Same dang way for bucks , allowed two but only one a day . What don't you get brother. How many times have you seen two bucks or two toms together ? Alot and greedy gets them but those that obey the law allows another day of hunting why .....because it's the law !!So why is it illegal to kill two in one day? If you can kill 2 in a 12 hr window. What makes the difference ?
If you were a state biologist whose job it was to set season limits and days, why would you not say limit two per season can kill both in one day if you so choose? Purely asking a question.
Same that goes for deer. If a legal hunter wants to "tag out" then why can't he/she in one day? Not saying you, me, or the other couple thousand folks on here would or would want to. However, if the opportunity arose and it was legal.
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