Trail cameras ban

I'm not justifying anything. I'm not promoting theft. I'm not against trail cams. I'm not even advocating for any bans. All I'm saying is that IF there is going to a ban, then don't make it cherry picked selective. Do it comprehensively & ban everything that hunters commonly leave out in the woods. And enforce it.

Currently it's only tree stands and blinds that require a TWRA identification tag. When a warden encounters a stand or blind that isn't identified, they are obliged to remove it. If it does have an ID tag on it then the warden contacts the owner so he/she can come get their stuff rather than lose it. Before leaping head first into banning cameras, why not first try mandating that they require ID tags same as stands & blinds? That seems logical, sensible, no? My point is that if you're going to ban cameras being left out on public ground, then ban stands and blinds as well because all of them too often get left out to become litter.

There's no justifying anything, not truth or untruth. It's completely my opinion because it makes sense to me. I don't mind debating it and I'm very much open to considering & even adopting another point of view if I feel it's more sensible. But IMO you can't expect anybody to take you seriously if you get upset & say "whatever" every time somebody disagrees with you.
Yes, let's just require more bans, more regulations that are un-necessary like all the worthless gun laws that don't work because criminals don't work by laws....pretty soon you'll have an ID stamped on your forehead or you can't hunt...."WHATEVER"!!
I don't hunt public land so I don't have a dog in this fight. I also have nothing against the use of trail-cameras. Heck, I make a living off them. However, on public land that is being shared by everybody, I think trail cameras (and any other hunting equipment) should not be left in place after a hunt. Whether it is by intent or not, the result is the same. Hunters see others equipment left in the woods and are influenced to move and hunt somewhere else. In essence, the consequence of equipment left in the woods is territorialism, i.e. "this is my spot." Again, this is true whether the intent was there or not. For this reason, I don't believe any equipment should be allowed to be left in the woods on public land.
Wow.....don't worry soon enough you won't have to worry about cameras, tree stands or anything even hunting will be banned.....congratulations!!
Wow.....don't worry soon enough you won't have to worry about cameras, tree stands or anything even hunting will be banned.....congratulations!!
Sorry BPhunter, I'm not one of those "every regulation is an infringement on my rights" sort of person. Some rules and laws are necessary. I see nothing wrong with laws for public land that level the playing-field for all.
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Sorry BPhunter, I'm not one of those "every regulation is an infringement on my rights" sort of person. Some rules and laws are necessary. I see nothing wrong with laws for public land the level the playing-field for all.
I didn't say every regulation is an infringement. There are things that are completely useless!! Mu God, you people are fighting over cameras, really, eventually the law makers get fed up with the fighting over trivial BS and just say, screw it, we'll just ban hunting or access.
I didn't say every regulation is an infringement. There are things that are completely useless!! Mu God, you people are fighting over cameras, really, eventually the law makers get fed up with the fighting over trivial BS and just say, screw it, we'll just ban hunting or access.
Look up the words "hyperbolic" and "hyperbole." The sky isn't falling.
I hunt public land. I put a couple of cameras around my treestands also. I have 3 stands and only use one at a time. I have absolutely no problem if other hunters use my stands. The only issue I have is the idiots who carry beer into the woods and then don't carry the empties out. I see the others point about the treestand being litter. I used to hang and remove them every year. But at 60 years old now, I have left them in place. I still tend them all year long. I share my info about deer seen on my cameras with other hunters and tell them to feel free to use any stand they want.
I hunt public land. I put a couple of cameras around my treestands also. I have 3 stands and only use one at a time. I have absolutely no problem if other hunters use my stands. The only issue I have is the idiots who carry beer into the woods and then don't carry the empties out. I see the others point about the treestand being litter. I used to hang and remove them every year. But at 60 years old now, I have left them in place. I still tend them all year long. I share my info about deer seen on my cameras with other hunters and tell them to feel free to use any stand they want.
You sir are exactly on point...thank you. Out West here we mostly don't use tree stands. It spot and stalk. We scout areas and actually get plenty of exercise walking rather than sit in a tree stand or blind. However, I understand the use of those objects as your limited to the amount of hunt-able land to use. And I agree, if you have a tree stand in place and not using it at the time, let others use it, hell, maybe even improve or update it.
Yes, let's just require more bans, more regulations that are un-necessary like all the worthless gun laws that don't work because criminals don't work by laws....pretty soon you'll have an ID stamped on your forehead or you can't hunt...."WHATEVER"!!

Oh, you mean a hunting license? Those already exist. It's how we pay for our public lands & the enforcement of laws pertaining to them. And yeah, criminals disregard law, hence the word "criminal".
I hunt public land. I put a couple of cameras around my treestands also. I have 3 stands and only use one at a time. I have absolutely no problem if other hunters use my stands. The only issue I have is the idiots who carry beer into the woods and then don't carry the empties out. I see the others point about the treestand being litter. I used to hang and remove them every year. But at 60 years old now, I have left them in place. I still tend them all year long. I share my info about deer seen on my cameras with other hunters and tell them to feel free to use any stand they want.
You are one of the hood guys. Thank you and good luck to you. I don't think we have a universal issue here so lays just let it be the way it is.
Oh, you mean a hunting license? Those already exist. It's how we pay for our public lands & the enforcement of laws pertaining to them. And yeah, criminals disregard law, hence the word "criminal".
You keep talking and say very little or very unintelligent....but, that is your right to expose your lack of knowledge.
Waiting GIF
You are one of the hood guys. Thank you and good luck to you. I don't think we have a universal issue here so lays just let it be the way it is.
I meet most of the hunters who hunt this 286 acre tract of land. I'm always willing to help them out. It's what we all should do for the common good of hunting. Not getting on a high horse about myself. Just spreading the wealth. 🙂