Seek One knocks down a TN stud!!

Food sells hunting. General public thinks that we are just feeding ourselves and kids and support for the sport will skyrocket.

With all the social media and YouTube showing guys loosing there minds every time they shoot a deer (mostly for show btw) and we are all just bloodthirsty rednecks looking for antler.
Hunting was, and could be again, much more palatable to the general public before/without social media. Are we really eating our own? Or, just feeding the beast with likes and subscribes?
Excellent point! Prior to social media, hunters had to purchase magazines and videos to obtain hunting content. Anti-hunters likely did not purchase these as there was no interest. Fast forward to today and smart technology and "related" search capabilities. Anti-hunter Karen gets on YouTube and searches how to attract deer to her back yard…. She watches a video or 2 and then next up is sneakone video setting up a hunting blind adjacent to a neighborhood driveway 30 yards from a house. The anti-hunters get free unsolicited hunting content that can fuel their hate for hunting. This leads to negative hunting comments online, complaining to HOA and the city/county govt. Not that I care what these people think, but if there is enough complaining and money involved, laws can get changed. The neighborhood videos are not going to help any of our hunting opportunities, but they have the possibility of hurting them down the road.
Do you hunt turkeys in Tn? If so, thank them for your later season and reduced bag limits.
They promoted a declining population for personal gain and now everyone loses opportunity. I doubt THP comes back to TN to hunt in future. Why pay $308 for less opportunity. I can't see why some defend these actions. At the end of the day these guys don't care if more people enter the woods of not as long as they hit the like and subscribe button. It amazes me how many people who despise them still watch the videos…….
Bag limits are needed. One of the biggest problems I think
As I have mentioned before, it is puzzling when someone works so hard to find/scout a place to hunt then to pimp it out on social media, only to make the hunting harder for themselves by creating more pressure and less opportunity.
That's what I don't understand either.
Guess they never heard about "loose lips" 🤷‍♂️
I woke up this morning and still have never liked or subscribed to a YT channel ever once in my life :D

Guess I'm still living in the old days lol.
I have a few that I watch, alot of times for just "white noise" while I work.
You would enjoy some of them.

Only thing I don't like about @catman529 is he don't put out enough content. LOL

Most of mine are fishing related though.
I have a few that I watch, alot of times for just "white noise" while I work.
You would enjoy some of them.

Only thing I don't like about @catman529 is he don't put out enough content. LOL

Most of mine are fishing related though.
I need to get on there and check some out but just never have. Need to catch up on catman's stuff really.
I woke up this morning and still have never liked or subscribed to a YT channel ever once in my life :D

Guess I'm still living in the old days lol.
I have a few that I watch, alot of times for just "white noise" while I work.
You would enjoy some of them.

Only thing I don't like about @catman529 is he don't put out enough content. LOL

Most of mine are fishing related though.
Catman is the only one I'm subscribed to. Don't have enough time as it is.
YouTube has been demonitizing anything they don't agree with forever. A lot of the stuff they banned or demonitized was a lot more important than hunting videos.
I can't not believe…well yes I can! All the hate…no jealousy because SeekOne kills bigger deer than y'all lol! If you want to hunt big ones stop shooting 3 year olds and let them get to maturity!
Is it really that hard to understand that it's not jealousy over the size of the deer but the method he killed it? I've only seen joy/excitement when someone kills a good deer. If that deer died in the wrong persons front yard, it further demonizes hunting.
Apparently it is for fanboys.
I don't know how many times I've said if they wasn't in it for monetary gain and social media likes I wouldn't have a problem with it. Apparently being a fanboy comes with the inability to read and comprehend or maybe blindness.🤷‍♂️