer hunting video to me is like watching paint dry. Deer hunting videos are for someone who has just got into hunting trying to get some helpful tips maybe to help them out. The problem is most on here will watch the video just to see what the Buck looked like alive and see what type of setting they were hunting. Like fishing in a small pond for fish i get nothing out of it, There are a lot of people some on here that would have killed that buck if they could have gotten permission to hunt there. As long as no one is sneaking on my land to hunt i could care less what anyone else is doing
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I like to be out in the middle of nowhere, where you might hear a distant truck in the cool morning air.
This is more important to me than most. I was in a club for 2 years that was bordered by I-40 just east of Shelby County. All you could hear was the Interstate traffic, sirens, horns, etc. It just wasn't what hunting was supposed to be for me.

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