Well-Known Member
Ahuntin1":3ofc8jzq said:UpperTully":3ofc8jzq said:I've said this countless times pertaining to the unprotected lands along the Miss River. After the 2011, 2015/2016 and 2018 record book floods. The deer have been hammered to dang near nothing.
It's not near as bad as you say on the land I own. We have a good share of 3.5 yr old bucks. Just no monsters this year. It's in lauderdale county. It seems to be doing much better than most of the places I hunt in Fayette county. We were covered up in water for months but the deer either came back or found some high spots to hang out on. But in all honesty, I keep coming back to this thread hoping for the pics of the top 5 bucks from presidents island! I'm sure someone has a TWRA connection to get the pics from all the hunts. Maybe we could have a vote on the top 5 based purely on pictures.
That's good to hear! You own land below the bluff?