Vote to lower limits

As a non-resident, I'm all for it. Ha. It'd make me double check on beard length.
muddyboots":ksyubtk8 said:
Southern Sportsman":ksyubtk8 said:
muddyboots":ksyubtk8 said:
If they move season 2 weeks Later I won't have a season.


Our season used to open last Saturday in March and hunting was phenomenal then. But limit was 2. I think that is the key. Just my opinion.
i miss those days of hunting the last week of March. The last week of March until the 2nd week of April is the best time to be in the woods where I hunt. It is the 3rd week of the season and it has just about shut down. The gobblers wont come to a call or a decoy. You can still catch them in a field strutting but good luck trying to kill them. Don't get me wrong, they can still be killed but a lot of patience, knowing the lay of the land, and setting up in front of them is key. It is more of a waiting game than anything.
I talked to a fella today from TWRA. Said the lowering of limits was given. It's gonna happen. Only thing now in debate is whether they want to also change the dates and if TWRA thought Zones like deer hunting would be a good idea. Say Zone 4 can sustain a 3 bird limit, but Zone 1 (MS River area) can only handle 2.

I'm all for limiting Out of State hunters. Hell Ark is doing it with ducks. Why can't we do it with turkeys. Do something. Hell I have been fighting a guy from MS all yr. I tried working with him early in the yr, but once I figured out he would work with me as long as he was getting the better end, I said to hell with it. Let's just say, he hasn't had any luck in the last wk cause what he is hunting ain't there anymore... He doesn't know that tho...
timberghost3591":1vz4u8g2 said:
Only thing now in debate is whether they want to also change the dates.
Seems the real discussions have been more about budgetary funding than turkey management?
Having a later opening date would be the one change that would help turkey populations the most?

Yes, I'll vote to lower the limits, too.
if that is actually a voting option.

Turkey zones may be a good idea in theory,
but a statewide simple plan could work best.

As a starting point . . . . . . . .
I'd go whole hog on a season opening date of the 2nd Saturday of April
with a statewide 2-bird limit.

If our turkey population and its sustainability in the presence of more hunters,
and more effective hunters, becomes better,
then re-visit.

The biggest problem is TWRA has gone too long with the same ole, same ole
failure to do much anything different regarding our turkey regs.

The turkeys are thriving and expanding in many urban subdivisions where they aren't hunted.

On the other hand, with the expansion of baiting and illegally killing turkeys over bait,
maybe none of this really matters much?
Except that baiting would be less effective if the season opened later?
Hillbilly Hunter":2gsaxcc8 said:
How many hunters kill 3 and 4?
If it is a very small percentage, it will have little impact on population.
I believe what's really mattering more then the limit
is just how many turkey hunters we now have "afield".

Never before has the "average" turkey hunter afield been so "effective"
with his (or her) abilities to kill a turkey, or a bunch of turkeys.

The real issue (regarding limits) may be more about how many hunters kill 1 (or more)
of a dwindling resource?

Also, not reflected in any harvest data,
what are the numbers of "shot at" birds that simply run or fly away
later dying from a pellet in their gut?

Hunters are taking longer range shots than ever before,
wounding more birds than ever before?

A single TSS pellet to the gut of a turkey 70 yards away,
likely means death within the coming week?

Just saying, we collectively kill a lot more turkeys than end up in the harvest data.
timberghost3591":3kprwjbl said:
I talked to a fella today from TWRA. Said the lowering of limits was given. It's gonna happen. Only thing now in debate is whether they want to also change the dates and if TWRA thought Zones like deer hunting would be a good idea. Say Zone 4 can sustain a 3 bird limit, but Zone 1 (MS River area) can only handle 2.

I'm all for limiting Out of State hunters. Hell Ark is doing it with ducks. Why can't we do it with turkeys. Do something. Hell I have been fighting a guy from MS all yr. I tried working with him early in the yr, but once I figured out he would work with me as long as he was getting the better end, I said to hell with it. Let's just say, he hasn't had any luck in the last wk cause what he is hunting ain't there anymore... He doesn't know that tho...
You're crazy if you think they're going to limit NR. $332 is too good to pass up. Most expensive turkey tags in the country. Bag limit and season dates will happen before that. How many birds have nonresidents killed? How did the nonresident affect you if you made it "quiet". I'm for lowering the limit but what percentage is killing 4 birds? 3? 2? Isn't this the same forum that had guys crying over lowering the buck limit? I honestly don't mean to come off as a jerk and this is not directed towards you but the whining gets old. I'm all for managing by region.

Kill 30000 birds and there's too many nonresident hunters or bag limit is too high! Kill 20000 and there's not enough turkeys! Same song and dance for the last 10 years
For they guys thinking birds are done and the good hunting is over after 1st week of April, I PROMISE you will have the best hunting you've ever experienced if you delay season start 2 to 3 weeks, retain 20,000 to 25,000 gobblers statewide, and start mid April hunting unpressured/ unhunted birds.

Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk
timberghost3591":3oo4ruve said:
I talked to a fella today from TWRA. Said the lowering of limits was given. It's gonna happen. Only thing now in debate is whether they want to also change the dates and if TWRA thought Zones like deer hunting would be a good idea. Say Zone 4 can sustain a 3 bird limit, but Zone 1 (MS River area) can only handle 2.

I'm all for limiting Out of State hunters. Hell Ark is doing it with ducks. Why can't we do it with turkeys. Do something. Hell I have been fighting a guy from MS all yr. I tried working with him early in the yr, but once I figured out he would work with me as long as he was getting the better end, I said to hell with it. Let's just say, he hasn't had any luck in the last wk cause what he is hunting ain't there anymore... He doesn't know that tho...

Do you hunt other states?
Bgoodman30":x9wsawhg said:
timberghost3591":x9wsawhg said:
I talked to a fella today from TWRA. Said the lowering of limits was given. It's gonna happen. Only thing now in debate is whether they want to also change the dates and if TWRA thought Zones like deer hunting would be a good idea. Say Zone 4 can sustain a 3 bird limit, but Zone 1 (MS River area) can only handle 2.

I'm all for limiting Out of State hunters. Hell Ark is doing it with ducks. Why can't we do it with turkeys. Do something. Hell I have been fighting a guy from MS all yr. I tried working with him early in the yr, but once I figured out he would work with me as long as he was getting the better end, I said to hell with it. Let's just say, he hasn't had any luck in the last wk cause what he is hunting ain't there anymore... He doesn't know that tho...

Do you hunt other states?

I do not. Not even ducks anymore. My turkey hunting is done on public land. I make it work best I can and will help a total stranger. Hell I just sat for an hour and made a map for a fella from Memphis who got drawn for achickasaw this wknd to show him where we heard birds gobbling and killed birds last wknd. I have no problem with other hunters, UNTIL they go out of their way to ruin my hunts. Most of the time I get up at 1:30 or 2:30 in the morning just to make sure I have the spot I want. Some nights I sleep at the gate.

I didn't even mean for this to be a moaning and groaning thing. And I wasn't doing that and I apologize if SOME people took it that way. I thought this was a "discussion" and I could say MY opinion on the subject.
timberghost3591":205vwaxi said:
Bgoodman30":205vwaxi said:
timberghost3591":205vwaxi said:
I talked to a fella today from TWRA. Said the lowering of limits was given. It's gonna happen. Only thing now in debate is whether they want to also change the dates and if TWRA thought Zones like deer hunting would be a good idea. Say Zone 4 can sustain a 3 bird limit, but Zone 1 (MS River area) can only handle 2.

I'm all for limiting Out of State hunters. Hell Ark is doing it with ducks. Why can't we do it with turkeys. Do something. Hell I have been fighting a guy from MS all yr. I tried working with him early in the yr, but once I figured out he would work with me as long as he was getting the better end, I said to hell with it. Let's just say, he hasn't had any luck in the last wk cause what he is hunting ain't there anymore... He doesn't know that tho...

Do you hunt other states?

I do not. Not even ducks anymore. My turkey hunting is done on public land. I make it work best I can and will help a total stranger. Hell I just sat for an hour and made a map for a fella from Memphis who got drawn for achickasaw this wknd to show him where we heard birds gobbling and killed birds last wknd. I have no problem with other hunters, UNTIL they go out of their way to ruin my hunts. Most of the time I get up at 1:30 or 2:30 in the morning just to make sure I have the spot I want. Some nights I sleep at the gate.

I didn't even mean for this to be a moaning and groaning thing. And I wasn't doing that and I apologize if SOME people took it that way. I thought this was a "discussion" and I could say MY opinion on the subject.

Gotcha. Its a slippery slope. A lot of us hunt out of state and would hate for other states to follow examples like AR WMA's and further limit opportunities. Its already hard enough some places..
elknturkey":3d37sm4s said:
timberghost3591":3d37sm4s said:
I talked to a fella today from TWRA. Said the lowering of limits was given. It's gonna happen. Only thing now in debate is whether they want to also change the dates and if TWRA thought Zones like deer hunting would be a good idea. Say Zone 4 can sustain a 3 bird limit, but Zone 1 (MS River area) can only handle 2.

I'm all for limiting Out of State hunters. Hell Ark is doing it with ducks. Why can't we do it with turkeys. Do something. Hell I have been fighting a guy from MS all yr. I tried working with him early in the yr, but once I figured out he would work with me as long as he was getting the better end, I said to hell with it. Let's just say, he hasn't had any luck in the last wk cause what he is hunting ain't there anymore... He doesn't know that tho...
You're crazy if you think they're going to limit NR. $332 is too good to pass up. Most expensive turkey tags in the country. Bag limit and season dates will happen before that. How many birds have nonresidents killed? How did the nonresident affect you if you made it "quiet". I'm for lowering the limit but what percentage is killing 4 birds? 3? 2? Isn't this the same forum that had guys crying over lowering the buck limit? I honestly don't mean to come off as a jerk and this is not directed towards you but the whining gets old. I'm all for managing by region.

Kill 30000 birds and there's too many nonresident hunters or bag limit is too high! Kill 20000 and there's not enough turkeys! Same song and dance for the last 10 years

It is not about them killing 4 birds it is about how many you attract that kill 1-2. People look for the cost per tag. TN is a bargain. People have high hopes and 4 tags let's them feel like they can kill 4. That brings in a lot of out of state pressure and people killing turkeys. Even though it may not be a total of 4.

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The unreasonably high limit of four screams to everyone that turkeys in Tennessee are a pest and whoever wants to should come kill one or two to help out with the overpopulation. That goes for both resident and non resident hunters. The psychological factor of having a high limit brings a lot of hunters afield. It also says to successful hunters that they can shoot 3-4 and take their friends to shoot another 1-2, because heck, we have a 4 bird limit! It's like nit having a limit at all.
things such as lowering limits to 2 are not "rumors" it has to be public knowledge and brought before the commission I would think it would be more like an announcement than a rumor with public hearings prior to a vote.
megalomaniac":1xqr27nx said:
For they guys thinking birds are done and the good hunting is over after 1st week of April, I PROMISE you will have the best hunting you've ever experienced if you delay season start 2 to 3 weeks, retain 20,000 to 25,000 gobblers statewide, and start mid April hunting unpressured/ unhunted birds.

Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk
This. I think some people believe this is false because they have never experienced it. And in many areas most of the birds are killed, crippled, spooked, shot at, call shy, googaned up, and just pressured and tough. Back it up to April 15th or so and the gobblers will be love crazed sick, lonely, and unpressured.

They'll be like the drunk guy at the bar at closing time with no one else to talk to or go home with....

I've hunted a place in the southeast before that used to open up on April 25 and close April 30. You'd kill one every day. Or at least get the chance.

I'm pro delaying season 10 plus days and keeping limit same or maybe down to three to make it look more "politically correct." Not enough folks hardly ever kill four anyways, including me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
TN Whitetail Freak":3nfwkmjr said:
things such as lowering limits to 2 are not "rumors" it has to be public knowledge and brought before the commission I would think it would be more like an announcement than a rumor with public hearings prior to a vote.

The formal proposals for upcoming seasons and regulations will be presented at the April Commission meeting on Friday. It will be streamed online. Then there will be roughly a month for the proposals to be considered, including public comments to commissioners. The proposals COULD be amended before or during the May meeting although the proposals are usually pretty close to what gets passed. The Commission will vote to approve the proposals at the may meeting, and that will be the rules for the next two years. Current rumors are based on discussions involving TWRA and the commission as they prepare proposed rules and regulations to be presented Friday.

I think they will establish some kind of management units and either implement some type of jake harvest rule or lower the limit to 3 or both. Maybe they push the start date back 1 week. If they do establish units, they will have more options with limits. They could keep a 4 bird limit statewide, but limit the number you could kill within a particular unit. 2 birds in the area bordering the MS river where flooding has taken a toll, 3 most places, 4 in the lucky middle TN counties where populations are strong, or some variation of this.

If they do nothing or close to nothing, I'm going to lose my mind.
megalomaniac":2cvkfcrm said:
For they guys thinking birds are done and the good hunting is over after 1st week of April, I PROMISE you will have the best hunting you've ever experienced if you delay season start 2 to 3 weeks, retain 20,000 to 25,000 gobblers statewide, and start mid April hunting unpressured/ unhunted birds.

Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk

I'm a hands on guy. I bare my thoughts on current situations. I've been told by pundits my whole life how great late season is. Well I've turkey hunted the same property for 30 years. After the first 9 days turkey hunting on
Y little piece of the world is awful. I honestly never and I mean never hear a gobbler on the ground this time of year. Take Tuesday. I heard 4 to 6 on the roost. After fly down nothing. I pretty much knew where one of them was. Snuck up there. 2 gobblers. By their selves. Just being turkeys. Not looking for hens. No desire to breed. So I can try to guess which way they are going and deer hunt them. Or make a stalk. Neither the how I want to hunt them. Just not fun to me. It's not rocket science. Hunting was great when season opened last Saturday in March and limit was 2. So if yawl want to hunt later. Go fir it. I think make limit 2 again and things get way better.
megalomaniac":j0ri8gu7 said:
For they guys thinking birds are done and the good hunting is over after 1st week of April, I PROMISE you will have the best hunting you've ever experienced if you delay season start 2 to 3 weeks, retain 20,000 to 25,000 gobblers statewide, and start mid April hunting unpressured/ unhunted birds.

Sent from my SM-G970U1 using Tapatalk
Sshhhhhhhh. I ALWAYS prefer May over April
muddyboots":1hcnrbss said:
After the first 9 days turkey hunting on
Y little piece of the world is awful.
IMO, this is typically the case regardless
whether the season were to open in March, April, or May.

After 9 days (which includes 2 weekends),
the 2-yr-old (and older) male class has typically been reduced by @ 50% plus.
Those loud-mouthed "stupid" birds are now all dead.

Those survivors are the smartest of that class.
They shut up.
They are now much more hunter wise,
at least until the first 9 days of next year's turkey season.

More about the first 9 days of hunting
than the beginning date of those 9 days.

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