spring 2019 total harvest numbers

arkwaterfowler":25xch1ht said:
I also stand by my statements that lots of hunters moan and groan and continue not to exercise self restraint.
I certainly cannot disagree with your statement.
But please note there are also lots of hunters groaning who do in fact exercise lots of self restraint.
But it too often gets old in so doing when your conservation is then exploited by so many others just out to "get the limit".

It's always a flawed system that punishes honest people for being honest
while rewarding dishonest people for being dishonest.
As example, the typical "earn-a-buck" program on the National Wildlife Refuges.
Many if not most of the "checked in" antlerLESS deer have been fictitious and/or killed in some other county.

Similarly, it gets old showing lots of restraint, like only yourself shooting one or two birds annually, while all you pass are killed by others so focused only on "killing the limit", whatever that limit may be. Those who are legally exploiting our resources are in effect punishing those of us who are being true conservationists. For a such a system to be in place, the fingers should mainly point at those who make the regs?

How much does it matter whether they volunteered, were appointed, or have a paid salary to do this work?
deerfever":70co2efm said:
We are almost to 30,000! The weather is going to be really bad in my neck of the woods this weekend as of now. I doubt many will hunt, 90 percent rain and storms!

I still for the life of me cannot figure out how you guys are coming to this #??? I know you are using the app, but i cannot duplicate the result.
arkwaterfowler":2jyot7aw said:
I stand by my statement that they are volunteers regardless of any perks. I also stand by my statements that lots of hunters moan and groan and continue not to exercise self restraint. Quit complaining here and write them letters if you want action.
Then you are standing alone! :bash:
arkwaterfowler":3k47x37g said:
I also stand by my statements that lots of hunters moan and groan and continue not to exercise self restraint.
How are you quantifying this statement? Do you have acquaintances/buddies who do this, thus you know this to be true, or is this just an assumption on your part with no factual data to support your statement? I agree that SOME probably do this, but not LOTS.

arkwaterfowler":3k47x37g said:
Quit complaining here and write them letters if you want action.
Which one should we start with? Reason I ask is many of us have emailed Commissioners only to have our recommendations fall on deaf ears, with no record of receipt, nor a reply from these volunteer Commissioners. How is that for customer service from SOME of our Commissioners? Not all of them.
30,000 turkeys! I checked and it was dead on! The weather is going to be bad here this weekend. I hate that this is happening on the last one!


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I am simply putting in March 23 to today. You have to hit include WMA. I have watched the numbers for weeks and they have went up consistently over time. Go look at your Hunter success rates . This will show you how many people have killed in the state. It all matches up. Some guys seem to be having trouble but my numbers have been consistent.
I ran the numbers on the website I provided above, and on my iPhone app this morning and got the same number both ways.

29,128 male birds statewide including WMAs, and 222 hens. Dates were March 13 to today. The 10-11% Jakes is consistent with what I have seen in the past.

BW - Can you get tabular data that supports that graphic? I want to see which counties are near 1k birds, as the legend implies.
Won't let me attach an .xls file but the top few counties anywhere near 1000 birds are:
Maury 995
Disckson 803
Greene 786
Giles 641
Montgomery 606
I really wish this glitch would get fixed. I love looking at the harvest numbers per county, comparing to years past, etc .
Stlbaseball1":10q8gs8v said:
I really wish this glitch would get fixed. I love looking at the harvest numbers per county, comparing to years past, etc .
Agreed, me too. Analyzing data is part of the hunt to me.
Andy S.":1pvnfy7o said:
Stlbaseball1":1pvnfy7o said:
I really wish this glitch would get fixed. I love looking at the harvest numbers per county, comparing to years past, etc .
Agreed, me too. Analyzing data is part of the hunt to me.

Why would they even separate the WMA birds or have to add them separate. just lump it all together.
Stlbaseball1":2vj7nxep said:
I really wish this glitch would get fixed. I love looking at the harvest numbers per county, comparing to years past, etc .
Couldn't agree more. The old Hunters Toolbox worked much better also.
We are well over 30,000 now! I predict we go over 31,000 but that's about it. Poured here this morning and looks like more of the same tomorrow. I hope Some of you stay dry to finish it out! 30,632 as of now.


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Expect a lot of birds checked in last couple days regardless of weather. In KY, according to Telecheck results, the last day is as good as the first day. It don't take a rocket scientist to figure out what's going on. It really jacks up the data too.
If you look back there has only been 632 checked in statewide since Thursday. That would seem accurate to me, lots of folks have already quit and plus the weather.