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Food Plots Rain

It was an experimental year for me. For my biggest plot I rototilled with the tractor in early June and planted corn, cow peas, brassicas, clovers, pumpkins, and sorghum. Everything popped but deer have destroyed corn, peas, and pumpkins. Clovers, brassicas, and sorghum are still doing great. Sorghum has big heads but still green and nothing eating it yet. Today I broadcast more clover, radishes, winter peas and oats into it. Ten minutes later it came a downpour!

My other two plots didn't get tilled. I broadcast clovers, radishes, winter peas, and oats into them and mowed. Will broadcast more cereal grain closer to October, probably wheat or rye. Looking pretty optimistic so far.
About the time it was looking like it was going to hit us, it just vanished. We got about 10 drops the last 2 days. Those that plant early need to do some major rain dances it looks like.
Just my luck. Parting like the Red Sea. 🤦🏻‍♂️
Not a drop in southern Wayne/Hardin and none in forecast for weeks. Have seed laying under thatch on a few plots waiting.😕 Had to do something as leaving for a month or so in WY in a few weeks. Things starting to stack up...
Not a drop in southern Wayne/Hardin 😕
Missed us too in McNairy. I woke up around 3 am Sat morning and looked at radar. It showed a big storm coming through about daylight. I got up and went outside and backed my trailer and golf cart back into the shop to keep all my stuff from getting soaked. Guess I'll take the blame for us missing out on that rain!
No bowhunterfanatic, blame me. I planted. Got nothing. Nothing in the forecast. Looks like a big zero for me on the food plots. Will have to replant, but now have very heavy thatch down. Doubt seed will make it to the ground.

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