Should we even worry about CWD anymore?

again stay classy!!! you keep showing that bammer education!!!! im done. you have shown and proven your intelligence and childish actions!!
We could only be so lucky!!!!
you are special aren't you!!! !! im sorry!!! nvm. i hope u find a bridge to jump off of!! or i hope u are getting a big govt check for being a dumbass!!
In Commierado we worry more about the wolves, that our idiots introduced, decimating the elk and deer herds. CWD is no concern. Once they start eating city joggers they'll probably figure out they f'd up!
^^^^^^^^moderators, is this a bot, a troll, or just an a##€ole who likes to start fights? If it's the latter and he gets away with it, then it needs to be open season.

I've never seen a bigger idiot in my life.
im not a troll !! im just a asshole!!appantly!!! if you need my adress let me know!!! and season is open anytime!!
I am pretty sure that the last 5 or 6 pages of this thread have been the most worthless that I've ever seen on TN Deer....we might consider changing the name of the site to "Teen Deer" if this keeps up.
I am pretty sure that the last 5 or 6 pages of this thread have been the most worthless that I've ever seen on TN Deer....we might consider changing the name of the site to "Teen Deer" if this keeps up.
Where ya been? did you not see the Baiting bill thread and that bill has been dead for months, talk about beating a dead horse, was a waste of a lot of bandwidth 😝