2024 Live from the stand

Getting down.
Thought this was a cool pic. Had a 6 pt in the field and then 2 yotes entered. They attempted to catch mice and the deer kept a watch on them. As they started moving off I did a mouse squeak with my mouth and they made a bee line to me. Shot the female at about 10 steps. The buck is still out here.


New view I'm posting today. This is a 7 acre opening surrounded by timber that is mostly white oaks. 120 Dunstan chestnut trees, 1 acre drain in the middle and 1 acre food plot that was clover I let go fallow. Used to always mow in August when dry cause steep fire lanes and muddy when wet to get back to it. My tractor is not 4x4. Well decided to not mow and hopefully get in before next growing season. Well it looks like a CRP or CRIP field. The deer just love it and feel secure and hidden in it. Three cameras around it shows me all the activity. I got my buck and two does so just need one more doe. Saw a doe but passed, looking for old dominant doe. Then see the two biggest bucks that I know are on this property. A big 8 and a really big 10 that I've posted pictures of before. They both offered 75 yard shots at a scrape under a cedar. The scrape is as big as my truck hood. Chip shot for my 30.06. Saw four more does. Then 6 does and a small 8. Enjoyed the show so much didn't even pull the trigger.