Should we even worry about CWD anymore?

As Swamper said, they are certainly concentrated in NE, primarily to the waterways for whitetails. Ranch we hunted last year in western part of state ( Sandhills) was literally cut in half by a highway. Eastside has the Loop River running thru it & 2 irrigated alfalfa circles. West side only has water in tanks and strictly mule deer. The alfalfa would have 100+ whitetails on them each day. You'd think it would be prime incubator for CWD.

BTW, I'm over the whole CWD issue. Have hunted out west since 1979 and no doubt have eaten infected deer & elk.
kinda strange to me we had cwd and covid guidelines for a few years and now both are non existent!!!! government playing with us!!!
kinda strange to me we had cwd and covid guidelines for a few years and now both are non existent!!!! government playing with us!!!
at least we can feed deer up until season again if u follow the rules. i never stopped!! must not have made a difference!!!!
kinda strange to me we had cwd and covid guidelines for a few years and now both are non existent!!!! government playing with us!!!
at least we can feed deer up until season again if u follow the rules. i never stopped!! must not have made a difference!!!!

TWRA has a CWD Management zone. It basically includes the same restrictions regarding feeding and transporting carcasses as well as the use of urine lure restriction in the past. They also still have the CWD Management Incentive Programs in place.
mo cwd anymore!!!no they don't anymore!!!).
TWRA has a CWD Management zone. It basically includes the same restrictions regarding feeding and transporting carcasses as well as the use of urine lure restriction in the past. They also still have the CWD Management Incentive Programs in pla
mo cwd anymore!!!no they don't anymore!!!).

how do the states out west still have animals!!!! since its 100% fatal in your words!!!
I'm not a biologist or BSK. But I'll add that while its 100 % fatal, there are still animals left because not all animals get CWD. Also, its takes up to a year to kill the animal. If you are in West TN, the affects of the disease are here, noticed, and documented.

  • placed in such a manner to reasonably exclude access by deer; or
  • thats exactly why i put out signs. NO DEER ALLOWED. ALL VIOLATERS WILL BE SHOT!!! give me a break!!! really!!!
  • placed in such a manner to reasonably exclude access by deer; or
  • thats exactly why i put out signs. NO DEER ALLOWED. ALL VIOLATERS WILL BE SHOT!!! give me a break!!! really!!!
maybe place the bait to the right of the oak tree. that will keep access from deer away!!! if our government gets any smarter i dont know what to think!!!!
how do the states out west still have animals!!!! since its 100% fatal in your words!!! you say you will not charge anything but are very concerned about the affects???? that makes about as much sense as driving off a cliff!!! but you are a deer biologist i hear!!! do you work for TWRA!!! sounds like it
Come to my area in the "west". It's a fraction of the deer that used to be here. You can't buy a mature mule deer buck if you wanted to. I believe prevalence rate is around 80% of mule deer and close to 50% on whitetail.

I have no idea why some areas are worse than others.
Come to my area in the "west". It's a fraction of the deer that used to be here. You can't buy a mature mule deer buck if you wanted to. I believe prevalence rate is around 80% of mule deer and close to 50% on whitetail.

I have no idea why some areas are worse than others.
how do we stop it??? if you have the answers!! would love to know!! because they sure havent according to you. but you wanna argue!!!
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how do we stop it??? if you have the answers!! would love to know!! because they sure havent according to you. but you wanna argue!!!
I was just giving you a real life perspective on your comment, my bad for "arguing".
Next time I'll use excessive exclamation points so you know I'm not arguing🤪
Come to my area in the "west". It's a fraction of the deer that used to be here. You can't buy a mature mule deer buck if you wanted to. I believe prevalence rate is around 80% of mule deer and close to 50% on whitetail.

I have no idea why some areas are worse than others.
at least argue with some facts!!! i just figure covid/ cwd is the culprit!!!!
maybe place the bait to the right of the oak tree. that will keep access from deer away!!! if our government gets any smarter i dont know what to think!!!!
nobody wants to reply!!!!
  • placed in such a manner to reasonably exclude access by deer; or. this is from TWRA!!! i obide by all laws !!! i dont think any deer can have access to my feeders,,, im watching them close!!!