Well-Known Member
I think there is some legitimacy to this line of thinking, particularly with "hunting" (more so than "access").. . . . eventually the law makers get fed up with the fighting over trivial BS and just say, screw it, we'll just ban hunting or access.
As more and more public lands "managers" are becoming non-hunters (some even anti-hunting), some may be even looking for excuses to farther restrict what they consider "sport" hunting. Many of these "managers" already view hunters as a nuisance, as do nearly all the other "user groups" who collectively out-number sport hunters.
Look at LBL as an example many on here are familiar.
There's now only a couple weekends annually of firearm deer hunting, and that is via quota draw.
Many other "user groups" are complaining about that, i.e. why should these hunters be tying up those two weekends!?!
I would ask just how is using a trail cam on a vast public land area more "intrusive" or "unfair" than someone riding thru the area via horseback, polluting the trails with horse apples?
For multiple reasons, some want more areas designated true "wilderness" areas where even hiking is not allowed, and/or only by "special" permit.
We should be careful for what we wish, and err on the side of freedom?