hunter0925":1n1iw0bt said:
REN":1n1iw0bt said:
wow what the hell happened to this thread lol.
same thing I was thinking. I started this thread to bring something positive to a rather negative attitude regarding the harvest numbers. All it did was fuel the negativity and make things worse. As much as I hate to say it, and I should have realized this a while ago, but Tndeer is not what it used to be. There's a handful of salty old dudes who only want to see the bad in everything and complain about everything and everyone. Throw in the whole conspiracy theory vibe and it's almost laughable. These people and the general attitude I've seen lately has been running the good people off this forum one at a time. I know a bunch of guys who don't post here anymore, a bunch who post a lot less than before, and we all remember BSK and how he got run off a few years ago. It took me a while, but for once I'm realizing why, and I hate to see it happen.
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Hang around cat. This just happens to be one of those threads that can get tempers elevated. I'm not even a resident but this is one of the very few forums I visit regularly[/quote] it ain't just this thread, it's been ongoing and goes beyond just turkey population issues. Some people are just determined to complain about anything and everything and talk crap about their fellow hunters to the point that you can't hardly keep a decent conversation going anymore. I don't know if I will be hanging around here much anymore. At least not for a while
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I'm taking this as a shot at me. Let me be clear I make zero apologies for standing up for the tradition of turkey hunting as well as the population and future of this sport
Too many dickbags these days are simply looking for the easiest kill possible. They don't want to hunt they want to only kill. I will never be okay with this and will always speak my mind against this awful mentality
Our sport is sick, it has a disease. The disease is plastic turkeys, tents, and long range sniping and the quality of hunter that's infiltrating to the detriment of the sport
There are too many spineless or naive hunters that turn a blind eye in the name of if it's legal it's cool. That's garbage and I'm not that guy.[/quote]
Dang man, since all these things are a disease and a crutch to turkey hunting I sure hope that you are a "traditional" deer hunter! I mean do you use a tree stand? Camo? A scope? GPS or weather app? Trail camera? I mean obviously with all your hunting superiority you wouldnt need anything besides a 30-30 with open sights and some plaid pants. Or is it ok to "ruin" something with a "disease" and use "crutches" so long as it isn't turkey?
Pretty certain catman hasn't appologized for anything either and nor should he. He has, from what I have seen, hunted ethically and tried to bring new people into the sport and teach people.[/quote]
First what in the actual hell does deer hunting matter here? Second, correlating deer gear to sitting in a tent is a great comparison and exactly where it started. Lazy deer hunters trying to make turkey hunting just as easy.
I don't even deer hunt, used to, but don't any longer. It's too easy and boring. Yes I'm saying killing mature bucks is too easy. Glorified goats
Catman I have zero issues with, but he called me out so I responded.
Again, lol at your deer hunting comparison. That's good stuff