90 YARD BOW KILL........


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2008
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I was looking around in the trophy room and come across a guy in rutherford county who claims he shot a 8 pointer at 90 yards....Is that a mis-print or mis-type ? Has anyone on here killed a deer at 90 yards ? I thought maybe it could have been cross bow, but that still is a heck of a shot too. It's hard for me to believe that.
More likely a compound bow than a crossbow. A crossbow loses speed and KE much quicker (usually).

It's possible and if you believe what you read on some of the big archery boards there are those who take those shots.
ShaneHallum said:
I can't focus past 40yds.

I would love to watch somebody shoot that distance.

Come on over one afternoon. :D

FITA events are 30M, 50M, 70M and 90M. We shoot field archery out to 80yds. It's a lot of fun to shoot long range and helps with short range shooting.
i saw a guy kill a pronghorn on video at 93yds. my dad and brother met him when he came and spoke at their church. he is an olympic-class archer, and had patterned that goat for a couple days, but couldnt get any closer to where it was coming to drink. practiced the shot for a whole day before he killed it. very cool, but not within the ablilty of all but the very, very best archers.
I noticed that when I approved the picture for the trophy room.
Could be a typo, could be the actual yardage.

I know two things.

1) A 90 yard kill with a bow is doable.
2) You will get CRUCIFIED if you admit to doing it.
I know of a guy who has killed 2 at exactly 100 yds! With a compound. Both deer dropped in their tracks. I would never try it but it has been done.
I'd say it's doable but that's stepping it on out there. Furtherest I've ever killed one at was 76 yards. A few reasons I took the shot. #1. I knew the exact distance via range finder and how my sight adjusts to that point. #2. The distance from my porch to my target is 75 yds and I shoot off it all the time when I'm too lazy to go for a full shooting session. #3. Relaxed deer and wide open field with no obstructions.