megalomaniac":37rmnxio said:
If you severely limit the number of bucks taken off an area (whether that be by ARs, number of days hunting, age restrictions, buck limits, or whatever.... the net result is you are recruiting enough deer into older age classes that some will end up as trophies despite whatever you kill.
It's just that with PI WMA, the number of bucks that potentially could be taken has already been so greatly limited by having only 2 weekends of archery-only buck hunting annually, that neither antler restrictions nor age restrictions can contribute as much as they take away (in terms of hunter opportunity). Those unnecessary antler restrictions actually cause many hunters to be unable to kill the very trophy bucks of their lifetimes simply because some only have 8 points, some cannot be sure there are 9 or more points over an inch long, at least during the few seconds of opportunity that may present for the hunter.
Another problem with these antler restrictions is they exacerbate hunter high-grading for the best antler genetics, killing the largest antlered younger bucks, while leaving mainly the smaller antlered bucks as the survivors growing older. This is what some call bass-ackards, if the goal is to produce older bucks with larger antlers.
This is more in the context of antler score (or how many tines over an inch long), while noting maximum antler mass typically is not achieved by any individual buck before he reaches the age of 5 1/2 years.
Would you prefer to see the bucks with the best antler genetics living to maturity, or mainly just the ones with the smaller antler genetics?
In terms of the "trophy" hunter opportunities for next year and the next,
which do you think does more harm?
A hunter killing a 1 1/2-yr-old buck mainframe 8-pointer
- or - a hunter killing a top-end 2 1/2-yr-old mainframe 9-pointer buck?
Which is more harmful to managing for "trophy" bucks?
A hunter killing a 2 1/2-yr-old mainframe 9-pointer
- or - a hunter killing a 4 1/2 yr-old mainframe 8-pointer?
I'd also ask which is the better "trophy" to most hunters?
How about a young buck with a 20" spread
- or - a mature buck with a huge 8-pt rack, that is 19" wide?
Which is the better trophy to the hunter today, which is better to let live for the future hunter?
It's not just the answers to these question that matter or don't matter,
but the issue of hunters being able to quickly take advantage of an opportunity
to kill whichever buck, that opportunity often being only a few seconds.
Over the years, many hunters have let a much larger anterled 4 1/2-yr-old buck walk
simply because they weren't sure the buck had at least 9 points over an inch long.
Then later killed a younger buck
with better anter genetics when that younger buck just stood around giving the hunter more opportunity to study the antlers.
In this common scenario, both the hunter and the deer manager should be happier to see the hunter kill that 4 1/2-yr-old buck, which would be the case
WITHOUT the antler restrictions.
The assumption is that the better antler genetics (at least in terms of growing multiple tines over an inch long) of the younger buck
results later in a much larger antlered older buck, should that younger buck be the survivor, rather than the current living older buck surviving.