Where are you going to hunt?

I'm lucky this year. I have a 6100 acre lease that borders tellico lease in Hardin county. I own 19 acres around my house. Then I got permission on 200 acres in the River bottom.
Wow yes you did get blessed for sure. I am looking for a lease in East Tennessee, how did you go about finding one with 6100 acres? What forum did you use if you don't mind. Last year I miss out on hunting and this year we are really trying to find a place. Any input or tips are welcome. Thank you!
Wow yes you did get blessed for sure. I am looking for a lease in East Tennessee, how did you go about finding one with 6100 acres? What forum did you use if you don't mind. Last year I miss out on hunting and this year we are really trying to find a place. Any input or tips are welcome. Thank you
There is a timber company around here that we have leased land from for 30 years. The big lease joined this lease and just asking around until I found out who to talk to. Then 2 years on waiting list.
The farther East you go in TN the leases just disappear it seems. I haven't heard of a lease east of Knoxville in 15 years or better. But not saying they're not happening just can't be to many from my observations
Myself, 2 sons & 1 Granddaughter primarily hunt two small properties (both under 30 acres) one I live on (Giles Co and one just land in Marshall Co). This year I got 2 quota hunts on Williamsport WMA Maury Co (first time) and I probably will try bow on Yanali WMA.
East Tn public land...big timber, backpack and my bow...not much pressure in these mountains. Most hunters hunt next to road and 4 wheeler trails...boots on ground and hard work pays off.
Just bought my plane ticket last night. Coming in for two weeks to hunt my lease in Morgan county for the last time and my farm in Fentress county around Thanksgiving.
I'll be at my 2 families farms in cannon County and warren county, taking 2 trips to the fort and hopefully one to go stay with my best friend who moved to Kansas and hunt some while I'm there.
Telico WMA, two small permissions under 30 acres and public land hunt on eastern shore of MD for Sika mid Oct.