Steph Curry ...

Ha! That's so true. I'm starting to believe the old saw that the fix is in for the NBA Finals. The league wants the pretty and nice Golden State to win. I don't believe that, but ....... Who knows.

Don't understand why more aren't behind the Cavs, especially on this forum. Here you have a team representing a hard working, good people of Cleveland who haven't tasted a championship since Jim Brown in favor of a team from the Bay Area, CA. Commie America West! A team with an undrafted Aussie shutting down the pretty boy jump shooter. A team with 3 starters lost for the season and the (current) greatest player in the world willing his team to win. 44 points in game 1. A triple double in game 2. Steph Curry disappears in game 2 and sulks and nobody says anything. Lebron misses the game winner with a guy hanging all over him, is rightfully ticked off, and the haters talk about how he can't make the big shot and is a whiner. That's laughable. He has taken teams to 5 straight Finals.

This is an awesome Finals and will be getting even better.
TreyB":a6je1j43 said:
THEdonkey0515":a6je1j43 said:
elknturkey":a6je1j43 said:
LeBron is no Jordan. If you put Jordan or Bird in this era of basketball they would destroy records. Too do what they did during a time when the game was much more physical and defense was more intense is amazing. I would love to see what LeBron could do against the Detroit "bad boy" pistons of that era. Lambeer would slap him silly lol.

Agree LeBron May be the best in today's game but best all time?? Not even close with only two championship rings, and about to be a bad finals record at 2-4 after this golden state series.

The "best player of all time" would have not got killed in 4 games in last years finals. That was the worst finals beat down in HISTORY!

So u define a player by the # of rings???? Dan Marino and Peyton comes to mind. The game is so much faster than when Jordan and Bird played. IMO Bird wouldn't be nearly as good nowadays. Back then each team had ONE maybe TWO good players on most. Now days every team is loaded with talent. So much more athletic that could defend those older players better. LeBron would killed those guys back then. I am still torn on best of all time. Jordan, LeBron or Kobe

yup and what does everyone even experts call Peyton???? The best REGULAR season QB of all time lol. Not the best player of all time period. Like they call james, You know why?? Because he has 1 ring and drops the ball in the playoffs in big time games.

Tom Brady will go down as the BEST QB in this era possibly all time, you know why? Because he won 4 superbowls and was a 3 time super bowl MVP.

So yes championships you win as the leader/best player on the court or field has a big part in defining a player.

If James already had 4 championships or 5,then EVERYONE besides bull fans and LA fans would already have him as the best all time. But since he only has 2 everyone throws Kobe who has 5 and MJ who has 6 in the best all times conversation.

And most besides die hard James fans have Mj and Kobe ahead of James at the moment why? They have 3 and 4 more championships lol.

I know championships should not define a player, but a lot of time it does.
Wow, what a fourth quarter last night. Glad to see Curry find his stroke again, but LeBron further solidifies his lock on best ever ;) :D !

BTW, I guess Trent Dilfer was a better QB than Marino :D !
Curry finally hit a few last night. I don't think anyone can doubt that he can get a shot off quicker than anyone. The Cavs were there to play and did. They blew that 20 point lead quick though. James is a great player but I think he gets too much credit, and much of it comes from himself.
Mike Belt":2lj2hg7a said:
Curry finally hit a few last night. I don't think anyone can doubt that he can get a shot off quicker than anyone. The Cavs were there to play and did. They blew that 20 point lead quick though. James is a great player but I think he gets too much credit, and much of it comes from himself.

How does he get too much credit???
Cavs should be up 3-0. Think about it.

Alas, as a long suffering Cleveland fan, here's my prediction. Cavs will win game 4 and go up 3-1. Warriors will then win 3 straight. I think such heartbreak is required by the 13th law of thermodynamics or something.
Poor Lebron not only lost by 21 points he got his head busted. Caves short bench is finally catching up with them they was slow and tired in that game.

Series tied at 2-2, But golden state has the big advantage 2 outta the next 3 games are on there home court.
Right lol and the other 3 finals he has lost had nothing to do with him it was all because his teammates/injury's, and the two he won was all because of HIM! I so get it now You are the best of all times king James way to go:)

How many finals series does he have to lose before people realize his not as clutch in big games as Kobe and MJ?

In the regular season yes his maybe the best, in the finals not even close you can blame it on whoever and whatever you want:)

MJ was 6-0 in the finals with 6 finals MVP awards with the bulls now that's amazing!

He was a 10x NBA scoring leader.
3x NBA steal leader.
6x champion
6x finals MVP
1xNBA defender of the year
14X all star
3x all star MVP
3x NBA minutes leader
9x all defensive team selections.
Rookie of the year
2x slam dunk champ
11x all NBA selections.
2x IBM award winner

Only player to have Back to Back 50+ point games in the playoffs.
Only failed to score 20+ points in the playoffs 6 times in 179 games.

Only guard in NBA history to lead his team in blocks,steals, rebounds, points, and assist in a playoff series.

Just a few of the things MJ did since everyone loves individual stats and championships don't matter :)
Here's something for you to chew on :D !

So let's see … LeBron's had weaker supporting casts than Jordan … and LeBron has faced tougher opposition in the Finals than Jordan … and in these Finals, LeBron's been more responsible for his team's scoring in the Finals than Jordan ever was. ... ba-finals/
It will become another age-old debate much like who was better, Wilt Chamberlain or Bill Russell? Wilt with his records and scoring titles or Bill with his rebounds, defense and championship titles? Kobe does not enter nor deserve to be in the conversation. Neither does Larry Bird. Magic and Tim Duncan deserve to be in the conversation. MJ without a doubt had a much better supporting cast than these Cavs or Lebron with his first Cavs team he took to the Finals, but Lebron's Heat teams were fairly stacked and I'd argue had better overall talent than MJ's Bulls.

I just don't get the hate for Lebron. If you knew MJ like me, you would know that he was and is a complete jerk. Well before me, my wife dated Terry Donnelly, Magic's Sparty teammate, and she met Magic several times and says he was a great guy. Lebron is a good man as well and has done a lot for Cleveland and Akron. Good or bad as people, that doesn't take away that MJ, Lebron, and Magic are on the best 5 of all time and I'll put Chamberlain and Russell on that team to round it out.

The Cavs were worn out last night. It became obvious after their run to close within 3 and inability to get beyond that. After that run, their jumpers were all short. Legs were shot by then. The extra day is much needed. They will be rested for the next game in Oakland and we'll see how well Golden State's small line up does in game 5. If they go with that strategy again, the Cavs should pummel them as they won't be sitting back and taking jumpers this time. I don't think Smith and Shumpert will be allowed to take lazy jumpers and will be yanked if they also don't take it to the rack. Game 5 is going to be a war that the Warriors can't win. I feel good about game 5, but do think the Cavs short bench is going to catch up for 6 and 7. It's so unfortunate, because the Cavs with Irving and Love are clearly the better team.
Golden state takes the series lead at 3-2, curry 37 points, 17 points in the 4th.

Yes James had 40 points, but he took what 10 more shots:)

Like how all the James fans are freaking out James has had more then one triple double in this series,that's awesome magic did this 3 times:), bird also did this.

Curry is gonna get his first championship and his first finals MVP, hey that's only one less then the best ever LeBron James:)

And how was the Cavs "clearly" the better team with Love and Irving when golden state had better regular season recored in a harder division before the cavs lost both them players? Hmmmmmmm makes a lot of since:)
PalsPal":1gbggswr said:
Here's something for you to chew on :D !

So let's see … LeBron's had weaker supporting casts than Jordan … and LeBron has faced tougher opposition in the Finals than Jordan … and in these Finals, LeBron's been more responsible for his team's scoring in the Finals than Jordan ever was. ... ba-finals/

Yup that's why Jordan is the only player in history to have back to back 50 point games in the finals:) since he was not as responsible for scoring:)

That's why MJ also lead his team in 5 categories in The NBA finals:) points, rebounding,assets,steals,and blocks since he depends so much on his team and such.
James will be MVP, and it isn't even close.

Without LeBron on The Cavs team, this would be the WORST finals team in NBA history.

Replace Jordan for LeBron, and the Warriors are sitting on the beach celebrating their sweep :super: !
MJ is setting at home polishing his 6 rings;)

They won't give LeBron the MVP in a losing effort sorry:/ if curry explodes for 30+ like he did last night and he will. Then he will clench the championship and the mvp

Maybe next year LeBron:) ..........maybe
Different type of game being played now. Is tougher on LeBron because the athletic ability of 90% of the players nowadays compared to the glory years.
TreyB":3nbrrm1v said:
Different type of game being played now. Is tougher on LeBron because the athletic ability of 90% of the players nowadays compared to the glory years.
90% of the players today are not more athletic than yesterdays. Some? Yes. Majority? Nope
elknturkey":2mveki5q said:
TreyB":2mveki5q said:
Different type of game being played now. Is tougher on LeBron because the athletic ability of 90% of the players nowadays compared to the glory years.
90% of the players today are not more athletic than yesterdays. Some? Yes. Majority? Nope

Every team has multiple stars on them now. Back then each team had one maybe two. Todays PGs and guards would out play 90% of the old timers. They were spot up shooters. Steph is maybe one of the best shooters of all time but he has to be able to handle the ball and create a contested three. Chris Mullin and Reggie Miller etc... Could NEVER handle the ball the way these shooters play! Period

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