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Food Plots Now, just need that rain


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2015
West Tennessee
Old clover plot needed redone. Last time I planted it was right after my mother passed away in 2017, and with health issues and life, I let it get out of hand. Sprayed it with gly and 2 4d last week. Would like for it have been a little more brown, but went on and burned off what would burn yesterday to try to expedite prep, most of it did burn.


Tilled this morning. I usually like to use Pennington's wintergrazer rye grain with clovers, but have to order that from CPS, and I didn't get an order in this year. So instead went with 50lbs of co-op's forager wheat and about 15 lbs of domain forage oats mixed in. Do have one corner I need to go back and fill in, ran out in the spreader.

Broadcast pelletized lime and 6-12-12, then came back and rolled/packed with my little Kubota. Plan to hand spin about 12-15 lbs of variety of bagged perennial clover mixes tomorrow if I can get out in the morning between rain.
With the Army Worms invading TN again this year, you'll be glad you didn't plant the rye. Army Worms will clean out the rye before moving to the wheat/oats.
We got .4 in yesterday. Drilled 3ac into cut corn today and ground had just enough moisture left for the blades to cut well.

Redrilled another 2 acres that completely failed, and drilling the last 10 acres that haven't been planted yet this year. Plus layered down another 300lbs of cereal rye in plots that were drilled 10d ago and didn't get any rain from the last tropical storm
Got all my seeding finished today. 700 lbs of wheat seed broadcast.

I'm thrilled with the germination I'm seeing from what I planted just before the last hurricane came through.
Looking good! How many acres you working with again for food plots? I planted our last 4 acres yesterday and then we got an inch of rain right after. Very thankful!
Had some light drizzle yesterday, but no real rain. Weather underground has changed a couple times since yesterday morning. When I looked last night they had over 4 inches forecast for tomorrow, now they have backed down to 2.75, but between tonight through Sunday should get plenty to get this plot going and should help my smaller fall plot and my pastures as well.

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