Harvest numbers info...

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Andy S.":2qadkgdd said:
tn24":2qadkgdd said:
deerfever":2qadkgdd said:
Let's get back to what this is all about! Let me give you some good news 16,958 is now what the harvest report reads ! That's some good numbers and I do believe well ahead of last year. I hope this continues although the weekend looks to be stormy and raining here.
I can"t figure out if the news is good or not. I checked the numbers just now. First I checked the Turkey Harvest Report by County/WMA and it shows the county harvest at 7936. Then I checked the county harvest including WMA and it showed 17062. Then I checked just the WMA harvest and it showed 570. Next I checked the Harvest Biological Data Report statewide and it showed 7877. Does anybody know which one is correct or if any are correct?
Same here tn24. I have run the reports on 4 different computers, with 3 different browsers, and get different numbers each time. I cannot even reproduce the numbers I got on the previous computer/browser, much less have any confidence in what the report says.

Every time I run the report I get the same numbers...basically half of last year. I'm not saying that's correct but it's all I have seen on the reports.
poorhunter":10o1z9sk said:
Every time I run the report I get the same numbers...basically half of last year. I'm not saying that's correct but it's all I have seen on the reports.
On computers, I am getting 7-8k, but on my phone using the TWRA app, I just got 16,292, which is in line with what the TWRA staff has verbally reported to some guys on here who have called them.

tn24":22z23byk said:
The part that really confuses me is if the WMA harvest is 570 how does adding the WMA harvest to the county harvest raise the number over 9000.

Because for some odd reason it has the county broken down into public and private land. If you check the harvest map and click on a county it will break it down. Hence why the number doubles when the WMAs are included. Makes no sense but that's what I figured out.

I just hope the higher number is actually true.

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poorhunter":368yg2dp said:
catman529":368yg2dp said:
REN":368yg2dp said:
wow what the hell happened to this thread lol.
same thing I was thinking. I started this thread to bring something positive to a rather negative attitude regarding the harvest numbers. All it did was fuel the negativity and make things worse. As much as I hate to say it, and I should have realized this a while ago, but Tndeer is not what it used to be. There's a handful of salty old dudes who only want to see the bad in everything and complain about everything and everyone. Throw in the whole conspiracy theory vibe and it's almost laughable. These people and the general attitude I've seen lately has been running the good people off this forum one at a time. I know a bunch of guys who don't post here anymore, a bunch who post a lot less than before, and we all remember BSK and how he got run off a few years ago. It took me a while, but for once I'm realizing why, and I hate to see it happen.

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I try to make it a habit that when someone offers correction to just take it. Even if they're not right. I have said things on this board that I am very confident in that someone or other totally disagrees with and they said so. So what? The idea should be self examination to see if maybe they're right. Folks really need to be able to take correction the right way. When I correct my own children, they oftentimes think they're right and I'm wrong, can you believe it?!? I'm also man enough to realize I am wrong sometimes. I'm also man enough to listen to others even on topics I know a lot about.

Being teachable is an axiom, and part of that is taking other people's advice and considering it, not being offended by it. I just cannot believe I'm reading some of these comments on this (and other threads) about how "butt hurt" someone is just because they gave their advice and opinion. Huh? Then they continue to make it plain by their own comments that they are the ones who are "butt hurt" because someone gave advice. :roll: Just take it.
what are you talking about? This thread has been nothing but a sh*t show. I started it to show that the hunters toolbox is not showing the right numbers and it went south quick. I don't see any advice being given here, I just see bitching and moaning and talking crap about fellow hunters. And some people seem determined to believe the harvest numbers are lower so they can keep bitching about the population. The whole attitude in this forum has been crap lately and it's not the place it used to be where people could actually teach and learn from each other.

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muddyboots":3l2pmv8h said:
It says average weight for juvi is 4 lbs but spur length 1.25. Awesome jakes. Lol
You just never know what kind of data people will enter. The 10% jake harvest tracks with previous years, so that seems believable.
elknturkey":2r29gckp said:
catman529":2r29gckp said:
REN":2r29gckp said:
wow what the hell happened to this thread lol.
same thing I was thinking. I started this thread to bring something positive to a rather negative attitude regarding the harvest numbers. All it did was fuel the negativity and make things worse. As much as I hate to say it, and I should have realized this a while ago, but Tndeer is not what it used to be. There's a handful of salty old dudes who only want to see the bad in everything and complain about everything and everyone. Throw in the whole conspiracy theory vibe and it's almost laughable. These people and the general attitude I've seen lately has been running the good people off this forum one at a time. I know a bunch of guys who don't post here anymore, a bunch who post a lot less than before, and we all remember BSK and how he got run off a few years ago. It took me a while, but for once I'm realizing why, and I hate to see it happen.

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Hang around cat. This just happens to be one of those threads that can get tempers elevated. I'm not even a resident but this is one of the very few forums I visit regularly
it ain't just this thread, it's been ongoing and goes beyond just turkey population issues. Some people are just determined to complain about anything and everything and talk crap about their fellow hunters to the point that you can't hardly keep a decent conversation going anymore. I don't know if I will be hanging around here much anymore. At least not for a while

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catman529":z7rq4vcy said:
I don't see any advice being given here........
Different folks, different strokes. I see a ton of advice, in different flavors from different people, based on their respective experiences over their lifetime. It is sad that some cannot find ANY advice in this entire thread.
catman529":13dzhrz8 said:
elknturkey":13dzhrz8 said:
catman529":13dzhrz8 said:
REN said:
wow what the hell happened to this thread lol.
same thing I was thinking. I started this thread to bring something positive to a rather negative attitude regarding the harvest numbers. All it did was fuel the negativity and make things worse. As much as I hate to say it, and I should have realized this a while ago, but Tndeer is not what it used to be. There's a handful of salty old dudes who only want to see the bad in everything and complain about everything and everyone. Throw in the whole conspiracy theory vibe and it's almost laughable. These people and the general attitude I've seen lately has been running the good people off this forum one at a time. I know a bunch of guys who don't post here anymore, a bunch who post a lot less than before, and we all remember BSK and how he got run off a few years ago. It took me a while, but for once I'm realizing why, and I hate to see it happen.

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Hang around cat. This just happens to be one of those threads that can get tempers elevated. I'm not even a resident but this is one of the very few forums I visit regularly
it ain't just this thread, it's been ongoing and goes beyond just turkey population issues. Some people are just determined to complain about anything and everything and talk crap about their fellow hunters to the point that you can't hardly keep a decent conversation going anymore. I don't know if I will be hanging around here much anymore. At least not for a while

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We need more "women self service product posts" lol.

I will agree it has been a much more serious forum this year for whatever reason. I stopped going in the deer forum years ago due to same direction.

I guess some of us old guys were extra bitter after winter this year hahah. (Including myself in that)

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catman said:
what are you talking about? This thread has been nothing but a sh*t show. I started it to show that the hunters toolbox is not showing the right numbers and it went south quick. I don't see any advice being given here, I just see bitching and moaning and talking crap about fellow hunters. And some people seem determined to believe the harvest numbers are lower so they can keep bitching about the population. The whole attitude in this forum has been crap lately and it's not the place it used to be where people could actually teach and learn from each other.

Sorry, I totally disagree that there's no advice on this thread or this forum. I do not take it like "talking crap about other hunters". Perspective.

As far as I'm concerned you can go join BSK. This site would be the worse if you got fed up and left like he did, just like this site is the worse because he left. You both can take your advice and experience and wisdom and keep it to yourself or your chosen few who aren't willing to challenge you if that's what you want. If you can't take some heat that's a you problem, even if the heat is not warranted or correct.
-On a desktop (I'm using a Mac) and. In the toolbox web page scroll down to the bottom and click on "game check harvest results by map"

-click your dates and species
-a statewide map will load

-click on a county, I choose Dickson, notice how it breaks it down into public and private? There is the approx 50% discrepancy

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catman529":2dr879cj said:
elknturkey":2dr879cj said:
REN":2dr879cj said:
wow what the hell happened to this thread lol.
same thing I was thinking. I started this thread to bring something positive to a rather negative attitude regarding the harvest numbers. All it did was fuel the negativity and make things worse. As much as I hate to say it, and I should have realized this a while ago, but Tndeer is not what it used to be. There's a handful of salty old dudes who only want to see the bad in everything and complain about everything and everyone. Throw in the whole conspiracy theory vibe and it's almost laughable. These people and the general attitude I've seen lately has been running the good people off this forum one at a time. I know a bunch of guys who don't post here anymore, a bunch who post a lot less than before, and we all remember BSK and how he got run off a few years ago. It took me a while, but for once I'm realizing why, and I hate to see it happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
Hang around cat. This just happens to be one of those threads that can get tempers elevated. I'm not even a resident but this is one of the very few forums I visit regularly
it ain't just this thread, it's been ongoing and goes beyond just turkey population issues. Some people are just determined to complain about anything and everything and talk crap about their fellow hunters to the point that you can't hardly keep a decent conversation going anymore. I don't know if I will be hanging around here much anymore. At least not for a while

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]

I'm taking this as a shot at me. Let me be clear I make zero apologies for standing up for the tradition of turkey hunting as well as the population and future of this sport

Too many dickbags these days are simply looking for the easiest kill possible. They don't want to hunt they want to only kill. I will never be okay with this and will always speak my mind against this awful mentality

Our sport is sick, it has a disease. The disease is plastic turkeys, tents, and long range sniping and the quality of hunter that's infiltrating to the detriment of the sport

There are too many spineless or naive hunters that turn a blind eye in the name of if it's legal it's cool. That's garbage and I'm not that guy.
catman529":1tuq5zgd said:
....I started it to show that the hunters toolbox is not showing the right numbers and it went south quick. I don't see any advice being given here, I just see bitching and moaning and talking crap about fellow hunters. And some people seem determined to believe the harvest numbers are lower so they can keep bitching about the population. The whole attitude in this forum has been crap lately and it's not the place it used to be where people could actually teach and learn from each other.

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I've already mentioned it to you, not sure if you read it amongst everything else or not but the hunters tool box is 100% the same exact data that TWRA has access too. Nobody has any other secret data, unless TWRA has recently changed things.

The discrepancy is the issue now, at least for me. I really want to believe the number is 17,000 killed so far but the way it's broken down is simply wrong.

So my advice would be TWRA needs to seriously get the data set fixed. Because the numbers are not accurate and anyone else reading them needs to realize something is wrong.

Oh and the population is declining, at least every biologist would say so.

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poorhunter":2cpnjry8 said:
Also, disagreement does not equal hate.

I'm blaming Obama for this one. Up until he ran this joint we could have all kinds of disagreements, debates, etc. Then "tolerance" got redefined.

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I've stayed out of this one for 2 reasons.....

First, I didnt believe the hunters toolbox numbers were correct. There's no way harvest would drop 50% in one year. I was expecting a 10% decline this year.

Second, I'm lucky enough not to have to hunt public land, so I don't have skin in the game (though I am researching one of the WMAs in south Alabama and planning on hunting it next spring). That being said, I surely wouldn't bring other camera crews into my honey holes on public land.

I've seen how honeyholes out west for elk were ruined by a couple loose lips, both on internet forums as well as videos.

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poorhunter":1jdqf47d said:
catman529":1jdqf47d said:
REN":1jdqf47d said:
wow what the hell happened to this thread lol.
same thing I was thinking. I started this thread to bring something positive to a rather negative attitude regarding the harvest numbers. All it did was fuel the negativity and make things worse. As much as I hate to say it, and I should have realized this a while ago, but Tndeer is not what it used to be. There's a handful of salty old dudes who only want to see the bad in everything and complain about everything and everyone. Throw in the whole conspiracy theory vibe and it's almost laughable. These people and the general attitude I've seen lately has been running the good people off this forum one at a time. I know a bunch of guys who don't post here anymore, a bunch who post a lot less than before, and we all remember BSK and how he got run off a few years ago. It took me a while, but for once I'm realizing why, and I hate to see it happen.

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I try to make it a habit that when someone offers correction to just take it. Even if they're not right. I have said things on this board that I am very confident in that someone or other totally disagrees with and they said so. So what? The idea should be self examination to see if maybe they're right. Folks really need to be able to take correction the right way. When I correct my own children, they oftentimes think they're right and I'm wrong, can you believe it?!? I'm also man enough to realize I am wrong sometimes. I'm also man enough to listen to others even on topics I know a lot about.

Being teachable is an axiom, and part of that is taking other people's advice and considering it, not being offended by it. I just cannot believe I'm reading some of these comments on this (and other threads) about how "butt hurt" someone is just because they gave their advice and opinion. Huh? Then they continue to make it plain by their own comments that they are the ones who are "butt hurt" because someone gave advice. :roll: Just take it.

What went on in this thread was not about giving someone advice. It became more or less just one dude after another piling on someone for reasons that had nothing to do with the topic at hand. I think people just don't agree with his opinions on the turkey population and they took other avenues to bring that person down. His name was smeared for 4 pages. This wasn't some argument. He didn't even comment on it but it kept on. I am not taking any advice from anyone that does that. Would you?
REN":2qo0rcp1 said:
wow what the hell happened to this thread lol.
same thing I was thinking. I started this thread to bring something positive to a rather negative attitude regarding the harvest numbers. All it did was fuel the negativity and make things worse. As much as I hate to say it, and I should have realized this a while ago, but Tndeer is not what it used to be. There's a handful of salty old dudes who only want to see the bad in everything and complain about everything and everyone. Throw in the whole conspiracy theory vibe and it's almost laughable. These people and the general attitude I've seen lately has been running the good people off this forum one at a time. I know a bunch of guys who don't post here anymore, a bunch who post a lot less than before, and we all remember BSK and how he got run off a few years ago. It took me a while, but for once I'm realizing why, and I hate to see it happen.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]Hang around cat. This just happens to be one of those threads that can get tempers elevated. I'm not even a resident but this is one of the very few forums I visit regularly[/quote] it ain't just this thread, it's been ongoing and goes beyond just turkey population issues. Some people are just determined to complain about anything and everything and talk crap about their fellow hunters to the point that you can't hardly keep a decent conversation going anymore. I don't know if I will be hanging around here much anymore. At least not for a while

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro[/quote]

I'm taking this as a shot at me. Let me be clear I make zero apologies for standing up for the tradition of turkey hunting as well as the population and future of this sport

Too many dickbags these days are simply looking for the easiest kill possible. They don't want to hunt they want to only kill. I will never be okay with this and will always speak my mind against this awful mentality

Our sport is sick, it has a disease. The disease is plastic turkeys, tents, and long range sniping and the quality of hunter that's infiltrating to the detriment of the sport

There are too many spineless or naive hunters that turn a blind eye in the name of if it's legal it's cool. That's garbage and I'm not that guy.[/quote]

Dang man, since all these things are a disease and a crutch to turkey hunting I sure hope that you are a "traditional" deer hunter! I mean do you use a tree stand? Camo? A scope? GPS or weather app? Trail camera? I mean obviously with all your hunting superiority you wouldnt need anything besides a 30-30 with open sights and some plaid pants. Or is it ok to "ruin" something with a "disease" and use "crutches" so long as it isn't turkey?
Pretty certain catman hasn't appologized for anything either and nor should he. He has, from what I have seen, hunted ethically and tried to bring new people into the sport and teach people.
BTW the turkey population is going down. I don't need 48 reports from the TWRA website to confirm that. I see it on my own land. With that said, a video on a WMA isn't the death knell that yall are looking for.
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