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3 months until a duodecennial….

Sorry for delay on update, found out had some army worms issues at my place & been up there for a few days.

This was a multi prong trip for me; helping they guys where I could, being in elk camp again, scouting for grandsons & I for next fall & delivering a Ranger to @AT Hiker that he bought from me.

Decided to take my 20 month old Mt Cur pup that @OldFussNFeathers gave me last year. The furthest she had ever ridden before was one hour, but she handled the 6 days of traveling (3800 mi) like a champ!

Scout lovers to ride with head out window and even did it at 75+mph on interstate, with ears flapping so hard that they sounded like cards on bicycle spikes.
She kept camp safe from the lions, tigers & bears while we were hunting. Took @Buzzard Breath on a skunk hunt and woke us all up one morning at 2:00 am. She figured out how to unzip my tent and when she got out went straight to FussnFeathers tent and woke him up. His hollering at her woke me up, then she proceeded to break in the wall tent and woke AT & Buzz up with wet kisses as their cots were perfect level for her. She had us all up before it was over with. Her favorite place to get each morning while we were drinking coffee was under the wood stove. Dont know how she stood it as the name tag on collar would get too hot to touch.

I had her trained as a tracking dog and have been on elk hunts when I wished we had one. Wasn't sure how she would act with the big stinkers but when Buzz killed she acted just like it was a deer. There wasn't any tracking involved as it fell next to a two track, but when she saw it, she immediately went to attacking the bullet hole, tugging & pulling hair just like she does a deer.

AT provided a great camp, and with the few amenities I provided like a microwave, small gas oven & pop-up for a cook shack, we ate pretty well. Don't remember what all we ate, but had low country boil, fried venison, burgers, stew, Aztec soup, home grown tomatoes & blueberries just to mention a few.

I typically didn't hunt in the afternoon with them, but stayed behind to cook supper and help Scout guard the beer cooler.

Only mishap entire trip that I recall is the blasted Chinese oil filter that I got off Amazon blew off my UTV while I was driving it! Had changed oil right before going out. Threads were just deep enough to tighten up, but vibrated loose & wouldn't stay on. Couldn't fi d locally & had to get a buddy a home to overnight me one. Scout & I were going to look at a new area that day, so had a nice long walk in refreshing mtn air back to camp. Dumping the oil killed the wet clutch and made shifting a pia the rest of trip.

Warmest trip to the Rockies in fall in my life. In 3 weeks we never had frost, never wore base layer & warmest thing I put on was a vest. The day I left it got real smokey at ATs from fires & sun turned red.
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The pic of Cheyenne River is where Hugh Glass got loaded on a flat boat after he had crawled downstream about 200 miles after being attacked by grizzly. Thought that was cool as a couple years ago, I was at spot he was attacked at.

On way home I did spend a nice evening with a 28 yr old gal in Colorado. A sports bar was right around corner from motel I was staying in. Walked in right after TN & AR game started. Grabbed a seat at bar and wasn't long before she came in and sit down beside me. Was a AR alumni visiting town by herself and....rest of story is reserved for a 70 yr old man's memories and will probably get better with each telling. I will admit to not getting back to my room until 1:30 am 😜.

Hauled Buzzes gear & elk home and it looks like I traded a Yeti and an Engle cooler to him for a nice .308 rifle. And I did bring home some good beer!

Happiness is a big gut pile!


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