Slow gobbling day


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2014
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Birds sure weren't on fire this morning Kinda disappointing. I know they're there just tight lipped this morning seems like
They gobbled on the roost and then a few times after they hit the ground. We go on one at 8:30 that gobbled a few times until he met his maker. Went back with one of my kids and did t hear anything the rest of the day. Some days are just like that.
I heard several Yesterday morning but, so far nothing this morning. I owl hooted a few times but, nothing yet.
Not much gobbling here. Heard 1 maybe 4 times. He was with at least one hen. She was very vocal and came a loooong ways to me but no gobbler with her. Prob got some of the most unique hen footage ever filmed. I'll try to get it uploaded later
Slowest opening weekend gobbling wise we've ever had. Listen to 15+ different birds gobble in 2 spots last weekend. Hunted them both and might've heard 4 turkeys the last two days. It can only go up from here.
They gobbled pretty good around the house this morning up here in KY. One in particular just kept on it. I swear it sounded like he kept making himself shock gobble.
Saw my first turkeys this spring on one of my neighbors pastures. Looked like hens, didn't get a good look at them. I miss seeing turkeys. :cry:
Didn't hear any gobbling this morning, about to get up and leave and hit the call one more time and heard a gobble, had 2 Jakes come in and hang out for about 45 minutes. A tom peaked his head out over a log a few times and I guess seen the Jakes and no hens and disappeared. If he would have been on the other side of that log he would have bit the dust.

Still a fun morning with my daughter.

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I'm having a hard time deciding if they aren't gobbling or just aren't around at all.

I didnt get my first gobble till 10am after covering 5 miles this morn. Over the course of 2 hours on him, he only gobbled a handful of times. He wont gobble any more.

Sure hope some birds show up, gonna be a slow season with quiet mornings unless something changes

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The gobbled ok on the limb but hushed when they hit the ground. Did manage to call one up for my cousin to get his first bird under his belt. Tomorrow's a new day and who knows they just might blow the treetops out.
Same here. Another day of lackluster gobbling. And I'm on a place I know has birds. Odd lol
The area I was in had been silent for 2 days. This morning, one Gobbler was torn up from the ground up.

He must have Gobbled 40x. I would have bagged him, but a Hen cut me off and he went along with her.
I had a blast, even though I didnt bring him home
Slowest start to a season ive ever had. We don't have 25 percent of the turkeys we did just 5 years ago.
We are seeing a few more LB's than last year thankfully but just tight lipped.. It sucks when the weather is perfect and you can hear for miles and nothing! Hens aren't yelping either.. Hopefully they break loose in a 7-10 days.
Does anyone believe the moon is to blame for this right now. I don't know if it does or not. But it's a coincidence it's a full moon right now and lots of people are talking about sub par gobbling